logic gate

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logic gate

A mechanical, optical, or electronic system that performs a logical operation on an input signal.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.logic gate - a computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs
AND circuit, AND gate - a circuit in a computer that fires only when all of its inputs fire
computer circuit - a circuit that is part of a computer
NAND circuit, NAND gate - a logic gate that produces an output that is the inverse of the output of an AND gate
OR circuit, OR gate - a gate circuit in a computer that fires when any of its inputs fire
XOR circuit, X-OR circuit, XOR gate - gate for exclusive OR; a circuit in a computer that fires only if only one of its inputs fire
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Subnanosecond gate delay times were soon achieved, but with a power consumption per logic gate of a few tens of milliwatts.
The input-output relationship can be viewed as a NOT logic gate or operation, in which input and output values are reversed.
Then the logic gate delay and the leakage power of the device exhibits an exponential dependence on the supply voltages and threshold voltages in the sub threshold region.
In normal operation, short-circuit power consumption of DCVSL gate is close to that of CMOS logic gate, as the time period for the direct current path from [V.sub.DD] to ground is extremely short compared with that in switching and steady state conditions.
In addition to logic gate and Boolean equation-level styles of Verilog description, there is also a chapter covering the use of HDL at the behavioral level.
Number 7 on the list is the development of a nanoscale magnetic logic gate and shift register by a team at the University of Durham.
A schematic diagram of the Threshold Logic flip-flop (TLFF) is presented in the circuit is composed of a semi-dynamic front-end comprising a differential current switch Threshold Logic gate (DCSTL) followed by a static back-end comprising an SRlatch.
Patel and his team carried out their experiment using a particular type of quantum logic gate known as the Fredkin gate, where two "qubits" - the quantum computing equivalent of bits - are swapped depending on the value of the third.
Logical masking is dependent on the logic gate's controllability and its logic values.
The NIST team teleported a quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) logic operation, or logic gate, between two beryllium ion qubits located more than 340 micrometers (millionths of a meter) apart in separate zones of an ion trap, a distance that rules out any substantial direct interaction.
The umbrella clinical trial design being run at SPHCC (Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center) under the direction of lead investigator Tongyu Zhu, M.D., examines the first two CAR-T products in human clinical trial to use AND logic gate control technology.
PAEGates contains power&area aware logic gate models from several CMOS logic family (CD4000, 74HC, 74AC to name a few).