personal stereo
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Related to personal stereo: CD player
personal stereo
(Electronics) a very small audio cassette player designed to be worn attached to a belt and used with lightweight headphones
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ستيريو شَخْصي، ووكْمانستيريو صَغِير
osobni stereo
휴대 스테레오
kişisel müzik çalarvolkmen
máy nghe nhạc cá nhân
personal stereo
n → walkman ® m invCollins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈpəːsn) – plural people (ˈpiːpl) ˈpersons – noun1. a human being. There's a person outside who wants to speak to you.
2. a person's body. He never carried money on his person (= with him; in his pockets etc).
ˈpersonal adjective1. one's own. This is his personal opinion; The matter will have my personal attention.
2. private. This is a personal matter between him and me.
3. in person. The Prime Minister will make a personal appearance.
4. (making remarks which are) insulting, especially about a person's appearance etc. personal remarks; Don't be personal!
ˌpersoˈnality – plural persoˈnalities – noun1. a person's characteristics (of the mind, the emotions etc) as a whole. a likeable / forceful (= strong) personality.
2. strong, distinctive (usually attractive) character. She is not beautiful but she has a lot of personality.
3. a well-known person. a television personality; (also adjective) a personality cult (= very great, usually too great, admiration for a person, usually a political leader).
ˈpersonally adverb1. in one's own opinion. Personally, I prefer the other.
2. doing something oneself, not having or letting someone else do it on one's behalf. He thanked me personally.
ˌpersonal comˈputer noun (also PC) a small computer that can be used independently by an individual user for word-processing, games, e-mail, storage of information. etc.
personal pronoun a pronoun which refers to the first, second or third persons. I am going; He hit her; She saw you.
ˌpersonal ˈstereo noun (also Walkman®) a small (radio and) cassette player with headphones that enables the person wearing it to listen to music while walking etc.
ˌpersonal ˌwatercraft noun a small boat for one or two people that is ridden like a motorcycle.
in person personally; one's self, not represented by someone else. The Queen was there in person; I'd like to thank him in person.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
personal stereo
→ ستيريو صَغِير walkman walkman Walkman® φορητό στερεοφωνικό reproductor portátil, walkman korvalappustereot baladeur osobni stereo walkman パーソナルステレオ 휴대 스테레오 draagbare muziekspeler bærbar CD-spiller przenośny odtwarzacz muzyczny aparelhagem, toca-fitas индивидуальный стереопроигрыватель freestyle สเตอริโอส่วนตัว kişisel müzik çalar máy nghe nhạc cá nhân 随身听Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009