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Related to laid-off: laying off
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.laid-off - having lost your job
unemployed - not engaged in a gainful occupation; "unemployed workers marched on the capital"
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) organised Tuesday a press conference shedding light on the situation of laid-off public company workers and that of laid-off journalists.
Stressing on the need for providing assistance to laid-off temporary workers, he said: "When these people are laid off because of a downturn, there should be some mechanism by which they are given part of their wages at subsistence rate." On the significance of having temporary workers, he said a certain percentage of the total workforce need to be non-permanent to cater for the fluctuations and demands in the auto industry.
The company said 200 employees were laid off, adding 100 of the laid-off employees have appealed the decision at an internal appeals committee and 11 were reinstated.
Summary: <p>BEIRUT: The Samir Kassir Eyes (SKeyes) Foundation held a meeting on Monday to express solidarity with laid-off employees at several Lebanese media outlets.
BARGAINS Laid-off construction workers in market for home renovations
Under the federal COBRA program, laid-off workers have the right to temporarily keep their group health coverage under their former employer's medical plan, if the employer had 20 or more employees.
Byline: Country to provide loans for laid-off OFWs to start projects at home.
WORKERS at Bridgend's Ford plant were reeling today after it emerged that nearly half of the factory's staff could be temporarily laid-off over Christmas.
Laid-off employees were given severance packages, which included placement support and counseling, according to Mr.
When CSX reduced its workforce, the company and its employees' union agreed to a forced transfer arrangement under which laid-off employees were allowed to choose among three options: They could transfer to a new location and come back to work for CSX, remain laid-off and forfeit any further temporary benefits while retaining their employment rights, or leave the company after receiving a lumpsum payment.