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n. panículo, capa de tejido adiposo;
___ adiposus___ adiposo;
___ carnosus___ carnoso.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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After all subjects were euthanized, incisions were made at recipient site, dissection was performed, and fat grafts were accessed through panniculus tissue.
A full thick excision wounds of 5 mm in diameter were made on the dorsal skin (including epidermis, dermis, sub cutaneous fat and the underlying panniculus carnosus) using a sterile biopsy punch (Chen et al., 2015).
Patients must also show that the panniculus (tissue layer) is mainly skin and that it hangs below the pelvis when standing.
The burned areas were excised by the inclusion of 2 cm of normal skin and its panniculus carnosus surrounding the area.
The worst place for such incisions is in the crease above the pubis and below the panniculus. Invariably, this area remains moist and macerated, especially in obese patients, thus providing a fertile breeding ground for bacteria.
Rod Kunynetz's stomach or abdominal panniculus was often referenced throughout the investigation as his "abdominal fat pad."
Panniculus and interdigital reflexes were normal and the rectal temperature was 39.5[degrees]C.
Though extravascular calcification can be seen in the panniculus, it's not uncommon also to see intravascular calcification, said Dr.
The panniculus carnosus muscle and overlying skin (23.5 [+ or -] 1.1 mm in length and 14.9 [+ or -] 0.7 mm in width) were removed [7].
These wounds measured 2.0 x 2.0 cm and were produced under sterile conditions by excising skin, subcutaneous tissue, and panniculus carnosus.