metropolitan district

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metropolitan district

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any of the districts making up the metropolitan counties of England: since 1986 they have functioned as unitary authorities, forming the sole principal tier of local government. Each metropolitan district has an elected council responsible for education, social services, etc. See also district4
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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ENPNewswire-September 4, 2019--KBRA Releases Report Assigning a Long-Term Rating of AA+ with a Stable Outlook to the Bi-State Development Agency of the MO-IL Metropolitan District Combined Lien Mass Transit Sales Tax Appropriation Refunding Bonds, Series 2019
THE DISTRICT COURT DUBLIN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE REGISTRATION OF CLUB (IRELAND) ACT 1904 TO 2000 AND THE INTOXICATING LIQUOR ACT 1998 APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION TERENURE SPORTS CLUB (FORMERLY CYM SPORTS CLUB) TAKE NOTICE that I, DEIRDRE THORNTON, Club Secretary of Terenure Sports Club (formerly CYM Sports Club), whose premises are situate at 54 Terenure Road North, Terenure, Dublin 6W, in the Court Area and District aforesaid intend to apply to the District Court No.
Summary: Guwahati (Assam) [India], Aug 27 (ANI): In view of 'improving weather conditions', Kamrup Metropolitan district administration has withdrawn its earlier order for schools to remain closed for next two days due to 'severe heatwave conditions'.
The municipality of Etimesgut metropolitan district of Ankara Province (Turkey) plans to allocate funds for the construction of a kindergarten in Naryn town, Turmush reports.
The Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Turkey and Head of Yenimahalle metropolitan district of Ankara Province Fethi Yasar had a meeting in Turkey on December 2, the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Kyrgyzstan reported.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-November 23, 2010--S&P hikes Berry Creek Metropolitan District's GO debt to A(C)2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
M2 EQUITYBITES-November 23, 2010--S&P hikes Berry Creek Metropolitan District's GO debt to A(C)2010 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
If it ceased to be a Metropolitan District, unless a new Unitary Authority was created (unlikely, especially under the new Government), Warwickshire would take over its major planning and service functions and Coventry would be relegated to second tier District status with a further shift of power and influence, as well as jobs, to the administrative centre of Warwick.
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council, the local authority, have said they can provide financial support for just one stadium project and have urged the clubs to come together to cut costs.
South Tyneside Council is hosting the annual conference of Tyne and Wear Research and Information set up to support the five Tyne and Wear metropolitan district councils through the collation and analysis of statistical information.

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