

the head of an ox
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Participants in Chowder Fest include Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, Tantasqua Regional High School in Fiskdale; Zorba's Pizzeria & Tavern, The Overlook and Yankee Diner, all in Charlton; Chili's in Auburn; Eller's Restaurant and Twisted Fork Restaurant, both in Cherry Valley; Fins & Tales, Dark Horse Tavern and Alexander's Golden Greek Restaurant, all in Southbridge; Rovezzi's Ristorante, the Publick House, the Oxhead Tavern and Old Sturbridge Village, all in Sturbridge; the Lobster Nook in Webster; and Kindred Living in Westboro.
According to the police report, Sturbridge police were called Saturday night to the Oxhead Tavern on Route 20 near the pond on a report of a drunk man wearing a cowboy hat and a red shirt.
Participants: Avellino, Cedar Street Grille, The Duck, Oliver Wight Tavern at Old Sturbridge Village, The Oxhead Tavern, The Publick House, Rovezzi's Ristorante, Sturbridge Seafood and the Vienna Restaurant, all in Sturbridge; Fins & Tales in Southbridge; Salem Cross Inn in West Brookfield; Zorba's Pizzeria Tavern in Charlton.
Participants in Sturbridge: Avellino, dinner only; Cedar Street Grille; The Duck; Oliver Wight Tavern at Old Sturbridge Village, lunch only; The Oxhead Tavern; The Publick House Historic Inn; Rovezzi's Ristorante, dinner only.
Participating restaurants are Avellino, Cedar Street Grille, The Duck, Fins & Tales, Five Loaves Bakery, Oliver Wight Tavern at Old Sturbridge Village, The OxHead Tavern, Publick House Historic Inn, Rovezzi's Ristorante, Salem Cross Inn, Veritas, and Zorba's Pizzeria & Tavern.
Participants in the event: Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, Plouffe's Yankee Diner, the Overlook and Zorba's Pizzeria & Tavern, all in Charlton; Keefe Technical High School in Framingham; Tantasqua Regional High School in Fiskdale; Oxhead Tavern, Sturbridge Host Hotel and the Publick House, all in Sturbridge; Buck's Roadside BBQ and Chili's Restaurant, both in Auburn; the Twisted Fork and Eller's Restaurant, both in Cherry Valley; Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill in Oxford; the Black Sheep Tavern in Sterling; Tweed's and Park Grill & Spirits, both in Worcester.
Participating restaurants in Sturbridge: Cedar Street Grille, The Copper Stallion, Oliver Wight Tavern at Old Sturbridge Village (lunch only), the Oxhead Tavern, the Publick House Historic Inn and Rovezzi's Ristorante (dinner only).
Keefe Technical High School in Framingham; Tantasqua Regional High School in Fiskdale; Oxhead Tavern, Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, Rovezzi's Ristorante and B.T.'s Smokehouse, all in Sturbridge; The Black Sheep Tavern in Sterling; Eller's Restaurant and Uncle Jay's Twisted Fork, both in Cherry Valley; the Overlook, The Yankee Diner and Zorba's Pizzeria & Tavern, all in Charlton; Chili's Restaurant and Buck's Roadside BBQ, both in Auburn; Big Joe's and Tweed's, both in Worcester; Route 56 Roadside Bar & Grill in Oxford.
Participants: Oliver Wight Tavern and Bullard Tavern at Old Sturbridge Village; Cedar Street Grille, Oxhead Tavern and the Publick House and Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, all in Sturbridge; Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center in Southbridge and Zorba's Pizzeria and Tavern in Charlton.
If you feel like dancing at the waterfront, the Oxhead Tavern at the Sturbridge Host Hotel is the place to be on a weekend night.
Participants: Biagio's Grille, Brown Square Civic Club, Big Joe's, Tweed's Pub Restaurant, Smokestack Urban Barbecue and Jopa's Webster House Restaurant, all in Worcester; Black Sheep Tavern in Sterling; Eller's Restaurant in Cherry Valley; Route 56 Roadhouse in North Oxford; The Overlook and Zorba's restaurant, both in Charlton; Market Basket supermarket and the Whistle Stop Bar & Grill, both in Oxford; Oxhead Tavern, Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center and Tantasqua Regional Senior High School, all in Sturbridge; Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston; Chili's Grill & Bar in Auburn, and the JT team of Jim and Terry Palmer.
The Oxhead Tavern is like an island where the natural ambiance has evolved separately from that of the nearby coast.