

a person who puts forth a proposal or motion
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
(22.) Skogen 1932: 479, 'Ny lag om agofred'; Skogen 1932: 505-507, Editorial, 'Det nya forslaget till lag om agofred'; Skogen 1933: 1-2, Editorial, 'Ett nytt ar' [The proposal]; Skogen 1933: 103-104, Editorial, 'Proposition med forslag till lag om agofred'; and Skogen 1933: 145, 'Riksdagens motioner' [The new law]; Skogen 1933: 301-302, Editorial, 'Den nya lagen om agofred'; Skogen 1933: 323-324, Editorial, 'Fran riksdagens bord' and SFS 1933:269.
Motioner i andra kammaren nr 376, lika lydande med motioner nr 304 I forsta kammaren av herr Wennerstrom m.fl.
His will, to be as full of light ambition as is possible, besides the French disposition and his own education; his inconstant attempts against his brother; his thrusting himself into the Low Country matters; his sometimes seeking the King of Spain's daughter, sometimes your Majesty; are evident testimonies he is carried away with every wind of hope, taught to love greatness any way gotten, and having for the motioners and ministers of his mind only such young men as have shown they think evil contentment a sufficient ground for any rebellion; whose age gives them to have seen none other commonwealth, but in faction; and divers of which have defiled their hands in odious murders.