inhalation general anesthetic

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Noun1.inhalation general anesthetic - a gas that produces general anesthesia when inhaled
chloroform, trichloromethane - a volatile liquid haloform (CHCl3); formerly used as an anesthetic; "chloroform was the first inhalation anesthetic"
cyclopropane - a colorless flammable gas sometimes used as an inhalation anesthetic
diethyl ether, divinyl ether, ethoxyethane, ethyl ether, vinyl ether, ether - a colorless volatile highly inflammable liquid formerly used as an inhalation anesthetic
general anaesthetic, general anesthetic - an anesthetic that anesthetizes the entire body and causes loss of consciousness
halothane - a nonflammable inhalation anesthetic that produces general anesthesia; used along with analgesics and muscle relaxants for many types of surgical procedures
isoflurane - a widely used inhalation anesthetic
laughing gas, nitrous oxide - inhalation anesthetic used as an anesthetic in dentistry and surgery
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