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join: the roads meet here; become acquainted with: I’d like you to meet my friend.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
meet 1
(mēt)v. met (mĕt), meet·ing, meets
a. To come into the presence of by chance or arrangement: I was surprised to meet an old friend in the park. I met a friend for coffee.
b. To come into the company of: I met my colleagues for a meeting.
c. To be introduced to; make the acquaintance of: Have you met my wife?
d. To come together or confront in opposition: The rival teams meet next week.
2. To be present at the arrival of: met the train.
3. To come into conjunction with; join or touch: where the road meets the highway.
4. To come into conformity with the views, wishes, or opinions of: The firm has done its best to meet us on that point.
5. To come to the notice of (the senses): There is more here than meets the eye.
6. To experience or undergo: He met his fate with courage. The project has met a setback.
a. To be sufficient for (a need, for example); fulfill: meet all the conditions in the contract. See Synonyms at satisfy.
b. To deal or contend with effectively: We can meet each problem as it arises.
c. To pay; settle: enough money to meet expenses.
1. To come together: Didn't recognize him when we met. Where should we meet for lunch?
2. To come into conjunction; be joined: The two pipes meet in the corner.
3. To come together as opponents; contend: The team met with its rival.
4. To become introduced: Where did the two of you meet?
5. To assemble: Protesters met in the square.
6. To occur together, especially in one person or entity: Suspense and intrigue meet in this new movie.
Phrasal Verb: A meeting or contest, especially an athletic competition.
meet with
Idioms: 1. To experience or undergo.
2. To receive: Our plan met with their approval.
meet cute
To make one another's acquaintance under unexpected and often comically adverse circumstances. Used especially of protagonists in a romantic comedy: In the movie, the lead characters meet cute in a park during a rainstorm.
meet (one's) Maker Slang
To die.
meet (someone) halfway
To make a compromise with.
[Middle English meten, from Old English mētan.]
meet 2
(mēt)adj. Archaic
Fitting; proper: "It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place" (Shakespeare).
meet′ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(miːt)vb, meets, meeting or met
1. (sometimes foll by: up or(US) with) to come together (with), either by design or by accident; encounter: I met him unexpectedly; we met at the station.
2. to come into or be in conjunction or contact with (something or each other): the roads meet in the town; the sea meets the sky.
3. (tr) to come to or be at the place of arrival of: to meet a train.
4. to make the acquaintance of or be introduced to (someone or each other): have you two met?.
5. to gather in the company of (someone or each other): the board of directors meets on Tuesday.
6. (General Sporting Terms) to come into the presence of (someone or each other) as opponents: Joe meets Fred in the boxing match.
7. (tr) to cope with effectively; satisfy: to meet someone's demands.
8. (tr) to be apparent to (esp in the phrase meet the eye)
9. (tr) to return or counter: to meet a blow with another.
10. to agree with (someone or each other): we met him on the price he suggested.
11. (sometimes foll by: with) to experience; suffer: he met his death in a road accident.
12. to occur together: courage and kindliness met in him.
13. (tr) Caribbean to find (a person, situation, etc) in a specified condition: I met the door open.
14. meet and greet (of a celebrity, politician, etc) to have a session of being introduced to and questioned by members of the public or journalists
15. (Hunting) the assembly of hounds, huntsmen, etc, prior to a hunt
16. (General Sporting Terms) a meeting, esp a sports meeting
17. (Railways) US the place where the paths of two railway trains meet or cross
18. meet-and-greet a session where a celebrity, etc, is introduced to or questioned by members of the public or journalists
[Old English mētan; related to Old Norse mœta, Old Saxon mōtian]
ˈmeeter n
archaic proper, fitting, or correct
[C13: from variant of Old English gemǣte; related to Old High German māza suitability, Old Norse mǣtr valuable]
ˈmeetly adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(mit)v. met, meet•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to come into the presence of; encounter: I met him on the street yesterday.
2. to become acquainted with; be introduced to: I've never met your cousin.
3. to join at an agreed or designated place or time: Meet me at noon.
4. to be present at the arrival of: to meet a train.
5. to come to the apprehension of: A strange sight met my eyes.
6. to enter into dealings or conference with.
7. to come into physical contact with: The car met the bus head-on.
8. to encounter in opposition, conflict, or contest: The rival teams meet each other next week.
9. to oppose: to meet charges with countercharges.
10. to deal effectively with: met the challenge.
11. to comply with: to meet a deadline.
v.i. 12. to come together, face to face, or into company: We met on the street.
13. to assemble for action or conference: The directors will meet tomorrow.
14. to become personally acquainted.
15. to come into contact or form a junction: the streets meet.
16. to concur; agree.
17. to come together in opposition or conflict.
18. meet with, to encounter; experience: to meet with opposition.
n. 19. an assembly for athletic or sports competition, as for racing: a track meet.
[before 900; Middle English meten, Old English gemētan; c. Old Saxon mōtian, Gothic gamotjan. See moot]
meet′er, n.
suitable; fitting; proper.
[before 1000; Middle English mete < aph. variant of imete < Old English gemǣte suitable; akin to mete1]
meet′ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
the persons or group of men or women who gather for a fox hunt or other sporting event.Examples: a meet of cyclists; of huntsmen.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Meet is usually a verb. Its past tense and -ed participle is met.
When you meet someone, you are in the same place and you start talking to each other.
I met a Swedish girl on the train.
I have never met his wife before.
When you intend to meet someone, you can say that you meet, meet with, or meet up with them.
This is an opportunity for parents to meet their child's teachers.
She's meeting up with some of her friends on Saturday to go shopping.
Meet with is especially common in American English.
We can meet with the professor Monday night.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: met
Gerund: meeting
Imperative |
meet |
meet |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Noun | 1. | meet - a meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held track and field - participating in athletic sports performed on a running track or on the field associated with it gymkhana - a meet at which riders and horses display a range of skills and aptitudes race meeting - a regular occasion on which a number of horse races are held on the same track; "the Epsom race meeting was an important social event" regatta - a meeting for boat races swim meet, swimming meet - a swimming competition between two or more teams track meet - a track and field competition between two or more teams |
Verb | 1. | meet - come together; "I'll probably see you at the meeting"; "How nice to see you again!" foregather, forgather, gather, assemble, meet - collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room" |
2. | meet - get together socially or for a specific purpose pick up - meet someone for sexual purposes; "he always tries to pick up girls in bars" reunite - have a reunion; unite again rendezvous - meet at a rendezvous | |
3. | meet - be adjacent or come together; "The lines converge at this point" adjoin, contact, touch, meet - be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point" breast - meet at breast level; "The runner breasted the tape" | |
4. | meet - fill or meet a want or need cater, ply, provide, supply - give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests" answer - be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs" | |
5. | meet - satisfy a condition or restriction; "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?" coordinate - be co-ordinated; "These activities coordinate well" correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun" fill the bill, fit the bill - be what is needed or be good enough for what is required; "Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?" | |
6. | meet - satisfy or fulfill; "meet a need"; "this job doesn't match my dreams" | |
7. | meet - collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room" meet - meet by design; be present at the arrival of; "Can you meet me at the train station?" encounter, meet, run across, come across, run into, see - come together; "I'll probably see you at the meeting"; "How nice to see you again!" congregate - come together, usually for a purpose; "The crowds congregated in front of the Vatican on Christmas Eve" hive - move together in a hive or as if in a hive; "The bee swarms are hiving" convene - meet formally; "The council convened last week" cluster, constellate, flock, clump - come together as in a cluster or flock; "The poets constellate in this town every summer" crowd together, crowd - to gather together in large numbers; "men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah" converge - move or draw together at a certain location; "The crowd converged on the movie star" interact - act together or towards others or with others; "He should interact more with his colleagues" turn out - come and gather for a public event; "Hundreds of thousands turned out for the anti-war rally in New York" caucus - meet to select a candidate or promote a policy club - gather and spend time together; "They always club together" | |
8. | meet - get to know; get acquainted with; "I met this really handsome guy at a bar last night!"; "we met in Singapore" | |
9. | meet - meet by design; be present at the arrival of; "Can you meet me at the train station?" meet up with - meet with by appointment; "She met up with her former lover" foregather, forgather, gather, assemble, meet - collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room" | |
10. | meet - contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle; "Princeton plays Yale this weekend"; "Charlie likes to play Mary" play - participate in games or sport; "We played hockey all afternoon"; "play cards"; "Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches" confront, face - oppose, as in hostility or a competition; "You must confront your opponent"; "Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring"; "The two enemies finally confronted each other" play - employ in a game or in a specific position; "They played him on first base" play - use or move; "I had to play my queen" play - shoot or hit in a particular manner; "She played a good backhand last night" replay - repeat a game against the same opponent; "Princeton replayed Harvard" | |
11. | meet - experience as a reaction; "My proposal met with much opposition" experience, have - undergo; "The stocks had a fast run-up" | |
12. | meet - undergo or suffer; "meet a violent death"; "suffer a terrible fate" experience, go through, see - go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam" | |
13. | meet - be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point" spread over, cover - form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave" cling, cohere, adhere, cleave, stick - come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere" attach - be attached; be in contact with hug - fit closely or tightly; "The dress hugged her hips" butt against, butt on, abut, adjoin, edge, border, march - lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland" | |
Adj. | 1. | meet - being precisely fitting and right; "it is only meet that she should be seated first" just - used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A.Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. encounter, come across, run into, happen on, find, contact, confront, bump into (informal), run across, chance on, come face to face with He's the kindest person I've ever met.
encounter miss, avoid, escape, elude
encounter miss, avoid, escape, elude
2. be introduced to, get to know, make the acquaintance of Hey Terry, come and meet my Dad.
3. gather, collect, assemble, get together, rally, come together, muster, convene, congregate, foregather The commission met four times between 1988 and 1991.
gather scatter, disperse, adjourn
gather scatter, disperse, adjourn
4. fulfil, match (up to), answer, perform, handle, carry out, equal, satisfy, cope with, discharge, comply with, come up to, conform to, gratify, measure up to The current arrangements are inadequate to meet our needs.
fulfil fail, fall short of
fulfil fail, fall short of
5. pay for, clear, settle, square, honour, satisfy, account for, discharge The government will help meet some of the costs.
6. experience, face, suffer, bear, go through, encounter, endure, undergo Never had she met such spite and pettiness.
1. sports event, competition, tournament, contest He pole-vaulted 17ft at a meet in Miami.
meet someone halfway compromise with, make a deal with, make concessions to, reach a compromise with, come to an understanding with, split the difference with (informal), find a happy medium with, find the middle ground with, go fifty-fifty with The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
meet 1
verb2. To come together face-to-face by arrangement:
5. To participate in or partake of personally.Also used with with:
Archaic: prove.
Idiom: run up against.
A trial of skill or ability:
meet 2
adjective1. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place:
appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, proper, right, tailor-made.
2. Suited to one's end or purpose:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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zísť sa
gặphẹn gặphọp
1 [miːt] (met (pt, pp))A. VT
1. (by arrangement) → quedar con, verse con; (by chance) → encontrarse con, tropezarse con
I'm meeting them for lunch tomorrow → he quedado para almorzar con ellos mañana
I had arranged to meet her in town → había quedado con ella en el centro, había acordado en verla en el centro
I'll meet you outside the cinema → te veré en la entrada del cine
you'll never guess who I met on the bus today? → ¿a que no sabes con quién me encontré or me tropecé hoy en el autobús?
we will be meeting the ambassador tomorrow to discuss the situation → mañana tendremos un encuentro or una reunión con el embajador para discutir la situación, mañana nos entrevistaremos or nos reuniremos con el embajador para discutir la situación
I'm meeting them for lunch tomorrow → he quedado para almorzar con ellos mañana
I had arranged to meet her in town → había quedado con ella en el centro, había acordado en verla en el centro
I'll meet you outside the cinema → te veré en la entrada del cine
you'll never guess who I met on the bus today? → ¿a que no sabes con quién me encontré or me tropecé hoy en el autobús?
we will be meeting the ambassador tomorrow to discuss the situation → mañana tendremos un encuentro or una reunión con el embajador para discutir la situación, mañana nos entrevistaremos or nos reuniremos con el embajador para discutir la situación
2. (= go/come to get) → ir/venir a buscar; (= welcome) → recibir
we met her at the station → la fuimos a buscar a la estación
I'm being met at the airport → me vendrán a buscar al aeropuerto
she ran out to meet us → salió corriendo a recibirnos
to meet sb off the train → ir a esperar a algn a la estación
don't bother to meet me → no os molestéis en venir a esperarme
the bus for Aix meets the ten o'clock train → el autobús que va a Aix conecta con el tren de las diez
see also halfway A1
we met her at the station → la fuimos a buscar a la estación
I'm being met at the airport → me vendrán a buscar al aeropuerto
she ran out to meet us → salió corriendo a recibirnos
to meet sb off the train → ir a esperar a algn a la estación
don't bother to meet me → no os molestéis en venir a esperarme
the bus for Aix meets the ten o'clock train → el autobús que va a Aix conecta con el tren de las diez
see also halfway A1
3. (= get to know, be introduced to) → conocer
I never met him → no lo llegué a conocer
I met my wife in 1988 → conocí a mi mujer en 1988
meet my brother → quiero presentarte a mi hermano
he's the kindest person I've ever met → es la persona más amable que he conocido jamás
nice to have met you! → ¡encantado de conocerlo!
pleased to meet you! → ¡mucho gusto!, ¡encantado de conocerlo!
I never met him → no lo llegué a conocer
I met my wife in 1988 → conocí a mi mujer en 1988
meet my brother → quiero presentarte a mi hermano
he's the kindest person I've ever met → es la persona más amable que he conocido jamás
nice to have met you! → ¡encantado de conocerlo!
pleased to meet you! → ¡mucho gusto!, ¡encantado de conocerlo!
4. (= come together with) where the sea meets the horizon → donde el mar se junta con el horizonte
the box met the ground with an almighty thud → la caja se estrelló ruidsosamente contra el suelo
the sound which met his ears → el sonido que llegó a sus oídos
I could not meet his eye → no podía mirarle a los ojos
her eyes met her sister's across the table → tropezó con la mirada de su hermana al otro lado de la mesa
what a scene met my eyes! → ¡el escenario que se presentó ante mis ojos!
see also eye A1
the box met the ground with an almighty thud → la caja se estrelló ruidsosamente contra el suelo
the sound which met his ears → el sonido que llegó a sus oídos
I could not meet his eye → no podía mirarle a los ojos
her eyes met her sister's across the table → tropezó con la mirada de su hermana al otro lado de la mesa
what a scene met my eyes! → ¡el escenario que se presentó ante mis ojos!
see also eye A1
5. (= come across) [+ problem] → encontrarse con
almost all retired people meet this problem → casi todos los jubilados se encuentran con este problema
almost all retired people meet this problem → casi todos los jubilados se encuentran con este problema
6. (= confront) [+ opponent] → enfrentarse con; (in duel) → batirse con; [+ problem] → hacer frente a
he met his death or his end in 1800 → halló or encontró la muerte en 1800
to meet death calmly → enfrentarse con la muerte con tranquilidad
to meet sth head-on → enfrentarse de lleno con algo, hacer frente or plantar cara directamente a algo
this suggestion was met with angry protests → la gente reaccionó con protestas de indignación ante la sugerencia
see also match 2 A3
he met his death or his end in 1800 → halló or encontró la muerte en 1800
to meet death calmly → enfrentarse con la muerte con tranquilidad
to meet sth head-on → enfrentarse de lleno con algo, hacer frente or plantar cara directamente a algo
this suggestion was met with angry protests → la gente reaccionó con protestas de indignación ante la sugerencia
see also match 2 A3
7. (= satisfy) [+ need] → satisfacer, cubrir; [+ demand] → atender a, satisfacer; [+ wish] → satisfacer; [+ requirement] → cumplir con; [+ debt] → pagar; [+ expense, cost] → correr con, hacer frente a; [+ obligation] → atender a, cumplir con; [+ target, goal] → alcanzar; [+ challenge] → hacer frente a; [+ expectations] → estar a la altura de
he offered to meet the full cost of the repairs → se ofreció a correr con or hacer frente a todos los gastos de la reparación
it did not meet our expectations → no estuvo a la altura de nuestras expectativas
see also deadline
he offered to meet the full cost of the repairs → se ofreció a correr con or hacer frente a todos los gastos de la reparación
it did not meet our expectations → no estuvo a la altura de nuestras expectativas
see also deadline
1. (= encounter each other) (by arrangement) → quedar, verse; (by chance) → encontrarse; (= hold meeting) → reunirse; [ambassador, politician] (with interested parties) → entrevistarse, reunirse
we could meet for a drink after work → podríamos vernos or quedar para tomar una copa después del trabajo
what time shall we meet? → ¿a qué hora quieres que quedemos or nos veamos?
let's meet at eight → quedemos para las ocho
they arranged to meet at ten → quedaron en verse a las diez
the two ministers met to discuss the treaty → los dos ministros se entrevistaron or se reunieron para discutir el tratado
to meet again → volver a verse
until we meet again! → ¡hasta la vista!, ¡hasta pronto!
we could meet for a drink after work → podríamos vernos or quedar para tomar una copa después del trabajo
what time shall we meet? → ¿a qué hora quieres que quedemos or nos veamos?
let's meet at eight → quedemos para las ocho
they arranged to meet at ten → quedaron en verse a las diez
the two ministers met to discuss the treaty → los dos ministros se entrevistaron or se reunieron para discutir el tratado
to meet again → volver a verse
until we meet again! → ¡hasta la vista!, ¡hasta pronto!
2. (= convene) [Parliament, club, committee] → reunirse
the society meets at eight → la sociedad se reúne a las ocho
the society meets at eight → la sociedad se reúne a las ocho
3. (= get to know one another, be introduced) → conocerse
we met in Seville → nos conocimos en Sevilla
we have met before → nos conocemos ya
have we met? → ¿nos conocemos de antes?
we met in Seville → nos conocimos en Sevilla
we have met before → nos conocemos ya
have we met? → ¿nos conocemos de antes?
4. (= come together, join) [two ends] → unirse; [rivers] → confluir; [roads] → empalmar
our eyes met → cruzamos una mirada
their lips met → sus labios se encontraron
see also end A1
see also twain
our eyes met → cruzamos una mirada
their lips met → sus labios se encontraron
see also end A1
see also twain
5. (= confront each other) [teams, armies] → enfrentarse
Bilbao and Valencia will meet in the final → el Bilbao se enfrentará con el Valencia en la final, Bilbao y Valencia se disputarán la final
to meet (sb) in battle → librar batalla (con algn)
Bilbao and Valencia will meet in the final → el Bilbao se enfrentará con el Valencia en la final, Bilbao y Valencia se disputarán la final
to meet (sb) in battle → librar batalla (con algn)
meet up VI + ADV
1. to meet up (with sb) (by arrangement) → quedar (con algn), verse (con algn); (by chance) → encontrarse (con algn), tropezarse (con algn)
they promised to meet up again in a year's time → prometieron volver a verse or quedar un año después
we meet up for lunch occasionally → de vez en cuando quedamos para almorzar juntos
where did you two meet up? (for 1st time) → ¿dónde os conocisteis?
they promised to meet up again in a year's time → prometieron volver a verse or quedar un año después
we meet up for lunch occasionally → de vez en cuando quedamos para almorzar juntos
where did you two meet up? (for 1st time) → ¿dónde os conocisteis?
2. (= join) → empalmar
this road meets up with the motorway → esta carretera empalma con la autopista
this road meets up with the motorway → esta carretera empalma con la autopista
meet with VI + PREP
1. (= experience) [+ hostility] → experimentar; [+ difficulties] → encontrarse con, tropezar con; [+ kindness] → encontrarse con; [+ accident] → tener, sufrir; [+ success] → tener
we hope the idea meets with your approval → esperamos que la idea reciba su aprobación
the idea met with a cool response → la idea fue acogida or recibida con frialdad
efforts to contact her met with no response → los esfuerzos para ponerse en contacto con ella fracasaron
attempts to find them have met with failure → los intentos de encontrarlos han fracasado
we hope the idea meets with your approval → esperamos que la idea reciba su aprobación
the idea met with a cool response → la idea fue acogida or recibida con frialdad
efforts to contact her met with no response → los esfuerzos para ponerse en contacto con ella fracasaron
attempts to find them have met with failure → los intentos de encontrarlos han fracasado
2. (esp US) [+ person] (by arrangement) → quedarse con, verse con; (by chance) → encontrarse con, tropezarse con; (formally) → reunirse con; [+ politician, ambassador] → entrevistarse con, reunirse con
2 [miːt] ADJ [liter] → conveniente, apropiadoit is meet that → conviene que ... + subjun
to be meet for → ser apto para
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈmiːt] [met] (pt, pp) vt
(gen) [+ person] → rencontrer
I met Paul when I was walking the dog → J'ai rencontré Paul alors que je promenais mon chien.
Have you met him before? → Est-ce que tu l'as déjà rencontré?
I met Paul when I was walking the dog → J'ai rencontré Paul alors que je promenais mon chien.
Have you met him before? → Est-ce que tu l'as déjà rencontré?
(by arrangement) [+ person] → retrouver
I'm going to meet my friends → Je vais retrouver mes amis.
Meet me under the clock → Retrouvez-moi sous l'horloge.
I'm going to meet my friends → Je vais retrouver mes amis.
Meet me under the clock → Retrouvez-moi sous l'horloge.
(for the first time) [+ person] → faire la connaissance de
I met a Swedish girl → J'ai fait la connaissance d'une Suédoise.
I like meeting new people → J'aime faire de nouvelles connaissances.
pleased to meet you! → ravi(e) de vous connaître!
nice to have met you → ravi(e) de vous avoir connu
I met a Swedish girl → J'ai fait la connaissance d'une Suédoise.
I like meeting new people → J'aime faire de nouvelles connaissances.
pleased to meet you! → ravi(e) de vous connaître!
nice to have met you → ravi(e) de vous avoir connu
[+ person arriving at station, airport] → aller chercher (or venir chercher)
I'll meet you at the station → J'irai te chercher à la gare.
Dan came to the airport to meet me → Dan est venu me chercher à l'aéroport.
I'll meet you at the station → J'irai te chercher à la gare.
Dan came to the airport to meet me → Dan est venu me chercher à l'aéroport.
(= join) [+ road, river] → rejoindre
(= come up against) [+ problem] → faire face à
(= fulfill) [+ requirements, standards] → satisfaire à
to meet a deadline → tenir des délais
to meet the deadline → tenir les délais
It is going to be difficult to meet the deadline → Cela va être difficile de tenir les délais.
to meet the deadline → tenir les délais
It is going to be difficult to meet the deadline → Cela va être difficile de tenir les délais.
to meet a challenge → relever un défi
How are we to meet the challenge? → Comment allons-nous relever le défi?
How are we to meet the challenge? → Comment allons-nous relever le défi?
(= compete against) → rencontrer
(by chance) → se rencontrer
We met by chance in the shopping centre → Nous nous sommes rencontrés par hasard dans le centre commercial.
I don't think we've met, have we? → Je ne pense pas que nous nous soyons rencontrés.
to meet again → se revoir
We met by chance in the shopping centre → Nous nous sommes rencontrés par hasard dans le centre commercial.
I don't think we've met, have we? → Je ne pense pas que nous nous soyons rencontrés.
to meet again → se revoir
(by arrangement) → se retrouver
Let's meet in front of the tourist office → Retrouvons-nous devant l'office de tourisme.
Let's meet in front of the tourist office → Retrouvons-nous devant l'office de tourisme.
[competitors] → se rencontrer; [fighters, armies] → se rencontrer
(in session) → se réunir
(= come together) [roads, lines] → se rencontrer; [eyes] → se rencontrer, se croiser; [mouths] → se rencontrer
(British) (HUNTING) → rendez-vous m de chasse
(US) (ATHLETICS) → rencontre f, meeting m
We meet up for lunch once a week → Nous nous voyons pour déjeuner une fois par semaine.
We met up again later at the supermarket → Nous nous sommes à nouveau rencontrés au supermarché plus tard.
to meet up with sb (by arrangement) → retrouver qn; (accidentally) → rencontrer qn
In the pub he met up with a girl he had known at university → Au pub, il rencontra une fille qu'il avait connue à l'université.
meet up
vi (by arrangement) → se voir; (accidentally) → se rencontrerWe meet up for lunch once a week → Nous nous voyons pour déjeuner une fois par semaine.
We met up again later at the supermarket → Nous nous sommes à nouveau rencontrés au supermarché plus tard.
to meet up with sb (by arrangement) → retrouver qn; (accidentally) → rencontrer qn
In the pub he met up with a girl he had known at university → Au pub, il rencontra une fille qu'il avait connue à l'université.
meet with
vt fus [+ success, approval, resistance] → rencontrermeet-and-greet [ˌmiːtənˈgriːt] vt → accueillir
n → accueil m
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1adj (obs) → geziemend (liter); it is meet that … → es ist billig or (ge)ziemt sich (liter, old), → dass …; to be meet for → sich (ge)ziemen für (liter, old)
2 vb: pret, ptp <met>vt
(= encounter) person → treffen, begegnen (+dat); (by arrangement) → treffen, sich treffen mit; difficulty → stoßen auf (+acc); (Sport) → treffen auf (+acc); I’ll meet you outside → ich treffe euch draußen; he met his guests at the door → er empfing seine Gäste an der Tür; he met him in a duel → er duellierte sich mit ihm; he met his death in 1800 → im Jahre 1800 fand er den Tod; to meet death calmly → dem Tod gefasst entgegentreten; to arrange to meet somebody → sich mit jdm verabreden; to meet a challenge → sich einer Herausforderung (dat) → stellen; the last time the two teams met there was a riot → bei der letzten Begegnung zwischen beiden Teams kam es zu heftigen Auseinandersetzungen; his eyes or gaze met mine → unsere Blicke trafen sich; she refused to meet his eyes or gaze → sie wich seinem Blick aus; I could not meet his eyes → ich konnte ihm nicht in die Augen sehen; there’s more to it than meets the eye → da steckt mehr dahinter, als man auf den ersten Blick meint
(= get to know) → kennenlernen; (= be introduced to) → bekannt gemacht werden mit; you don’t know him? come and meet him → du kennst ihn nicht? komm, ich mache dich mit ihm bekannt; pleased to meet you! → guten Tag/Abend, sehr angenehm! (form)
(= await arrival, collect) → abholen (→ at an +dat, → von); (= connect with) train, boat etc → Anschluss haben an (+acc); I’ll meet your train → ich hole dich vom Zug ab; the car will meet the train → der Wagen wartet am Bahnhof or steht am Bahnhof bereit
(= join, run into) → treffen or stoßen auf (+acc); (= converge with) → sich vereinigen mit; (river) → münden or fließen in (+acc); (= intersect) → schneiden; (= touch) → berühren; where East meets West (fig) → wo Ost und West sich treffen
expectations, target, obligations, deadline → erfüllen; requirement, demand, wish → entsprechen (+dat), → gerecht werden (+dat); deficit, expenses, needs → decken; debt → bezahlen, begleichen; charge, objection, criticism → begegnen (+dat)
(= encounter) (people) → sich begegnen; (by arrangement) → sich treffen; (society, committee etc) → zusammenkommen, tagen; (Sport) → aufeinandertreffen; (in duel) → sich duellieren; keep it until we meet again → behalten Sie es, bis wir uns mal wiedersehen; until we meet again! → bis zum nächsten Mal!; to meet halfway → einen Kompromiss schließen
(= become acquainted) → sich kennenlernen; (= be introduced) → bekannt gemacht werden; we’ve met before → wir kennen uns bereits; haven’t we met before somewhere? → sind wir uns nicht schon mal begegnet?, kennen wir uns nicht irgendwoher?
(= join) → sich treffen, aufeinanderstoßen; (= converge) → sich vereinigen; (rivers) → ineinanderfließen; (= intersect) → sich schneiden; (= touch) → sich berühren; (fig: = come together) → sich treffen; our eyes met → unsere Blicke trafen sich; the skirt wouldn’t meet round her waist → der Rock ging an der Taille nicht zu
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[miːt] (met (pt, pp))1. vt
a. (gen) → incontrare; (coming in opposite direction) → incrociare; (by arrangement) → rivedere, ritrovare
to arrange to meet sb → dare appuntamento a qn
she ran out to meet us → ci è corsa incontro
to meet sb off the train → (andare a) aspettare or andare a prendere qn al treno
the car will meet the train → ci sarà una macchina all'arrivo del treno
I'll meet you at the station → verrò a prenderla alla stazione
to meet sb's eye or gaze → incrociare lo sguardo di qn
a terrible sight met him or his eyes → gli si presentò un orrendo spettacolo
there's more to this than meets the eye → è molto più complicato di quanto possa sembrare a prima vista
to arrange to meet sb → dare appuntamento a qn
she ran out to meet us → ci è corsa incontro
to meet sb off the train → (andare a) aspettare or andare a prendere qn al treno
the car will meet the train → ci sarà una macchina all'arrivo del treno
I'll meet you at the station → verrò a prenderla alla stazione
to meet sb's eye or gaze → incrociare lo sguardo di qn
a terrible sight met him or his eyes → gli si presentò un orrendo spettacolo
there's more to this than meets the eye → è molto più complicato di quanto possa sembrare a prima vista
b. (for the first time) → fare la conoscenza di, essere presentato/a a
meet my brother → le presento mio fratello
pleased to meet you! → lieto di conoscerla!, piacere!
meet my brother → le presento mio fratello
pleased to meet you! → lieto di conoscerla!, piacere!
c. (encounter, team, difficulty) → incontrare; (face, enemy, danger, death) → affrontare
to meet one's death → trovare la morte
to meet one's death → trovare la morte
d. (satisfy, requirement, demand, need) → soddisfare, andare incontro a; (criticism, objection) → ribattere a; (pay, bill, expenses) → far fronte a
we agree to meet your expenses → siamo d'accordo a rimborsarle le spese
we agree to meet your expenses → siamo d'accordo a rimborsarle le spese
2. vi
a. (gen) → incontrarsi; (by arrangement) → darsi appuntamento, trovarsi; (committee, society) → riunirsi
until we meet again! → arrivederci (alla prossima volta)!
haven't we met before? → non ci conosciamo già?
until we meet again! → arrivederci (alla prossima volta)!
haven't we met before? → non ci conosciamo già?
b. (join, rivers, teams, armies) → incontrarsi
3. n (Brit) (Hunting) → raduno (dei partecipanti alla caccia alla volpe) (Am) (Sport) → raduno (sportivo)
meet with vi + prep
a. (success, difficulties, praise) → incontrare; (welcome) → ricevere
they met with an accident → hanno avuto un incidente
they met with an accident → hanno avuto un incidente
b. (have meeting with) → incontrarsi con
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(miːt) – past tense, past participle met (met) – verb1. to come face to face with (eg a person whom one knows), by chance. She met a man on the train.
2. (sometimes, especially American, with with) to come together with (a person etc), by arrangement. The committee meets every Monday.
3. to be introduced to (someone) for the first time. Come and meet my wife.
4. to join. Where do the two roads meet?
5. to be equal to or satisfy (eg a person's needs, requirements etc). Will there be sufficient stocks to meet the public demand?
6. to come into the view, experience or presence of. A terrible sight met him / his eyes when he opened the door.
7. to come to or be faced with. He met his death in a car accident.
8. (with with) to experience or suffer; to receive a particular response. She met with an accident; The scheme met with their approval.
9. to answer or oppose. We will meet force with greater force.
noun a gathering, especially of sportsmen. The local huntsmen are holding a meet this week.
ˈmeeting noun1. an act of meeting. The meeting between my mother and my husband was not friendly.
2. a gathering of people for discussion or another purpose. to attend a committee meeting.
meet (someone) halfway to respond to (someone) by making an equal effort or a compromise. I'll invest $5,000 in this idea if you meet me halfway and do the same.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَجتَمِعُ, يُقَابِلُ, يَلْتَقِي بِشَخْصٍ sejít se, setkat se, seznámit se møde, mødes treffen, treffen (sich), zusammenkommen συναντώ conocer, encontrarse, juntarse, quedar kohdata, tavata rencontrer, se rencontrer, se retrouver naći se, sastati se, susresti incontrare, incontrarsi, trovarsi ~に会う, 会う, 待ち合わせる ...와 만나다, 만나다 elkaar ontmoeten, ontmoeten, ontmoeten na afspraak møte, treffe spotkać, spotkać się encontrar, reunir-se встречать, встречаться träffa, träffas พบ, พบโดยบังเอิญ, พบกัน buluşmak, karşılamak, karşılaşmak gặp, hẹn gặp, họp 相遇, 约会见面, 遇见Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. reunión; concurso;
vi. encontrar; reunirse con;
I am glad to ___ you → Mucho gusto en conocerlo-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Pleased to meet you
- Where can we meet?
- Where shall we meet?
- I'll meet you in the lobby
- I'm delighted to meet you at last
- It was a pleasure to meet you
- Can we meet for lunch?
- Shall we meet afterwards?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009