magnetic card

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magnetic card

A plastic card, such as a credit card, that has a magnetizable strip or surface on which data can be recorded.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"I believe that the example given by FPM today shows that there is no reason for the upcoming government not to include in its priorities the implementation of all provisions of the electoral law, and to adopt the magnetic card in the voting process so that each citizen can practice his voting right from any part of the world," added Bassil.
Capsules are fitted with a sliding door at the end that can be opened by a magnetic card for each user, to ensure privacy.
You must have a high-quality card reader to be able to enjoy all that a magnetic card offers.
Barclays said the new feature is actually more secure than traditional withdrawals, removing the risk of magnetic card skimming and distraction fraud - where customers are watched as they put in their PIN and then distracted as their cards are swapped out for a fake.
When police paid him a visit they found the details of unsuspecting card-holders stored in his laptop and the magnetic card reader, along with blank bank cards.
This initiative has been planned for a long time It will have a magnetic card and a smart chip to allow it flexibility so that we can use it for other things in the future, she told reporters, citing that the new ID may also eventually be used to track value-added tax or VAT receipts.
He said that the magnetic card will make the process of obtaining various services that Syrians need much easier, particularly when it comes to health, education and freedom of movement, adding that the cards will be disbursed through the security stations that are located in different parts of the Kingdom.
We build Contactless smart card (RFID) reader similar to the Delhi-metro rail card that reads unique ID from the RFID Tags, which is also Contact type Smart Card reader for reading driving license and vehicle Registration Certificate (RC) .In-built Magnetic card reader and smart card reader enable deployment of payment applications using various payment modes such as credit cards, debit cards and loyalty cards.
Machines are programmed to receive all currencies," he said adding that zakat beneficiaries can avail of service by using a magnetic card.
The system accepts whole blood or serum samples, has a built-in centrifuge, and is calibrated automatically with the swipe of a magnetic card. The system measures up to eight tests simultaneously with no sample pre-treatment required and offers test results in as little as eight to 15 minutes with fully automated, walkaway operation.