personal stereo

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Related to personal stereo: CD player

personal stereo

(Electronics) a very small audio cassette player designed to be worn attached to a belt and used with lightweight headphones
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ستيريو شَخْصي، ووكْمانستيريو صَغِير
osobni stereo
휴대 스테레오
máy nghe nhạc cá nhân

personal stereo

nwalkman ® m inv
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈpəːsn) plural people (ˈpiːpl) ˈpersons noun
1. a human being. There's a person outside who wants to speak to you.
2. a person's body. He never carried money on his person (= with him; in his pockets etc).
ˈpersonal adjective
1. one's own. This is his personal opinion; The matter will have my personal attention.
2. private. This is a personal matter between him and me.
3. in person. The Prime Minister will make a personal appearance.
4. (making remarks which are) insulting, especially about a person's appearance etc. personal remarks; Don't be personal!
ˌpersoˈnalityplural persoˈnalities noun
1. a person's characteristics (of the mind, the emotions etc) as a whole. a likeable / forceful (= strong) personality.
2. strong, distinctive (usually attractive) character. She is not beautiful but she has a lot of personality.
3. a well-known person. a television personality; (also adjective) a personality cult (= very great, usually too great, admiration for a person, usually a political leader).
ˈpersonally adverb
1. in one's own opinion. Personally, I prefer the other.
2. doing something oneself, not having or letting someone else do it on one's behalf. He thanked me personally.
ˌpersonal comˈputer noun
(also PC) a small computer that can be used independently by an individual user for word-processing, games, e-mail, storage of information. etc.
personal pronoun
a pronoun which refers to the first, second or third persons. I am going; He hit her; She saw you.
ˌpersonal ˈstereo noun
(also Walkman®) a small (radio and) cassette player with headphones that enables the person wearing it to listen to music while walking etc.
ˌpersonal ˌwatercraft noun
a small boat for one or two people that is ridden like a motorcycle.
in person
personally; one's self, not represented by someone else. The Queen was there in person; I'd like to thank him in person.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

personal stereo

ستيريو صَغِير walkman walkman Walkman® φορητό στερεοφωνικό reproductor portátil, walkman korvalappustereot baladeur osobni stereo walkman パーソナルステレオ 휴대 스테레오 draagbare muziekspeler bærbar CD-spiller przenośny odtwarzacz muzyczny aparelhagem, toca-fitas индивидуальный стереопроигрыватель freestyle สเตอริโอส่วนตัว kişisel müzik çalar máy nghe nhạc cá nhân 随身听
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
On July 1,1979, Sony introduced the Walkman, the first truly personal stereo. Do you know how it came about?
It becomes clear when it is considered their attitudes in varied situations of sound exposure [9,10], thus, it is important to perform researches about teenagers personal stereo users [11,12].
The personal stereo (1980) Tomorrow's World was the first to predict how these would change the way we listen to music.
British Gas home |service adviser Nicola Brown helps some of the 200 entrants who took part in a balloon race from the High Street gas showrooms in Huddersfield to raise money for the bodyscanner appeal -with a personal stereo for the winner.
Increasingly complex ranges of computer consoles and games were growing in popularity and in the latter part of the decade, teenagers may have received a personal stereo more often known as a Walkman.
Only then the Sony Walkman came along, which was brilliantly compact, and my personal stereo looked like something on loan from Beamish.
Not long ago I watched a cyclist, wearing a personal stereo, speed round a corner, straight across a pelican crossing and almost flatten a pedestrian who was crossing with the lights in his favour.
"Our findings do not mean that people should not be concerned about exposure to loud sounds, such as those from personal stereo devices, live music concerts, or gunfire," indicates Schlauch.
It sounds like some sort of personal stereo system..
I-deck Personal Stereo Companion's compact Hi-Fi two-way speakers allow iPod enthusiasts to enhance their MP3 listening experience.
And until then, he's got an advance copy of her new album Tissues and Issues on his personal stereo.
Capable of storing up to 10,000 downloaded songs it is the logical extension of the cassette-playing personal stereo.