It is written that the
noble savage must never express surprise in the presence of the white.
This is like one of those Red-skin stories where the
noble savages carry off a girl and the honest backwoodsman with his incomparable knowledge follows the track and reads the signs of her fate in a footprint here, a broken twig there, a trinket dropped by the way.
The problem: The fragrance is called 'Sauvage' -- a name that immediately conjures up the centuries-long casting of Native Americans as a sort of "
noble savage."
Elsewhere, Emanuel Pastreich of the Asia Institute, and a writer for The Korea Times, often talks about the mindless materialism of the modern age that has given rise to these problems and romanticizes the
noble savage of literature.
Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by the team of Becca Gercken (Associate Professor of English and American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota, Morris) and Julie Pelletier (Associate Professor of Indigenous Studies at the University of Winnipeg), "Gambling on Authenticity: Gaming, the
Noble Savage, and the Not-So-New Indian" is a collection of nine erudite articles that collectively presents a transnational examination of North American gaming and considers the role Indigenous artists and scholars play in producing depictions of Indigenous gambling.
The qualities required to be completely and happily human, to have true community, become locked away behind the rarified experiences of the veteran or are hidden in the primordial mist with the
noble savage. Community and sanity are presented as unavoidably the exception to "normal," modern societal functioning, a temporary consequence of upheaval and not a practical political or moral goal.
life in the North." (34) Le
Noble Savage theorizes this nexus of bodily and earthly settlement
Lindfors points out that such disdain for blacks was aptly exemplified in Charles Dickens's vitriolic onslaught in "The
Noble Savage", which he wrote after seeing the Zulus perform:
That had led to some early stories, and one of them was eventually accepted by Saul Bellow and Keith Botsford for their celebrated literary magazine, The
Noble Savage. Writer friends and editors, rejecting my "breakaway" fictions, urged me to attempt a book something more like the
Noble Savage mine disaster story, and eventually I did, mainly to prove that I could.
Urgle is a stock protagonist for the genre, an inept misfit, but a
noble savage somehow imbued with a set of morals that calls for him to make a sacrifice he previously would have been incapable of performing.
Doug Michaels, sporting a T-shirt that said "Eat Like Your Grandcestors" on the back, was named runner-up after pitching his company,
Noble Savage, and its frozen Paleo meals.