

(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a person who does not (usually) write or cannot write (well); a person who is not a writer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I used to maintain that he was one of the major French film critics (together with Godard and the nonwriter Resnais)--which led me to publish a short collection of his criticism in English translation in 1977 (a project undertaken without his official consent but with his tacit approval)--and that he remained a critic whenever he filmed.
The following is my high-value article-writing process for the nonwriter to help raise your visibility.
Two said they took into account the reading and writing skills of their special and remedial education students, along with the task requirement, "I most definitely assigned a reader with a nonreader or a writer with a nonwriter so that the nonreader or nonwriter would not feel hindered by their lack of ability in that area" (17-154) and "We would take into account group placement....
So here you are, an avowed nonwriter, trying to communicate complex, numbers-based information to people who know a lot less than you do about accounting.
Scribe Tracy Gamble, paired with nonwriter Suarez on ABC's buzzworthy fall laffer "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter," says he welcomes the help.
He speaks of his desire to escape "correct patterns," to gain space, to be a "nonwriter." Haavikko states that human relations are central in his works: "I don't just write about money and power." There is mention of his unpredictability, and he himself comments on his "difficulty": "My books are written as clearly as possible, considering what is described." He doesn't believe that he (the writer) or literature can influence the thinking of society.
After 1995, there was once again a very large upward shift in both lines, but the shift was more significant for opinion writers than nonopinion writers, opening up a 146-word gap between opinion writers and nonwriters that had closed to forty-one words by the 2015 Term.
It drew students from all over the university, and not just journalism majors, although my husband, who took up fine arts and was a photographer/artist at the 'V,' complains that nonwriters are often forgotten when time comes to celebrate.
Writing well is hard work, much harder than nonwriters imagine, and when the result reaches a level that feels like art, there can only be disappointment, if not devastation, when it is met with a shrug.
When they do receive formal tutelage in the early school years, we end up with a lot of nonreaders, nonwriters, math fearers, science haters.
We also have a certain number of deals with nonwriters, and they've been a fantastic pipeline into their respective agencies."
I know that the pace of life today seems to push us to work faster and faster, but this pace is imposed on everyone, writers and nonwriters alike.