old stager

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old stager

a person with experience; old hand
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.old stager - an experienced person who has been through many battlesold stager - an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service
expert - a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
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References in classic literature ?
I wasn't the steady old stager I am now, Bunny; my analysis was a confession in itself.
"As I've said already, Bunny, I wasn't the old stager that I am now--in any respect--and we parted good enough friends.
The proposal was seductive, but La Ramee was an old stager, acquainted with all the traps a prisoner was likely to set.
"Why, how could you make such a mistake -- such an old stager?"
"They will form themselves there," said the old stager with a quiet smile.
He did his best, flying here and there, placing them in rows and showing them the tricks; he had never given an order in his life before, but he had taken enough of them to know, and he soon fell into the spirit of it, and roared and stormed like any old stager. He had not the most tractable pupils, however.
Some old stagers held back so that they might be seen by the physician himself, but they seldom succeeded in this; and only three or four, whose condition seemed to demand his attention, were kept.
There was a sound representative assortment of quite young Old Boys, to whom ours was a prehistoric time, and in the trough of their modem chaff and chat we old stagers might well have been left far astern of the fun.
On this occasion they departed by twos and threes, most of them agreeing in favor of Rabourdin; while the old stagers, like Monsieur Clergeot, shook their heads and said, "Habent sua sidera lites." Saillard and Baudoyer were politely avoided, for nobody knew what to say to them about La Billardiere's death, it being fully understood that Baudoyer wanted the place, though it was certainly not due to him.
Mr Byard takes photos of them when he takes them for walks before he opens the antiques centre, and also inside the shop and Alfie has become an old stager at posing for pictures whether on the Ironbridge or playing in Dale End Park.
Mr Byard takes photos of them when he takes them for walks before he opens the antiques centre, and also inside the shop, and Alfie has become an old stager at posing for pictures whether on the Ironbridge or playing in Dale End Park.
Venetia Williams' old stager won a good contest at Sandown recently and should be competitive here.