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Related to high: high court, high blood pressure
(hī)adj. high·er, high·est
a. Having a relatively great elevation; extending far upward: a high mountain; a high tower.
b. Extending a specified distance upward: a cabinet ten feet high.
2. Far or farther from a reference point: was too high in the offensive zone to take a shot.
a. Being at or near the peak or culminating stage: the high tourist season; high summer.
b. Advanced in development or complexity: high forms of animal life; higher mathematics.
c. Far removed in time; remote: high antiquity.
a. Slightly spoiled or tainted; gamy. Used of meat.
b. Having a bad smell; malodorous.
a. Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively large number of sound-wave cycles per second: the high tones of a flute.
b. Raised in pitch; not soft or hushed: a high voice.
6. Situated relatively far from the equator: a high latitude.
a. Of great importance: set a high priority on funding the housing program.
b. Eminent in rank or status: a high official.
c. Serious; grave: high crimes and misdemeanors.
d. Constituting a climax; crucial: The chase scene is the high point of the film.
e. Characterized by lofty or stirring events or themes: high adventure; high drama.
8. Lofty or exalted in quality or character: a person of high morals.
a. Greater than usual or expected, as in quantity, magnitude, cost, or degree: "A high price has to be paid for the happy marriage with the four healthy children" (Doris Lessing).
b. Favorable: He has a high opinion of himself.
10. Of great force or violence: high winds.
a. Informal Excited or euphoric: high spirits.
b. Slang Intoxicated by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana.
12. Luxurious; extravagant: high living.
13. Linguistics Of or relating to vowels produced with part of the tongue close to the palate, as in the vowel of tree.
14. Of, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that produces the greatest vehicular speed with respect to engine speed.
adv. higher, highest
1. At, in, or to a lofty position, level, or degree: saw a plane high in the sky; prices that had gone too high.
2. In an extravagant or luxurious way: made a fortune and lived high.
Idioms: 1. A lofty place or region.
2. A high level or degree: Summer temperatures reached an all-time high.
3. The high gear configuration of a transmission.
4. A center of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.
a. Informal An excited or euphoric condition: The team was on a high after winning in overtime.
b. Slang An intoxicated or euphoric condition induced by alcohol or a drug.
high and dry
1. In a position of helplessness; stranded: went off and left me high and dry.
2. Nautical Out of water. Used of a ship, for example.
high and low
Here and there; everywhere: searched high and low for the keys.
on high
1. High in the sky.
2. In heaven.
3. In a position of authority.
[Middle English, from Old English hēah.]
high′ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. being a relatively great distance from top to bottom; tall: a high building.
2. situated at or extending to a relatively great distance above the ground or above sea level: a high plateau.
a. (postpositive) being a specified distance from top to bottom: three feet high.
b. (in combination): a seven-foot-high wall.
4. extending from an elevation: a high dive.
5. (in combination) coming up to a specified level: knee-high.
6. being at its peak or point of culmination: high noon.
7. of greater than average height: a high collar.
8. greater than normal in degree, intensity, or amount: high prices; a high temperature; a high wind.
9. of large or relatively large numerical value: high frequency; high voltage; high mileage.
10. (General Physics) (of sound) acute in pitch; having a high frequency
11. (Physical Geography) (of latitudes) situated relatively far north or south from the equator
12. (Cookery) (of meat) slightly decomposed or tainted, regarded as enhancing the flavour of game
13. of great eminence; very important: the high priestess.
14. exalted in style or character; elevated: high drama.
15. expressing or feeling contempt or arrogance: high words.
16. elated; cheerful: high spirits.
17. (predicative) informal overexcited: by the end of term the children are really high.
18. (Psychology) informal being in a state of altered consciousness, characterized esp by euphoria and often induced by the use of alcohol, narcotics, etc
19. luxurious or extravagant: high life.
20. advanced in complexity or development: high finance.
21. (Automotive Engineering) (of a gear) providing a relatively great forward speed for a given engine speed. Compare low121
22. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics of, relating to, or denoting a vowel whose articulation is produced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate or the blade towards the hard palate, such as for the ee in English see or oo in English moon. Compare low120
23. (capital when part of name) formal and elaborate in style: High Mass.
24. (Anglicanism) (usually capital) of or relating to the High Church
25. remote, esp in time
26. (Card Games) cards
a. having a relatively great value in a suit
b. able to win a trick
27. high and dry stranded; helpless; destitute
28. high and low in all places; everywhere
29. high and mighty informal arrogant
30. high as a kite informal
a. very drunk
b. overexcited
c. euphoric from drugs
31. high opinion a favourable opinion
32. at or to a height: he jumped high.
33. in a high manner
34. (Nautical Terms) nautical close to the wind with sails full
35. a high place or level
36. (Psychology) informal a state of altered consciousness, often induced by alcohol, narcotics, etc
37. (Physical Geography) another word for anticyclone
38. (Education) short for high school
39. (Placename) (capital) (esp in Oxford) the High Street
40. (Electronics) electronics the voltage level in a logic circuit corresponding to logical one. Compare low130
41. on high
a. at a height
b. in heaven
[Old English hēah; related to Old Norse hār, Gothic hauhs, Old High German hōh high, Lithuanian kaũkas bump, Russian kúchča heap, Sanskrit kuča bosom]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(haɪ)adj. and
adv. -er, -est,
n. adj.
1. having a great or considerable height; lofty; tall: a high wall.
2. having a specified height: The tree is now 20 feet high.
3. situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high ledge.
4. exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense: high speed; high color.
5. expensive; costly; dear: high prices; high rent.
6. exalted, as in rank, station, or eminence: a high official.
7. elevated in pitch: high notes.
8. extending to or from an elevation: a high dive.
9. great in quantity, as number, degree, or force: a high temperature; high cholesterol.
10. holding to High Church principles and practices.
11. of great consequence; important; grave: high crimes against humanity.
12. elated; merry or hilarious: high spirits; a high old time.
13. rich; extravagant; luxurious: to indulge in high living.
14. intoxicated or euphoric under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
15. remote: high latitude; high antiquity.
16. extreme in opinion or doctrine, esp. in religion or politics: a high Tory.
17. of or designating highland or inland regions.
18. having considerable energy or potential power.
19. pertaining to the gear transmission ratio at which the drive shaft speed and the speed of the engine crankshaft most closely correspond: high gear.
20. (of a vowel) articulated with the upper surface of the tongue relatively close to the palate, as the vowels of eat, it, boot, and put. Compare low 1 (def. 27).
21. (esp. of game) aged until verging on decomposition; slightly tainted.
22. (of a pitched baseball) crossing the plate at a level above the batter's shoulders.
23. (of a playing card)
adv. a. having greater value than other denominations or suits.
b. able to take a trick; being a winning card.
24. at or to a high point, place, or level.
25. in or to a high rank or estimate: to aim high in political ambition.
26. at or to a high amount or price.
27. in or to a high degree.
28. luxuriously; richly; extravagantly: to live high.
29. Naut. as close to the wind as is possible while making headway with sails full.
n. 30. high gear.
31. an atmospheric pressure system characterized by relatively high pressure at its center.
32. a high or the highest point, place, or level; peak: a record high for unemployment.
Idioms: a. an intoxicated or euphoric state induced by alcohol or narcotics.
b. a period of sustained excitement, exhilaration, or the like.
1. high and dry,
a. (of a ship) grounded so as to be entirely above water at low tide.
b. deserted; stranded: to be left high and dry.
2. high and low, in every possible place; everywhere: to search high and low.
3. high on, enthusiastic about; favorably disposed toward.
4. on high,
a. at or to a height; above.
b. in heaven.
c. having a high position, as one who makes important decisions: the powers on high.
[before 900; Middle English heigh, variant of he(g)h, hey, Old English hēah, hēh, c. Old Frisian hāch, Old Saxon, Old High German hoh, Old Norse hār, Gothic hauhs; akin to Lithuanian kaũkas swelling]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
tall1. 'high'
You use high to describe things which measure a larger distance than usual from the bottom to the top. For example, you talk about a high hill or a high fence.
...the high mountains of northern Japan.
...the high walls of the prison.
2. 'tall'
You use tall to describe things which are higher than usual, but which are also much higher than they are wide. So, for example, you talk about a tall tree or a tall chimney.
Insects buzzed in the tall grass.
We saw several birds, including a tall heron standing on one leg.
You always use tall when you are talking about people.
Andreas was a tall handsome man.
She was a young woman, fairly tall and slim.
3. another meaning of 'high'
High also means 'a long way above the ground'. For example, you talk about a high window or a high shelf.
It was a large room with a high ceiling.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | high - a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high" degree, level, grade - a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality; "a moderate grade of intelligence"; "a high level of care is required"; "it is all a matter of degree" low - a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low" |
2. | high - an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high" air mass - a large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontally anticyclone - (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high pressure center; circling clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern | |
3. | high - a state of sustained elation; "I'm on a permanent high these days" elation - an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression low spirits - a state of mild depression | |
4. | high - a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on" elation - an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression | |
5. | high - a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesn't like heights" place, spot, topographic point - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet" | |
6. | high - a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12; "he goes to the neighborhood highschool" Gymnasium, lycee, lyceum, middle school, secondary school - a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12 | |
7. | high - a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed auto, automobile, car, motorcar, machine - a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work" gear mechanism, gear - a mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle) overdrive - a high gear used at high speeds to maintain the driving speed with less output power | |
Adj. | 1. | high - greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself" superior - of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler" low - less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low" |
2. | high - (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high" tall - great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships" top - situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf" up - being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up" low - literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow" | |
3. | high - standing above others in quality or position; "people in high places"; "the high priest"; "eminent members of the community" superior - of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler" | |
4. | high - used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency low-pitched, low - used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency | |
5. | high - happy and excited and energetic elated - exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; "the elated winner"; "felt elated and excited" | |
6. | high - (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted | |
7. | high - slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana) drunk, inebriated, intoxicated - stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated" | |
Adv. | 1. | high - at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder" |
2. | high - in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have gone up far too high" | |
3. | high - in a rich manner; "he lives high" | |
4. | high - far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. tall, towering, soaring, steep, elevated, lofty A house with a high wall around it.
tall low, short, dwarfed, stunted
tall low, short, dwarfed, stunted
2. extreme, great, acute, severe, extraordinary, excessive Officials said casualties were high.
extreme low, average, routine, moderate, mild, restrained, reduced
extreme low, average, routine, moderate, mild, restrained, reduced
3. strong, violent, extreme, blustery, squally, sharp High winds have knocked down trees and power lines.
4. expensive, dear, steep (informal), costly, stiff, high-priced, exorbitant I think it's a good buy overall, despite the high price.
5. important, leading, ruling, chief, powerful, significant, distinguished, prominent, superior, influential, notable, big-time (informal), eminent, major league (informal), exalted, consequential Every one of them is controlled by the families of high officials.
important insignificant, lowly, unimportant, low, common, average, secondary, inconsequential, menial, undistinguished, low-ranking, ignoble
important insignificant, lowly, unimportant, low, common, average, secondary, inconsequential, menial, undistinguished, low-ranking, ignoble
7. notable, leading, important, famous, significant, celebrated, outstanding, distinguished, superior, renowned, eminent, exalted, noteworthy, pre-eminent She has always had a high reputation for her excellent stories.
8. high-pitched, piercing, shrill, penetrating, treble, soprano, strident, sharp, acute, piping Her high voice really irritated Maria.
high-pitched low, deep, low-pitched, alto, bass, gruff
high-pitched low, deep, low-pitched, alto, bass, gruff
9. cheerful, excited, merry, exhilarated, exuberant, joyful, bouncy (informal), boisterous, elated, light-hearted Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick.
cheerful low, sad, depressed, gloomy, melancholy, dejected
cheerful low, sad, depressed, gloomy, melancholy, dejected
10. (Informal) intoxicated, stoned (slang), spaced out (slang), tripping (informal), turned on (slang), on a trip (informal), delirious, euphoric, freaked out (informal), hyped up (slang), off your face (slang), loved-up (informal), zonked (slang), inebriated He was too high on drugs and alcohol to remember them.
11. luxurious, rich, grand, lavish, extravagant, opulent, hedonistic, champagne an emphatic contrast to his Park Avenue high life
1. way up, aloft, far up, to a great height on combat patrol flying high above the landing sites
1. peak, height, top, summit, crest, record level, apex Sales of Russian vodka have reached an all-time high.
2. (Informal) intoxication, trip (informal), euphoria, delirium, ecstasy The 'thrill' sought is said to be similar to a drug high.
high and dry abandoned, stranded, helpless, forsaken, bereft, destitute, in the lurch You could be left high and dry in a strange town.
high and low everywhere, all over (the place), far and wide, exhaustively, in every nook and cranny I have searched high and low for clothes to fit him.
high and mighty (Informal) self-important, superior, arrogant, stuck-up (informal), conceited, imperious, overbearing, haughty, snobbish, disdainful I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.
high up important, prominent, powerful, significant, distinguished, superior, influential, notable, big-time (informal), eminent, major league (informal), exalted, consequential His cousin is somebody quite high up in the navy.
on a high ecstatic, thrilled, elated, over the moon (informal), delirious, euphoric, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven For several weeks he was on a high.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjective1. Extending to a great height:
3. Long past:
5. Exceedingly dignified in form, tone, or style:
6. Abnormally increased, especially in intensity:
7. Bringing a high price:
9. Slang. Stupefied, intoxicated, or otherwise influenced by the taking of drugs:
Informal: doped.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
عالٍعالي الصوتعظيم، عالٍعلى ارتفاع عالٍقوي
elszálltfõ-magasromlásnak induló
há-, hæsti-, aîal-háleiturhárhár, bjarturhár, mikill, töluverîur
atvira jūraaukščiausiasaukščiausias vandens pakilimasaukščiausiasisaukščio
caocao cấptrên cao
[haɪ]A. ADJ (higher (compar) (highest (superl)))
1. (= tall, elevated) [building, mountain] → alto; [plateau] → elevado; [altitude] → grande
a building 60 metres high → un edificio de 60 metros de alto or de altura
it's 20 metres high → tiene 20 metros de alto or de altura
at high altitudes → a grandes altitudes
the ceilings are very high → los techos son muy altos
high cheekbones → pómulos mpl salientes
he has a high forehead → tiene la frente muy ancha
how high is Ben Nevis/that tree? → ¿qué altura tiene el Ben Nevis/ese árbol?
economic reform is high on the agenda → la reforma económica figura entre los asuntos más importantes a tratar
the river is high → el río está crecido
I've known her since she was so high → la conozco desde que era así (de pequeña)
the sun was high in the sky → el sol daba de pleno
high and dry [boat] → varado
the boats lay at the river's edge, high and dry → los botes estaban en la orilla del río, varados
to leave sb high and dry (= in a difficult situation) → dejar a algn en la estacada
a building 60 metres high → un edificio de 60 metros de alto or de altura
it's 20 metres high → tiene 20 metros de alto or de altura
at high altitudes → a grandes altitudes
the ceilings are very high → los techos son muy altos
high cheekbones → pómulos mpl salientes
he has a high forehead → tiene la frente muy ancha
how high is Ben Nevis/that tree? → ¿qué altura tiene el Ben Nevis/ese árbol?
economic reform is high on the agenda → la reforma económica figura entre los asuntos más importantes a tratar
the river is high → el río está crecido
I've known her since she was so high → la conozco desde que era así (de pequeña)
the sun was high in the sky → el sol daba de pleno
high and dry [boat] → varado
the boats lay at the river's edge, high and dry → los botes estaban en la orilla del río, varados
to leave sb high and dry (= in a difficult situation) → dejar a algn en la estacada
2. (= considerable, great) [level, risk, rent, salary, principles] → alto; [price, tax, number] → alto, elevado; [speed] → alto, gran; [quality] → alto, bueno; [colour] → subido; [complexion] (characteristically) → rojizo; (temporarily) → enrojecido; [wind] → fuerte
they offered me a higher salary → me ofrecieron un sueldo más alto
temperatures were in the high 80s → las temperaturas alcanzaron los ochenta y muchos, las temperaturas rondaron los 90 grados
interest rates are high → los intereses están muy altos
we offer education of the highest quality → ofrecemos una educación de la más alta or de la mejor calidad
to have high blood pressure → tener la tensión alta, ser hipertenso
his team was of the highest calibre → su equipo era del más alto nivel
to have high hopes of sth I had high hopes of being elected → tenía muchas esperanzas de que me eligieran
parsley is high in calcium → el perejil es rico en calcio
to have a high opinion of sb (= think highly of) → tener muy buena opinión or concepto de algn; (= be fond of) → tener a algn en alta estima
to pay a high price for sth (lit) → pagar mucho dinero por algo (fig) → pagar algo muy caro
to have a high temperature → tener mucha fiebre, tener una fiebre muy alta
to have a high old time → pasarlo en grande
it's high time ... it's high time you were in bed → ya deberías estar acostado desde hace un buen rato
it's high time we were on our way → ya deberíamos haber salido hace rato
see also gear, priority, profile, spirit, stake, high A4
they offered me a higher salary → me ofrecieron un sueldo más alto
temperatures were in the high 80s → las temperaturas alcanzaron los ochenta y muchos, las temperaturas rondaron los 90 grados
interest rates are high → los intereses están muy altos
we offer education of the highest quality → ofrecemos una educación de la más alta or de la mejor calidad
to have high blood pressure → tener la tensión alta, ser hipertenso
his team was of the highest calibre → su equipo era del más alto nivel
to have high hopes of sth I had high hopes of being elected → tenía muchas esperanzas de que me eligieran
parsley is high in calcium → el perejil es rico en calcio
to have a high opinion of sb (= think highly of) → tener muy buena opinión or concepto de algn; (= be fond of) → tener a algn en alta estima
to pay a high price for sth (lit) → pagar mucho dinero por algo (fig) → pagar algo muy caro
to have a high temperature → tener mucha fiebre, tener una fiebre muy alta
to have a high old time → pasarlo en grande
it's high time ... it's high time you were in bed → ya deberías estar acostado desde hace un buen rato
it's high time we were on our way → ya deberíamos haber salido hace rato
see also gear, priority, profile, spirit, stake, high A4
3. (= important, superior) [rank, position, office] → alto
high and mighty she's too high and mighty → es demasiado engreída
you needn't act so high and mighty with me → no tienes por qué ponerte tan engreído conmigo
she moves in the circles of the high and mighty → se mueve en círculos de los poderosos, se mueve en círculos de gente de mucho fuste (pej)
high official → alto funcionario/a m/f
to get (up) on one's high horse → subirse a la parra
there's no need to get (up) on your high horse! → ¡no hace falta que te subas a la parra!
to come down off or get off one's high horse → bajar los humos
in high places to have friends in high places → tener amigos importantes or con influencias
people in high places → gente influyente or importante
high and mighty she's too high and mighty → es demasiado engreída
you needn't act so high and mighty with me → no tienes por qué ponerte tan engreído conmigo
she moves in the circles of the high and mighty → se mueve en círculos de los poderosos, se mueve en círculos de gente de mucho fuste (pej)
high official → alto funcionario/a m/f
to get (up) on one's high horse → subirse a la parra
there's no need to get (up) on your high horse! → ¡no hace falta que te subas a la parra!
to come down off or get off one's high horse → bajar los humos
in high places to have friends in high places → tener amigos importantes or con influencias
people in high places → gente influyente or importante
4. (= high-pitched) [sound, note] → alto; [voice] → agudo
he played another higher note → tocó otra nota más alta
she can still hit those high notes → todavía llega bien a los agudos
in a high voice → con voz aguda
on a high note he ended his career on a high note → terminó su carrera con un gran éxito
he played another higher note → tocó otra nota más alta
she can still hit those high notes → todavía llega bien a los agudos
in a high voice → con voz aguda
on a high note he ended his career on a high note → terminó su carrera con un gran éxito
5. (= intoxicated) to be high (on) [+ drink, drugs] → estar colocado (de)
to get high (on) [+ drink, drugs] → colocarse (de)
she was high on her latest success → estaba encantada or entusiasmada con su último éxito
to be (as) high as a kite (on drugs, drink) → estar totalmente colocado; (= confident) → estar que no se cabe en sí
to get high (on) [+ drink, drugs] → colocarse (de)
she was high on her latest success → estaba encantada or entusiasmada con su último éxito
to be (as) high as a kite (on drugs, drink) → estar totalmente colocado; (= confident) → estar que no se cabe en sí
B. ADV (higher (compar) (highest (superl)))
1. (in height) [fly, rise] → a gran altura
it rose high in the air → se elevó a gran altura
it sailed high over the house → volaba a gran altura por encima de la casa
high above an eagle circled high above → un águila circulaba en las alturas
the town is perched high above the river → el pueblo está en un alto, sobre el río
high above my head → muy por encima de mi cabeza
to run high [sea] → estar embravecido; [river] → estar crecido
feelings were running high → los ánimos estaban exaltados
high up his farm was high up in the mountains → su granja estaba en lo alto de las montañas
we saw three birds circling very high up → vimos tres pájaros circulando en las alturas
she had put it too high up for me to reach → lo había puesto demasiado alto y no llegaba
his cousin is someone high up in the navy → su primo tiene un cargo importante en la marina
to hold one's head (up) high → mantener la cabeza bien alta
to live high on the hog (US) → vivir como un rajá
to hunt or search high and low (for sth/sb) → remover el cielo y la tierra (en busca de algo/algn)
see also aim, fly A1
see also head A1
see also stand C5
it rose high in the air → se elevó a gran altura
it sailed high over the house → volaba a gran altura por encima de la casa
high above an eagle circled high above → un águila circulaba en las alturas
the town is perched high above the river → el pueblo está en un alto, sobre el río
high above my head → muy por encima de mi cabeza
to run high [sea] → estar embravecido; [river] → estar crecido
feelings were running high → los ánimos estaban exaltados
high up his farm was high up in the mountains → su granja estaba en lo alto de las montañas
we saw three birds circling very high up → vimos tres pájaros circulando en las alturas
she had put it too high up for me to reach → lo había puesto demasiado alto y no llegaba
his cousin is someone high up in the navy → su primo tiene un cargo importante en la marina
to hold one's head (up) high → mantener la cabeza bien alta
to live high on the hog (US) → vivir como un rajá
to hunt or search high and low (for sth/sb) → remover el cielo y la tierra (en busca de algo/algn)
see also aim, fly A1
see also head A1
see also stand C5
C. N
1. on high (= in heaven) → en el cielo, en las alturas
there's been a new directive from on high (fig) → ha habido una nueva directriz de arriba
there's been a new directive from on high (fig) → ha habido una nueva directriz de arriba
2. (= peak) sales have reached an all-time high → las ventas han alcanzado cifras récord
to be on a high → estar a las mil maravillas
to be on a high → estar a las mil maravillas
3. (Fin) → máximo m
the Dow Jones index reached a high of 2503 → el índice de Dow Jones alcanzó un máximo de 2.503
the Dow Jones index reached a high of 2503 → el índice de Dow Jones alcanzó un máximo de 2.503
4. (Met) → zona f de altas presiones (esp US) → temperatura f máxima
D. CPD high altar N → altar m mayor
high beam N (US) (Aut) he had his lights on high beam → llevaba las luces largas or de cruce
high camp N (Theat) → amaneramiento m
high chair N → silla f alta (para niño), trona f (Sp)
High Church N sector de la Iglesia Anglicana muy cercano a la liturgia y ritos católicos
high comedy N (Theat) → comedia f de costumbres
it was high comedy (fig) → era de lo más cómico
high command N (Mil) → alto mando m
high commission N (= international body) → alto comisionado m; (= embassy) → embajada f (que representa a uno de los países de la Commonwealth en otro)
high commissioner N [of international body] → alto comisario/a m/f; (= ambassador) → embajador(ora) m/f (de un país de la Commonwealth en otro)
High Court N (Jur) → Tribunal m Supremo
a high court judge → un juez del Tribunal Supremo
high definition N → alta definición f
see also high-definition high diving N → saltos mpl de trampolín de gran altura
high explosive N → explosivo m de gran potencia
see also high-explosive high fidelity N → alta fidelidad f
see also high-fidelity high finance N → altas finanzas fpl
high flier N he's a high flier → es ambicioso, tiene talento y promete
High German N → alto alemán m
high ground N (fig) they believe they have or occupy the moral high ground in this conflict → creen que tienen moralmente la razón de su parte en este conflicto
high hat N → sombrero m de copa, cilindro m
see also high-hat high heels NPL (= heels) → tacones mpl altos; (= shoes) → zapatos mpl de tacón
high jinks (o.f.) NPL → jolgorio msing, jarana f
there were high jinks last night → hubo jolgorio or jarana anoche
to get up to high jinks → meterse en jarana
high jump N (Sport) → salto m de altura
he's for the high jump (Brit) (= he'll be in trouble) → se la va a cargar, le va a caer una buena; (= he'll be sacked) → le van a largar
high jumper N (Sport) → saltador(a) m/f de altura
the high life N (gen) → la buena vida; (in high society) → la vida de la buena sociedad
high living N → la buena vida
High Mass N → misa f mayor
high noon N (= midday) → mediodía m (fig) (= peak) → apogeo m; (= critical point) → momento m crucial
high point N [of show, evening] → punto m culminante, clímax m inv; [of visit, holiday] → lo más destacado; [of career] → punto m culminante, cenit m
high priest N → sumo sacerdote m
high priestess N → suma sacerdotisa f
high relief N → alto relieve m
to throw or bring sth into high relief (fig) → poner algo de relieve
high road N (esp Brit) → carretera f
this is the high road to disaster → éste es el camino del desastre
high roller N (US) (gen) → derrochón/ona m/f; (gambling) → jugador/ora m/f empedernido
high school N (US, Brit) → instituto m de enseñanza secundaria → liceo m (LAm)
junior high (school) (US) instituto donde se imparten los dos primeros años de bachillerato
high school diploma N (US) → bachillerato m
high school graduate N (US) → bachiller mf
the high seas NPL → alta mar fsing
on the high seas → en alta mar
high season N → temporada f alta
high season prices/rates → precios mpl/tarifas fpl de temporada alta
high sign N → seña f (acordada)
to give sb a high sign → hacer la seña a algn
high society N → la alta sociedad
high spot N [of show, evening] → punto m culminante, clímax m inv; [of visit, holiday] → lo más destacado; [of career] → punto m culminante, cenit m
high street N → calle f mayor, calle f principal
high street banks → bancos mpl principales
high street shops → tiendas fpl de la calle principal
high summer N → pleno verano m, pleno estío m
high table N (gen) → mesa f principal, mesa f presidencial (Univ, Scol) → mesa f de los profesores
high tea N (Brit) → merienda-cena f (que se toma acompañada de té)
high technology N → alta tecnología f
high tide N → pleamar f, marea f alta
at high tide → en la pleamar, en marea alta
high treason N → alta traición f
high water N → pleamar f, marea f alta
see also high-water mark high wire N → cuerda f floja
high wire act N → número m en la cuerda floja, número m de funambulismo
high beam N (US) (Aut) he had his lights on high beam → llevaba las luces largas or de cruce
high camp N (Theat) → amaneramiento m
high chair N → silla f alta (para niño), trona f (Sp)
High Church N sector de la Iglesia Anglicana muy cercano a la liturgia y ritos católicos
high comedy N (Theat) → comedia f de costumbres
it was high comedy (fig) → era de lo más cómico
high command N (Mil) → alto mando m
high commission N (= international body) → alto comisionado m; (= embassy) → embajada f (que representa a uno de los países de la Commonwealth en otro)
high commissioner N [of international body] → alto comisario/a m/f; (= ambassador) → embajador(ora) m/f (de un país de la Commonwealth en otro)
High Court N (Jur) → Tribunal m Supremo
a high court judge → un juez del Tribunal Supremo
high definition N → alta definición f
see also high-definition high diving N → saltos mpl de trampolín de gran altura
high explosive N → explosivo m de gran potencia
see also high-explosive high fidelity N → alta fidelidad f
see also high-fidelity high finance N → altas finanzas fpl
high flier N he's a high flier → es ambicioso, tiene talento y promete
High German N → alto alemán m
high ground N (fig) they believe they have or occupy the moral high ground in this conflict → creen que tienen moralmente la razón de su parte en este conflicto
high hat N → sombrero m de copa, cilindro m
see also high-hat high heels NPL (= heels) → tacones mpl altos; (= shoes) → zapatos mpl de tacón
high jinks (o.f.) NPL → jolgorio msing, jarana f
there were high jinks last night → hubo jolgorio or jarana anoche
to get up to high jinks → meterse en jarana
high jump N (Sport) → salto m de altura
he's for the high jump (Brit) (= he'll be in trouble) → se la va a cargar, le va a caer una buena; (= he'll be sacked) → le van a largar
high jumper N (Sport) → saltador(a) m/f de altura
the high life N (gen) → la buena vida; (in high society) → la vida de la buena sociedad
high living N → la buena vida
High Mass N → misa f mayor
high noon N (= midday) → mediodía m (fig) (= peak) → apogeo m; (= critical point) → momento m crucial
high point N [of show, evening] → punto m culminante, clímax m inv; [of visit, holiday] → lo más destacado; [of career] → punto m culminante, cenit m
high priest N → sumo sacerdote m
high priestess N → suma sacerdotisa f
high relief N → alto relieve m
to throw or bring sth into high relief (fig) → poner algo de relieve
high road N (esp Brit) → carretera f
this is the high road to disaster → éste es el camino del desastre
high roller N (US) (gen) → derrochón/ona m/f; (gambling) → jugador/ora m/f empedernido
high school N (US, Brit) → instituto m de enseñanza secundaria → liceo m (LAm)
junior high (school) (US) instituto donde se imparten los dos primeros años de bachillerato
high school diploma N (US) → bachillerato m
high school graduate N (US) → bachiller mf
the high seas NPL → alta mar fsing
on the high seas → en alta mar
high season N → temporada f alta
high season prices/rates → precios mpl/tarifas fpl de temporada alta
high sign N → seña f (acordada)
to give sb a high sign → hacer la seña a algn
high society N → la alta sociedad
high spot N [of show, evening] → punto m culminante, clímax m inv; [of visit, holiday] → lo más destacado; [of career] → punto m culminante, cenit m
high street N → calle f mayor, calle f principal
high street banks → bancos mpl principales
high street shops → tiendas fpl de la calle principal
high summer N → pleno verano m, pleno estío m
high table N (gen) → mesa f principal, mesa f presidencial (Univ, Scol) → mesa f de los profesores
high tea N (Brit) → merienda-cena f (que se toma acompañada de té)
high technology N → alta tecnología f
high tide N → pleamar f, marea f alta
at high tide → en la pleamar, en marea alta
high treason N → alta traición f
high water N → pleamar f, marea f alta
see also high-water mark high wire N → cuerda f floja
high wire act N → número m en la cuerda floja, número m de funambulismo
En Estados Unidos las high schools son los institutos donde los adolescentes de 15 a 18 años realizan la educación secundaria, que dura tres cursos (grades), desde el noveno hasta el duodécimo año de la enseñanza; al final del último curso se realiza un libro conmemorativo con fotos de los alumnos y profesores de ese año Yearbook y los alumnos reciben el diploma de high school en una ceremonia formal de graduación. Estos centros suelen ser un tema frecuente en las películas y programas de televisión estadounidenses en los que se resalta mucho el aspecto deportivo - sobre todo el fútbol americano y el baloncesto - además de algunos acontecimientos sociales como el baile de fin de curso, conocido como Senior Prom.
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈhaɪ] adj
(= tall; far from the ground) [wall, mountain, ceiling] → haut(e) before n
the high walls of the prison → les hauts murs de la prison
It's too high → C'est trop haut.
How high is the wall?
BUT Quelle est la hauteur du mur?.
twenty metres high → haut(e) de vingt mètres, de vingt mètres de haut
The wall is 2 metres high → Le mur fait deux mètres de haut.
a bronze horse measuring only twenty-three centimetres high
BUT un cheval de bronze mesurant seulement vingt-trois centimètres de haut.
to have the high ground → être au-dessus de la mêlée
The President must seek to regain the high ground in the political debate → Le président doit chercher à se replacer au-dessus de la mêlée dans le débat politique.
How do we recapture the intellectual high ground? → Comment pouvons-nous nous replacer intellectuellement au-dessus de la mêlée?
to take the moral high ground → s'élever au-dessus de la mêlée, prendre de la hauteur
the high walls of the prison → les hauts murs de la prison
It's too high → C'est trop haut.
How high is the wall?
BUT Quelle est la hauteur du mur?.
twenty metres high → haut(e) de vingt mètres, de vingt mètres de haut
The wall is 2 metres high → Le mur fait deux mètres de haut.
a bronze horse measuring only twenty-three centimetres high
BUT un cheval de bronze mesurant seulement vingt-trois centimètres de haut.
to have the high ground → être au-dessus de la mêlée
The President must seek to regain the high ground in the political debate → Le président doit chercher à se replacer au-dessus de la mêlée dans le débat politique.
How do we recapture the intellectual high ground? → Comment pouvons-nous nous replacer intellectuellement au-dessus de la mêlée?
to take the moral high ground → s'élever au-dessus de la mêlée, prendre de la hauteur
[number] → grand(e); [price, cost] → élevé(e); [salary] → élevé(e); [degree, importance] → haut(e) before n; [rate] → élevé(e); [temperature] → élevé(e), haut(e) before n; [speed] → grand(e)
These pans will withstand high temperatures → Ces poêles peuvent supporter des températures élevées., Ces poêles peuvent supporter de hautes températures.
Temperatures in summer can be as high as 40 degrees → En été, les températures peuvent atteindre les 40 degrés.
High levels of radiation have been recorded → De hauts niveaux de radiations ont été enregistrés., Des niveaux de radiations élevés ont été enregistrés.
Casualties were high → Le nombre de victimes était élevé.
The cost of victory could be very high → Le prix de la victoire pourrait être très élevé.
to pay a high price for sth → payer cher pour qch
a high number of → un grand nombre de
a high temperature → une température élevée
in the high eighties
The temperature was in the high eighties → Il faisait plus de trente degrés.
at high speed → à grande vitesse
These pans will withstand high temperatures → Ces poêles peuvent supporter des températures élevées., Ces poêles peuvent supporter de hautes températures.
Temperatures in summer can be as high as 40 degrees → En été, les températures peuvent atteindre les 40 degrés.
High levels of radiation have been recorded → De hauts niveaux de radiations ont été enregistrés., Des niveaux de radiations élevés ont été enregistrés.
Casualties were high → Le nombre de victimes était élevé.
The cost of victory could be very high → Le prix de la victoire pourrait être très élevé.
to pay a high price for sth → payer cher pour qch
a high number of → un grand nombre de
a high temperature → une température élevée
in the high eighties
The temperature was in the high eighties → Il faisait plus de trente degrés.
at high speed → à grande vitesse
[priority] → haut(e); [risk] → haut(e); [quality] → haut(e) before n; [standard] → élevé(e); [respect] → grand(e)
The standard of university education is very high → Le niveau de l'enseignement universitaire est très élevé.
high moral standards → des critères moraux élevés
Safety has always been our highest priority → La sécurité a toujours été notre plus haute priorité.
to be high on sb's agenda (= be very important) → figurer parmi les priorités de qn
Improving access to health care is high on the government's agenda → L'amélioration de l'accès aux soins figure parmi les priorités du gouvernement.
Economic reform is high on our agenda → La réforme économique figure parmi nos priorités.
to have a high opinion of sb/sth → avoir une haute opinion de qn/qch
I have a very high opinion of him → J'ai une très haute opinion de lui.
to have high expectations of sb/sth → attendre beaucoup de qn/qch
to have high principles → avoir des principes élevés
The standard of university education is very high → Le niveau de l'enseignement universitaire est très élevé.
high moral standards → des critères moraux élevés
Safety has always been our highest priority → La sécurité a toujours été notre plus haute priorité.
to be high on sb's agenda (= be very important) → figurer parmi les priorités de qn
Improving access to health care is high on the government's agenda → L'amélioration de l'accès aux soins figure parmi les priorités du gouvernement.
Economic reform is high on our agenda → La réforme économique figure parmi nos priorités.
to have a high opinion of sb/sth → avoir une haute opinion de qn/qch
I have a very high opinion of him → J'ai une très haute opinion de lui.
to have high expectations of sb/sth → attendre beaucoup de qn/qch
to have high principles → avoir des principes élevés
to be in high spirits → être d'excellente humeur
high time → grand temps
It's high time you learned how to do it → Il est grand temps que tu apprennes à le faire.
It's high time you learned how to do it → Il est grand temps que tu apprennes à le faire.
[wind] → violent(e)
to be high in sth [+ fat, fibre, protein, calories] → être riche en qch
foods that are high in fat → les aliments riches en graisses
It's very high in fat
BUT C'est très gras. → C'est très riche en graisses.
foods that are high in fat → les aliments riches en graisses
It's very high in fat
BUT C'est très gras. → C'est très riche en graisses.
(in pitch) [voice] → aigu(ë); [note] → haut(e)
She's got a very high voice → Elle a la voix très aiguë.
She's got a very high voice → Elle a la voix très aiguë.
(in authority, influence) a high official → un haut officiel, un officiel haut placé
to have friends in high places → avoir des amis haut placés
see also high up
to have friends in high places → avoir des amis haut placés
see also high up
[person] (on drugs) → défoncé(e) ; (on drink) → défoncé(e) , bourré(e)
to be high on sth → être sous l'emprise de qch, être défoncé(e) à qch
to get high → se défoncer
to get high on crack → se défoncer au crack
to be high on sth → être sous l'emprise de qch, être défoncé(e) à qch
to get high → se défoncer
to get high on crack → se défoncer au crack
(British) [meat, game] → faisandé(e)
adv [throw, fly, climb, reach up] → haut
How high did you climb?
BUT À quelle altitude êtes-vous monté ?.
high in the air
He threw the ball high in the air → Il a lancé la balle haut dans les airs.
high in the sky
The sun was high in the sky → Le soleil était haut dans le ciel.
to aim high → viser haut
high up → très haut
to search high and low for sth → chercher dans tous les coins qch
I have searched high and low for shoes that will fit me properly → J'ai cherché dans tous les coins des chaussures qui m'iraient.
How high did you climb?
BUT À quelle altitude êtes-vous monté ?.
high in the air
He threw the ball high in the air → Il a lancé la balle haut dans les airs.
high in the sky
The sun was high in the sky → Le soleil était haut dans le ciel.
to aim high → viser haut
high up → très haut
to search high and low for sth → chercher dans tous les coins qch
I have searched high and low for shoes that will fit me properly → J'ai cherché dans tous les coins des chaussures qui m'iraient.
(= highest level) to reach a new high [number, level, temperature] → atteindre de nouveaux sommets
The number of refugees has reached a new high → Le nombre de réfugiés a atteint de nouveaux sommets.
Exports have reached a new high → Les exportations ont atteint de nouveaux sommets.
to reach an all-time high → atteindre des sommets historiques
The number of refugees has reached an all-time high → Le nombre de réfugiés a atteint des sommets historiques.
Sales of vodka have reached an all-time high → Les ventes de vodka ont atteint des sommets historiques.
The number of refugees has reached a new high → Le nombre de réfugiés a atteint de nouveaux sommets.
Exports have reached a new high → Les exportations ont atteint de nouveaux sommets.
to reach an all-time high → atteindre des sommets historiques
The number of refugees has reached an all-time high → Le nombre de réfugiés a atteint des sommets historiques.
Sales of vodka have reached an all-time high → Les ventes de vodka ont atteint des sommets historiques.
to come from on high → venir de haut
The orders came from on high → Les ordres venaient de haut.high altar n
The orders came from on high → Les ordres venaient de haut.high altar n
(lit) [church] → maître-autel m
(fig) → maître-autel mhigh and dry adj [boat] → échoué(e)
to be left high and dry [person] → être laissé(e) pour comptehigh and mighty
to be left high and dry [person] → être laissé(e) pour comptehigh and mighty
adj (= arrogant) to be high and mighty → se donner de grands airs
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj (+er)
mountain, wall, forehead, building → hoch pred, → hohe(r, s) attr; a building 80 metres (Brit) or meters (US) high, an 80-metre (Brit) or 80-meter (US) high building → ein 80 Meter hohes Gebäude; the building is 80 metres (Brit) or meters (US) high → das Gebäude ist 80 Meter hoch; a high dive → ein Kopfsprung m → aus großer Höhe; on one of the higher floors → in einem der oberen Stockwerke; he lives on a higher floor → er wohnt weiter oben; the highest floor → die oberste Etage; at high tide or water → bei Flut or Hochwasser; the river is quite high → der Fluss führt ziemlich viel Wasser; high and dry (boat) → auf dem Trockenen; to be left high and dry → auf dem Trockenen sitzen (inf); he left her high and dry with four young children → er hat sie mit vier kleinen Kindern sitzen lassen; I knew him when he was only so high → ich kannte ihn, als er nur SO groß war or noch so klein war ? also high ground
(= important, superior) → hoch pred, → hohe(r, s) attr; high office → hohes Amt; on the highest authority → von höchster Stelle; to be high and mighty → erhaben tun; to be on one’s high horse (fig) → auf dem hohen Ross sitzen; O Lord most high (Bibl) → erhabener Gott
(= considerable, extreme, great) opinion, speed, temperature, fever, pressure, salary, price, rate, density, sea → hoch pred, → hohe(r, s) attr; reputation → ausgezeichnet, hervorragend; altitude → groß; wind → stark; complexion, colour → (hoch)rot; of the highest calibre (Brit) or caliber (US) /quality → von bestem Format/bester Qualität; casualties were high → es gab viele Opfer; (Mil) → es gab hohe Verluste; the temperature was in the high twenties → die Temperatur lag bei fast 30 Grad; to pay a high price for something (lit, fig) → etw teuer bezahlen; to put a high value on something → etw hoch einschätzen; the highest common factor → der größte gemeinsame Teiler; to the highest degree → im höchsten Grad or Maß; to have high expectations of somebody/something → hohe Erwartungen an jdn/etw stellen; in (very) high spirits → in Hochstimmung, in äußerst guter Laune; high in fat → fettreich; to have a high old time (inf) → sich prächtig amüsieren, mächtig Spaß haben (inf); it was high drama → es war hochdramatisch
(of time) high noon → zwölf Uhr mittags; it’s high time you went home → es ist or wird höchste Zeit, dass du nach Hause gehst
(inf, on drugs) → high (inf); (on drink) → blau (inf); to get high on alcohol → sich (mit Alkohol) besaufen (inf); to get high on cocaine → sich mit Kokain anturnen (sl)
meat → angegangen
adv (+er)
→ hoch; high up (position) → hoch oben; (motion) → hoch hinauf; birds circling very high up → Vögel, die ganz weit oben kreisen; higher up the hill was a small farm → etwas weiter oben am Berg lag ein kleiner Bauernhof; high (up) on the agenda → ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung; high up in the organization → weit oben in der Organisationsstruktur; one floor higher → ein Stockwerk höher; to throw something high in(to) the air → etw hoch in die Luft werfen
God on high → Gott in der Höhe or im Himmel; the orders have come from on high (hum inf) → der Befehl kommt von oben
unemployment/the pound has reached a new high → die Arbeitslosenzahlen haben/das Pfund hat einen neuen Höchststand erreicht; sales have reached an all-time high → die Verkaufszahlen sind so hoch wie nie zuvor; the highs and lows of my career → die Höhen und Tiefen pl → meiner Laufbahn
(Met) → Hoch nt
he’s still on a high (inf: = on drugs) → er ist immer noch high (inf); I was on a high after the concert (inf: = excited) → nach dem Konzert war ich ganz high (inf)
(US Aut: = top gear) in high → im höchsten Gang; he moved into high → er schaltete hoch or in den höchsten Gang
(US inf: = high school) → Penne f (inf)
:high altar
n → Hochaltar m
n (US) → Highball m
high beam
n (Aut) → Fernlicht nt
n (for diving) → Turm m
n → Intellektuelle(r) mf
adj interests → intellektuell, hochgestochen (pej); tastes, music, author → anspruchsvoll
adj → kalorienreich
n → Hochstuhl m
High Church
n → Hochkirche f
adj newspaper → auflagenstark
high-coloured, (US) high-colored
adj complexion, skin → rot
high comedy
n → Gesellschaftskomödie f
high commission
n → Hochkommissariat nt
high commissioner
n → Hochkommissar(in) m(f)
high court
high court judge
n → Richter(in) m(f) → am obersten Gerichtshof
high diving
n → Turmspringen nt
adj particle, food → energiereich
:high explosive
high-explosive shell
n → Sprenggranate f, → Brisanzgeschoss nt
highfalutin, highfaluting
adj (inf) language, behaviour → hochtrabend, geschwollen; scheme → großkotzig (inf); idea → hochgestochen; people → aufgeblasen, hochgestochen
high farming
n (Agr) → intensive Bodenbewirtschaftung
high-fibre, (US) high-fiber
adj diet → ballaststoffreich
high fidelity
n → High Fidelity f, → Tontreue f
adj → Hi-Fi-; high sound → Hi-Fi-Sound m
n (inf: = successful person) → Senkrechtstarter(in) m(f); (= ambitious person) → Ehrgeizling m (pej); he’s a high → er ist ein Erfolgstyp (inf)
n = high-flier
high frequency
n → Hochfrequenz f
High German
n → Hochdeutsch nt
adj → hochwertig; ore → gediegen
high ground
(fig) to regain the high → seine überlegene Position zurückerobern; to take the political/intellectual high → sich politisch/intellektuell aufs hohe Ross setzen; to lose/claim the moral high → die moralische Überlegenheit verlieren/für sich beanspruchen
high hat
n (US inf) → hochnäsiger Typ (inf)
adj → mit hohen Absätzen, hochhackig
high heels
pl → hohe Absätze pl
adj → einkommensstark
vt, n = hijack
n = hijacker
high jinks
pl (inf) → ausgelassene Späße pl; the high over this bill → das Theater um diesen Gesetzesentwurf (inf); there wasn’t much substance behind the verbal high → hinter den Worten steckte nicht viel
high jump
high jumper
n (Sport) → Hochspringer(in) m(f)
adj → hochländisch; area, town also → im Hochland
n → Bewohner(in) m(f) → des schottischen Hochlands or der schottischen Highlands
Highland fling
n schottischer Volkstanz
Highland Games
pl schottisches Volksfest mit traditionellen Wettkämpfen
pl → schottisches Hochland, (schottische) Highlands pl; (generally) → Berg- or Hochland nt
need, issue, problem, dangers → ein Schlaglicht werfen auf (+acc); this highs the fact that … → das verdeutlicht die Tatsache, dass …
text (with highlighter) → hervorheben, markieren; (on computer screen) → markieren; hair → Strähnen machen in (+acc)
high living
n → flottes or (pej) → ausschweifendes Leben
patient, baby → pflegebedürftig
machine → wartungsintensiv
(inf) girlfriend etc → anspruchsvoll; relationship → zeitintensiv; a high author → ein nicht gerade pflegeleichter Autor (inf)
High Mass
n → Hochamt nt
high muck-a-muck
n (sl) → arrogantes, hohes Tier (pej)
adj → hochgeschlossen
high point
n → Höhepunkt m
(= powerful) machine, engine, computer → leistungsfähig; rifle, gun → leistungsstark; car → stark(motorig); laser → stark
person → hochgestellt, hochkarätig (inf); (= dynamic) → dynamisch; academic etc → äußerst fähig; job, career, course → anspruchsvoll; conversation → hochintellektuell; delegation → hochkarätig (inf)
(using air or liquid) → Hochdruck-; high pump → Hochdruckpumpe f; high cylinder → Hochdruckzylinder m; high air → Druckluft f; high hose → Druckleitung f
(Met) high area → Hochdruckgebiet nt; a high area over the Atlantic → ein Hoch(druckgebiet) nt → über dem Atlantik, ein atlantisches Hoch
(fig) sales technique → aggressiv; salesman also → aufdringlich
vt (US) to high somebody into doing something → jdn so unter Druck setzen, dass er etw tut
adj → teuer
high priest
high priestess
adj → mit strengen Grundsätzen
adj → profiliert
adj → eiweißreich
high relief
n → Hochrelief nt
adj screen, graphics → hochauflösend
adj high building → Hochhaus nt; high office (block) → Bürohochhaus nt; high flats (Brit) → (Wohn)hochhaus nt
high school
n (Brit) → ˜ Oberschule f (für 11 bis 18-Jährige); (US) → ˜ Oberschule f (für 15 bis 18-Jährige)
adj game (Ftbl, Hockey, Handball) → torreich; (Basketball) → punktreich
high season
high seat
n (Hunt) → Hochsitz m
high sign
high society
n → High Society f
adj → klangvoll
adj → schnell; drill → mit hoher Umdrehungszahl; high car chase → wilde Verfolgungsjagd im Auto; high crash → Zusammenstoß m → bei hoher Geschwindigkeit; high train → Hochgeschwindigkeitszug m; high rail link → Hochgeschwindigkeitszugverbindung f; high printer → Schnelldrucker m; high lens → hoch lichtstarkes Objektiv, lichtstarke Linse; high film → hoch lichtempfindlicher Film, hochempfindlicher Film
adj → temperamentvoll, lebhaft
high spirits
high spot
high street
n (Brit) → Hauptstraße f; high banks → Geschäftsbanken pl; high shops → Geschäfte pl → in der Innenstadt
adj (US) → nervös
high summer
n → Hochsommer m
high table
:high tea
n → (frühes) Abendessen
n, adj = hi-tech
high technology
n → Hochtechnologie f, → Spitzentechnologie f
high treason
n → Hochverrat m
adj person → hochgestellt
n (inf) → hohes Tier (inf)
Highway Code
n (Brit) → Straßenverkehrsordnung f
highway robbery
n → Straßenraub m; (fig inf) → Nepp m (inf)
Highways Department
n → Tiefbauamt nt
high wire
n → Drahtseil nt
adj (Agr) → ertragsreich; (Fin) investment, bond → ertragsstark
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[haɪ]1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (gen) → alto/a
a building 60 metres high → un palazzo alto 60 metri
how high is Ben Nevis? → quanto è alto il Ben Nevis?
since she was so high (fam) → fin da quando era grande or alta così
to leave sb high and dry (fig) → piantare in asso qn
to be on one's high horse (fig) → montare or salire in cattedra
to be or act high and mighty → darsi delle arie
a building 60 metres high → un palazzo alto 60 metri
how high is Ben Nevis? → quanto è alto il Ben Nevis?
since she was so high (fam) → fin da quando era grande or alta così
to leave sb high and dry (fig) → piantare in asso qn
to be on one's high horse (fig) → montare or salire in cattedra
to be or act high and mighty → darsi delle arie
b. (frequency, pressure, temperature, salary, price) → alto/a; (speed, wind) → forte; (character, ideals) → nobile; (value, respect, number) → grande
to pay a high price for sth → pagare (molto) caro/a qc
his colour is very high → è molto rosso in viso
to have a high old time (fam) → spassarsela
it's high time you were in bed (fam) → dovresti essere già a letto da un pezzo
to pay a high price for sth → pagare (molto) caro/a qc
his colour is very high → è molto rosso in viso
to have a high old time (fam) → spassarsela
it's high time you were in bed (fam) → dovresti essere già a letto da un pezzo
c. (Mus) (note) → alto/a; (sound, voice) → acuto/a
d. (fam) (on drugs) → fatto/a (000) (on drink) → su di giri
e. (Brit) (Culin) (meat, game) → frollato/a (000) (spoilt) → andato/a a male
2. adv (fly, aim, climb) → in alto
the doves flew high in the sky → le colombe volavano alte nel cielo
high up → molto in alto
high above the clouds → in alto sopra le nuvole
higher and higher → sempre più (in) alto
the bidding went as high as £500 → le offerte sono arrivate fino a 500 sterline
to hunt high and low → cercare per mare e per terra
feelings were running high → c'era molta tensione
the doves flew high in the sky → le colombe volavano alte nel cielo
high up → molto in alto
high above the clouds → in alto sopra le nuvole
higher and higher → sempre più (in) alto
the bidding went as high as £500 → le offerte sono arrivate fino a 500 sterline
to hunt high and low → cercare per mare e per terra
feelings were running high → c'era molta tensione
3. n
b. exports have reached a new high → le esportazioni hanno toccato un nuovo record
c. (Met) → anticiclone m, area di alta pressione
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(hai) adjective1. at, from, or reaching up to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc. a high mountain; a high dive; a dive from the high diving-board.
2. having a particular height. This building is about 20 metres high; My horse is fifteen hands high.
3. great; large; considerable. The car was travelling at high speed; He has a high opinion of her work; They charge high prices; high hopes; The child has a high fever/temperature.
4. most important; very important. the high altar in a church; Important criminal trials are held at the High Court; a high official.
5. noble; good. high ideals.
6. (of a wind) strong. The wind is high tonight.
7. (of sounds) at or towards the top of a (musical) range. a high note.
8. (of voices) like a child's voice (rather than like a man's). He still speaks in a high voice.
9. (of food, especially meat) beginning to go bad.
10. having great value. Aces and kings are high cards.
adverb at, or to, a great distance from ground-level, sea-level etc. The plane was flying high in the sky; He'll rise high in his profession.
ˈhighly adverb1. very; very much. highly delighted; highly paid; I value the book highly.
2. with approval. He thinks/speaks very highly of you.
ˈhighness noun1. the state or quality of being high.
2. a title of a prince, princess etc. Your Highness; Her Highness.
ˈhigh-chair noun a chair with long legs, used by a baby or young child at mealtimes.
ˌhigh-ˈclass adjective of high quality. This is a high-class hotel.
higher education education beyond the level of secondary school education, eg at a university.
high fidelity high quality and great accuracy (in the reproduction of sound). See also hi-fi ˌhigh-ˈhanded adjective
done, acting, without consultation of, or consideration for, other people. a high-handed decision; A new headmaster should try not to be too high-handed.
ˌhigh-ˈhandedly adverbˌhigh-ˈhandedness noun
high jump
a sports contest in which people jump over a bar which is raised until no-one can jump over it.
ˈhighlands noun plural a mountainous part of certain countries, especially (with capital) of Scotland.
ˈhigh-level adjective involving important people. high-level talks.
ˈhighlight noun the best or most memorable event, experience, part of something etc. The highlight of our holiday was a trip to a brewery.
verb to draw particular attention to (a person, thing etc).
ˌhighly-ˈstrung adjective very nervous; very easily upset or excited.
ˌhigh-ˈminded adjective having or showing good or noble ideals, principles etc.
ˌhigh-ˈmindedness nounˌhigh-ˈpitched adjective
(of sounds, voices etc) high, sharp. a high-pitched, childish voice.
ˌhigh-ˈpowered adjective (with an engine which is) very powerful. a high-powered motorboat/engine.
ˈhigh-rise adjective with many storeys. She does not like living in a high-rise flat as the children cannot get out to play easily.
ˈhighroad noun a main road.
high school a secondary school. She goes to high school next year.
ˌhigh-ˈspirited adjective showing high spirits. a high-spirited horse.
high spirits enthusiasm, cheerfulness and energy. He's in high spirits today.
high street (with capital when used as a name) the main street of a town etc, usually with shops etc.
high-tech (ˌhai ˈtek) noun (also hi-tech, ~high technology) the use of advanced machines and equipment in industry.
adjective (also hi-tech). high-tech industries.
high tide the time when the tide is farthest up the shore. High tide today is at 15.46; They set sail at high tide.
high treasontreasonhigh water the time at which the tide or other water (eg a river) is at its highest point.
ˈhighway noun a road, especially a large or main road.
Highway Code in Britain, (a booklet containing) a set of official rules for road users.
ˈhighwayman – plural ˈhighwaymen – noun in earlier times, a man usually on horseback, who attacked and robbed people travelling in coaches etc on public roads.
high wirewirehigh and dry1. (of boats) on the shore; out of the water. The boat was left high and dry of the beach.
2. in difficulties. Her husband has left her high and dry without any money.
high and low everywhere. I've searched high and low for that book.
high and mighty behaving as if one thinks one is very important. Don't be so high and mighty – you're just like any one of us.
the high seas the open seas; far from land.
it is etc high time something ought to be done or have been done etc by now. It is high time that this job was finished; It's high time someone spanked that child.
see also tall.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ عَالٍ, عالٍ, مُرْتَفِع vysoko, vysoký høj, højt hoch υψηλός, ψηλά, ψηλός alto kallis, korkea, korkealla élevé, haut, puissant glasan, visok, visoko alto, in alto 高い, 高く 고음의, 높은, 높이 hoog høy, høyt wysoki, wysoko altamente, alto, elevado большой, высокий, высоко hög, högt เป็นกองสูง, จำนวนมาก, สูง fahiş, yüksek, yüksekte cao, trên cao 高度地, 高的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. alto-a, elevado-a;
___ blood pressure → presión alta;
___ -calorie diet → dieta rica en calorías;
___ cholesterol → ___ nivel de colesterol;
___ color → de color subido;
___ nuclear waste → desechos nucleares de alta radioactividad;
___ -residue diet → dieta ___ en residuos (fibras, celulosas);
___ -risk → ___ peligro o riesgo;
___ -risk behavior → conducta o actividades de ___ riesgo;
adv. altamente, sumamente, excesivamente.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj alto; (something measured) alto, elevado; (fam, on drugs) drogado; Your cholesterol is high..Su colesterol está alto (elevado); high-dose V. dosis; high-fiber (high-protein, etc.) alto or rico en fibra (proteínas, etc.); high-pitched agudo, de alta frecuenciaEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.