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 (no͝or′ō-fär′mə-kŏl′ə-jē, nyo͝or′-)
The study of the action of drugs on the nervous system.

neu′ro·phar′ma·co·log′i·cal (-kə-lŏj′ĭ-kəl) adj.
neu′ro·phar′ma·col′o·gist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌnʊər oʊˌfɑr məˈkɒl ə dʒi, ˌnyʊər-)

the branch of pharmacology concerned with the nervous system.
neu`ro•phar`ma•co•log′ic (-kəˈlɒdʒ ɪk) neu`ro•phar`ma•co•log′i•cal, adj.
neu`ro•phar`ma•col′o•gist, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


n. neurofarmacología, estudio farmacológico del efecto de drogas en el sistema nervioso.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Resveratrol is a non-flavonoid polyphenol compound, naturally present on the skin and inside the seeds of grapes as well as berries, offering various health benefits.A TheA ( recent study titled, "The antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like effects of resveratrol: Involvement of phosphodiesterase-4D inhibition," was published in Neuropharmacology on July 15 and shed some light on the relationship between wine and stress hormone corticosterone's enzyme called phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4).A
The study published in the journal 'Neuropharmacology' sheds light on how resveratrol impacts neurological processes.
In a study published in the journal Neuropharmacology, taurine protected rat brain cells from the toxicity normally induced by beta-amyloid deposits.
She started out studying psychology and chemistry, then moved on to nutrition, biochemistry, and neuropharmacology. She worked for the Food and Drug Administration as a pharmacologist and wrote a book on the molecular pathology of cancer.
Alcohoi, stress, and glucocorticoids: From risk to dependence and relapse in alcohol use disorders, neuropharmacology. 2017Aug 1;122:136-147.
class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddlespan xml:lang="EN-GBI am a research scientist and lecturer in neuropharmacology and stem-cell biotechnology.
The text concludes with a discussion of the future of addiction treatment and neuropharmacology. ([umlaut] Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)
Cosmic Series 2018MHNC - Stroke, Computational Neuroscience, Mental Plasticity & Development, Stress Neuroscience and the Neurobiology, Neurosurgery, Neurochemistry, Neuropharmacology, Neuroendocrinology, Controversies in Neurology and Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Neurological Disorders, Paediatric Neurology, Adult Neurogenesis and Cell Biology, Ageing & Dementia, Alzheimer Disease, Clinical Case Reports in Neurology and so on.
In terms of JIF, the most cited top three of United Arab Emirates Research Journals were (JIF score in parenthesis): Current Neuropharmacology (3.753), Current Cancer Drug Targets Journal (3.707) and Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery (3.533).
Barter, "Tremors in early Parkinson's disease," Clinical Neuropharmacology, vol.