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مَرْحَبَاً ahoj hej hi! γεια σου! ¡hola! hei! salut ! bok! ciao! やあ! 안녕! hoi! hei! cześć! olá! привет! hej! สวัสดี selam! xin chào! 你好!
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
"Hi!" exclaimed the old man in a tone of thoughtful amazement and with a wider stare than before.
"But excuse me one moment--I can't think what they're doing with that parcel." He strode into the booking-office and called with a new voice: "Hi! hi, you there!
He was just thinking sorrowfully, as he listened to the music, how like his own position was to that of the hero of Tennyson's Maud --a poem to which he was greatly addicted, when Mr Pickering's 'Hi!' came out of nowhere and hit him like a torpedo.