laser tracker

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laser tracker

A device which locks on to the reflected energy from a laser marked/designated target and defines the direction of the target relative to itself.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
M2 PRESSWIRE-September 3, 2019-: Laser Tracker Market Size, Technologies, Future Growth, Global Survey, In-depth Analysis, Share, Key Findings and Company Profiles
Laser trackers and scanners are traditionally separate devices; In most applications, the laser tracker uses targeting artifacts to track the object being scanned as well as the hand-held (or robot-held) scanner.
Headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida in the US, FARO has a technology centre and manufacturing facility spread across 8,400 sq m in Exton, Pennsylvania containing research and development, manufacturing and service operations of its FARO Laser Tracker and FARO Cobalt Array Imager product lines.
All the presented measurement approaches have a limitations on the possible range of the measured robot positions, therefore in this article the measurement of the positions or trajectories of the robot required for calibration and validation is carried out using a coordinate measuring machine--the laser tracker shown in Fig.
The drilling robot is taught manually to make the industrial camera lens center aligned to the base hole; then the laser tracker is used to verify whether the end effector spindle is perpendicular to the calibration plate.
To verify the accuracy of the proposed method, the bridge deformation was simultaneously measured using a Radian laser tracker with INNOVO[TM] technology [15] at almost the same point as one of the CP targets (Figure 4).
Faro has a technology centre and manufacturing facility in Exton, Pennsylvania containing research and development, manufacturing and service operations for the FARO Laser Tracker and FARO Cobalt Array 3D Imager product lines.
The scanner synchronizes with the laser tracker, enabling fast transitions between scanning, probing and reflector measurements.