

(Non-European Myth & Legend) having a resemblance to a phoenix in the sense of re-emerging and beginning again
(Non-European Myth & Legend) in a re-emerging and rejuvenated manner like that of a phoenix
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The rest of us can only hope that something better will arise, phoenixlike, from this Brexit bonfire of our democracy.
The 27-year-old believes that team morale has been a key aspect of their phoenixlike recovery after failing to win in their 20 outings this season.
In drawing on the resources of his social network and in commemorating those ties via an act of phoenixlike destruction and regeneration, Ajemian invokes most obviously Robert Rauschenberg's Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953.
With a phoenixlike turnaround, the revamped 2014 Chevrolet Impala has changed the landscape of Consumer Reports ratings by earning the top spot overall for all sedans -- and taking a position that has been held by Japanese and European models for at least the last 20 years.
The general consensus regarding last year's phoenixlike rebirth of Brecon Jazz was very positive and the Hay Festival is now overseeing matters and imparting a fresh booking approach.
Every day we are titillated by yet another revelation of executives who depart from organisations under investigation, then enjoy a candle-lit dinner with the powerful and emerge sanitised and phoenixlike with the reward of a "grace and favour" appointment within the corridors of power.
However, with gold providing the financial base to rebuild, the new town, rising phoenixlike from the ashes of the old, was constructed of brick and stone, and its Victorian elegance determined the architectural pattern for today's community.
Every time metaphysics has been declared dead, it arises phoenixlike from its own ashes.
But as soon as more vehicles pass, the ridges, phoenixlike, return.
Phoenixlike, us workers had risen from apparent slumber to a place of social importance, irritating those in power, through a concerted and mostly bottom-up rebellion against their oppression.
THE symbol of the ECHO's Stop the Rot campaign has risen phoenixlike from the ashes of demolition.