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Related to pedestrianized: Pedestrianised


tr.v. pe·des·tri·an·ized, pe·des·tri·an·iz·ing, pe·des·tri·an·iz·es
To convert (a street) into a mall or pedestrian walkway.

pe·des′tri·an·i·za′tion (-ə-nĭ-zā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(pɪˈdɛstrɪəˌnaɪzd) or


(Civil Engineering) (of a street, area, etc) converted into an area for the use of pedestrians only, by excluding all motor vehicles
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
změněný na pěší zónu
forbeholdt fodgængere
kävelyalueeksi muutettu
pretvoren u pješačku zonu
보행자 전용의
omgjord till gågata
chỉ dành cho người đi bộ


[pəˈdɛstriənaɪzd] pedestrianised (British) adj
a pedestrianized street → une rue piétonnepedestrian mall n (US)zone f piétonnepedestrian precinct (British) pedestrian zone (US) nzone f piétonnepedestrian traffic npassage m des piétons
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


مُحَوِّل إِلَى مِنْطَقَةِ مَشَاةٍ změněný na pěší zónu forbeholdt fodgængere in eine Fußgängerzone umwandeln πεζοδρομημένος convertido en zona peatonal, peatonalizado kävelyalueeksi muutettu piétonnier pretvoren u pješačku zonu per pedoni 歩行者専用になった 보행자 전용의 verkeersvrij gjort om til gågate zamknięty dla ruchu kołowego convertido em calçadão, pedonal пешеходный omgjord till gågata ที่สำหรับคนเดินโดยไม่มีรถ yayalara ayrılmış chỉ dành cho người đi bộ 行人专用区的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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The area which the incident occurred is near Pitt Street Mall, a pedestrianized shopping district and main tourist draw in Sydney.
In the "Cholakovtsi" panel, large street repairs were made, more than 2000 trees and bushes were planted, the pedestrianized connection with the Buzludja neighborhood was repaired.
Shopping galore -- the city's pedestrianized shopping area around the main high street 'Zeil' is a stress-free experience for young and old and offers a great variety of shops and department stores.
It is also home to the city's main commercial artery -- Istiklal Avenue, a wide pedestrianized thoroughfare that stretches from the steep cobbled gradients of Galata to the vast open space of Taksim Square.
Lawyer Guiller Asido, IA administrator, said the whole stretch of General Luna Street will be "pedestrianized" or restricted to pedestrians to make way for the Stations of the Cross from Maundy Thursday to Black Saturday.
The reimagined public space would run from the newly pedestrianized middle level of the cantilever to a deck over the Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens trench to an upgraded pedestrian bridge and new park in Red Hook.
If the initiative succeeds, Friends of Pearl Drive is hoping that the road could someday be the first completely pedestrianized street in the capital, complete with a linear park.
Some renderings for the district show that portions of streets could be pedestrianized, while mixed-use high-rises would be built along those corridors.
The retail, F&B, office space and residential areas are pixelated and the architectural section of the development offers a completely pedestrianized, active, ground-level experience.
in urbanism, with the first pedestrianized areas and a better subway system, and in cultural life, with a number of theatrical, musical, and cinematic events.
It's is located down a pedestrianized alley, so you need to be on foot t0 find it, but the reward is an excellent little restaurant which serves up decent sushi, bento boxes, noodles, and, of course, a decent range of traditional Bubble Teas.