

of, pertaining to, or designating care, esp. medical care, given or received at home.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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A bus that has facilities to conduct several health tests and provide immediate results between seven to 10 minutes, she said, was one of the additions to the home-care programmes.
Rising gasoline prices are threatening the ability of nurses, therapists and home-care aides to reach chronically ill elderly and disabled patients, particularly in rural areas, according to a new study.
He has a funding proposal in the works to outfit public health units and the Community Care Access Centres, the brokers for home-care services, in their coverage area with videoconferencing capabilities.
There are companies, for example, that have launched their own home-care agencies, not so much to develop a different line of business, but as to tie into the desire of seniors to delay movement to a long-term care community as long as possible.
A secretary whose mother is severely disabled by Parkinson's pays $2800 a month in home-care fees, over and above the publicly funded hours of care, puts in 11 hours day commuting and at her paid job, and then does her mother's feeding, bathing, lifting and treatments the remaining hours of her day.
In the home-care setting, patients with open wounds or central venous catheters may undertake activities of daily living (e.g., bathing, exercising, gardening, and playing with pets) that may increase the risk of infections.
The manual is directed primarily towards caring for elderly people, but the information pertains to most home-care situations.
It's a result of too little public funding and it affects mainly the frail elderly who are put on waiting lists for home-care services.
"The state has sent out notices saying these reasons aren't good enough," says Ray Froemming of the Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy, which is filing a lawsuit against the home-care cap.