
Also found in: Medical.


n, pl -mies
(Surgery) surgical incision into the pharynx
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Classic approaches include lateral pharyngotomy or direct suspension microlaryngoscopy.
Choi, "Larynx-preserving partial pharyngectomy via lateral pharyngotomy for the treatment of small (T1~2) hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma," Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, vol.
Other approaches are transmandibular approach, lateral pharyngotomy approach and suprahyoid approach for large lingual thyroids.
A median pharyngotomy is created after dissecting off the suprahyoid musculature.
However, submandibular, suprahyoid pharyngotomy and transhyoid approaches have been used for schwannomas at the tongue base that are deemed difficult to approach transorally.
Depending on site and size of tumor, three types of external approaches are used like Laryngofissure, lateral pharyngotomy and sub-hyoid pharyngotomy.
Several other approaches have also been reported to have success including submandibular (11), suprahyoid pharyngotomy (12), and transhyoid (13) approaches.
(14) However, an open technique can be used if desired--for example, when a total laryngectomy is performed in the standard fashion and the open pharyngotomy is retracted into the jaws of the stapling device prior to activation.
Several other approaches have also been reported to have success including submandibular 11, suprahyoid pharyngotomy (20), and transhyoid (21) approaches.
Following preoperative preparation, the lesion was excised via a median pharyngotomy approach.
Several approaches to excising a schwannoma are available, including direct laryngoscopy with conventional instruments or a C[O.sub.2] laser, the transhyoid approach, the laryngofissure approach, and the lateral pharyngotomy approach.