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1. origin.
2. original.
3. originally.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Ond am nad oedd o'n cymryd ei hun ormod o ddifri, mi roedd gan Orig "El Bandito" Williams hyder cwbl naturiol.
Moye; buyer, Banterra Bank; Mortgages Lots 3 & 4 Blk 20 Orig Survey Village of Ridgway.
Based on Orig's life, the album takes the listener on a sonic journey of Orig's life, from the 'golden pavements' of Ysbyty Ifan to the rumbles in the Calabar jungle, Nigeria.
I.N.C Women's Zitah Rhinestone Pointed Toe Pumps, $53.25 (orig. $89.50); (https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=93xLBvPhAeE&mid=3184&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.macys.com%2Fshop%2Fproduct%2Fi.n.c.-womens-zitah-rhinestone-pointed-toe-pumps-created-for-macys%3FID%3D1652393&u1=PEO%2CShopping%3AAllAboutKateMiddleton%27sLatestOutfits%E2%80%94andHowYouCanGettheLookYourself%2Cdianapearltimeinc%2CUnc%2CGal%2C5592319%2C201902%2CI) macys.com
According to Orig, the DAR approval is the only item pending before the primary construction activities can occur.
Orig said the company hopes to generate 200 megawatts of power sources from the proposed project.
The one we're building [can generate] 300 MW, but the entire place can be expanded to add up to another 300 MW," Orig explained, adding that the company would remain "open to considering all opportunities."
Yn y rhaglen ddogfen emosiynol hon cawn ddysgu am deithiau reslo Orig o amgylch y byd ac am ei anturiaethau fel pel-droediwr a rheolwr llwyddiannus.
Print-on-demand publisher; Wolfe's novel orig. published 1940.
other na na 13 0.2% Orig. proceedings (2) 70 1.9% 148 2.2% U.S.