marrow fat

marrow fat

(ˈmærəʊˌfæt) or

marrow pea

1. (Plants) any of several varieties of pea plant that have large seeds
2. (Plants) the seed of such a plant
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In humans, increased vertebral marrow fat occurs with osteoporosis (14), aging (15), alcoholism (16), starvation (17), prolonged bed rest (18), spinal cord injury (19), cancer metastasis to bone, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (20).
Nutritional factors, mechanical unloading, hormonal factors, and changes in body composition and bone marrow fat may contribute to poor bone health.
Roise, "Bone marrow fat in the circulation: clinical entities and pathophysiological mechanisms," Injury, vol.
However, a recent study that treated HFD-induced obesity mice with recombinant human FGF21 (rhFGF21) for 2 weeks did not reach the conclusion of bone loss or any change in mineral apposition rate, bone resorption markers, and bone marrow fat [119].
INGREDIENTS Pastry: 150ml warm water 250g white bread flour 50ml olive oil 1tbsp sugar 1tsp salt Filling: 1 tin marrow fat peas (330g) 1 carrot (cubed) 1 onion 1tbsp curry powder 1 veg stock cube mixed with water Ketchup: 1 tin chopped tomatoes 75g sugar 3 star anise 2 whole cloves 2 cinnamon sticks 2tsp tomato paste Juice of half a lemon Salt
These values had a negative correlation with the marrow fat content, with correlations of r = 0.46 and r = 0.82, respectively.
A peak function analysis was used to identify the best fit to the relationship between bone marrow fat and season (TableCurve software, Systat 2002).
Additionally, bone marrow fat, bone cement, and bone debris enter the blood circulation intraoperatively and cause abnormal opening of capillary beds, and free fatty acids produced intraoperatively further destroy erythrocytes.
Generally it is secondary to fracture of femur or pelvis, which dislodges marrow fat, and results in fat embolism syndrome (FES).
Women with IOP have abnormal bone microarchitecture with thinner cortices; fewer, thinner, and more widely separated and heterogeneously distributed trabeculae; more rod-like trabecular structures; less trabecular stiffness; and a higher level of marrow fat.
Ectopic fat--the accumulation of fat in undesirable locations--has been positively associated with bone marrow fat in obese adults, according to a study published online July 16, 2013, in the journal Radiology.