peyote button

Related to peyote button: Peyote cactus

peyote button

One of the buttonlike tubercles of the peyote plant that contain mescaline and are chewed or ingested for their hallucinogenic effects. Also called mescal button.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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A finely rendered demon with what appears to be a peyote button for a head mounts a pneumatic succubus, the latter in ecstasy, her back arched, her forked tongue flicking out.
The top is cut off and dried and is sometimes referred to as a peyote button. It may be chewed, made into a tea, or ground into granular form and, with the addition of water, ingested during peyote services.
The meeting began when the Roadman placed his Father Peyote (a large peyote button) on the crescent moon altar, then arranged his ritual paraphernalia close to him.
I will find you now in the leaves and in the sunsets, Yes, and in the saxophones and peyote buttons Wherever God and Nature make it quietly together And the murderous squares don't try to stop their experience.
So, I washed down three peyote buttons with a pint of 151 and had a vision (no doubt, you say?) of the future of skateboarding.
It's usually at this age that Catholics are confirmed, Jews are mitzvah'd, techies read Ayn Rand, and the lucky tribes get the peyote buttons.
The dry pieces, known as peyote buttons or mescal buttons, are chewed, or they may by ground and macerated with water to extract the active substance, mescaline.
Believing himself to be embarking on a sacred mission (fired by numerous peyote buttons), Smith did not even bother getting permission from the rightful owners of the songs, much less the artists or their estates.