

(Microbiology) relating to, caused by, or characteristic of leptospires
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Nevertheless, we showed presence of the same intermediate DNA species of Leptospira in humans and animals, which is consistent with findings in other studies that suggest a link between human disease caused by intermediate leptospiral species (L.
Leptospiral organisms were detected in plasma of 149 animals and urine of 8 animals.
The core determinants of transmission of leptospiral infection are the presence of carrier animals, suitability of the environment for the survival of leptospires and interaction between man and animals & environment.
Results: Of the 385 persons enrolled, 29.6 per cent showed evidence of past leptospiral infection.
Immunohistochemical staining of the gall bladder at CDC using rabbit polyclonal reference antiserum reactive with 16 different leptospiral strains was positive for leptospirosis (1).
Leptospiral agglutinins in dogs in the influence area of the center for control of zoonosis, Pelotas city, RS, Brazil, 1995.
Hepato-renal failure, leptospiral pulmonary haemorrhagic syndrome (LPHS), uveitis, DIC and abortions have been reported to be important clinical symptoms in canine leptospirosis.
Leptospiral uveitis--there is more to it than meets the eye!
In single samples, positive MSAT confirms current leptospiral infection.