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Related to heriot: Merchet, Herriot


A tribute or service rendered to a feudal lord on the death of a tenant.

[Middle English, from Old English heregeatu : here, army; see koro- in Indo-European roots + geatwe, equipment, arms.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Historical Terms) (in medieval England) a death duty paid by villeins and free tenants to their lord, often consisting of the dead man's best beast or chattel
[Old English heregeatwa, from here army + geatwa equipment]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Captain Keith Morton led his Heriot's side to Citylets Scottish Cup glory yesterday at Ferguslie's Meikleriggs ground in Paisley against Carlton.
The skeleton of a large fish or similar creature was found on Heriot Street yesterday afternoon by a bemused passer-by.
As if playing in torrential rain and strong winds wasn't hard enough, Stirling County had to suffer even further as Heriot's edged closer to the top of the Tennent's Premiership table with an eight-try demolition of the Bridgehaugh men.
Sharjah: Heriot Watt stopped four-time finalist Manipal University by seven wickets in the final of the Maxtalent MGS Pride Cup Pan UAE Inter University tournament.
Groups taking part included Bargarran Primary in Erskine, Paisley's Heriot Primary, a group at Barshaw Park and Pals of the Privies - a sub-group of Ferguslie Community Council dedicated to looking after Glencoats Park.
Multilingual debate at Heriot Watt S3 linguists from Calderhead High School's modern languages department recently attended Heriot-Watt University's multilingual debate at their campus in Edinburgh.
The delegation comprising lecturers and experts from Heriot Watt University, UK, are involved in invigilation process.
Heriot's held their nerve to snatch the Premiership title and seal a stunning league and cup double at Millbrae last night.
Rugby ABERDEEN GRAMMAR head coach Kevin Wyness has warned Heriot's his side are determined to finish a miserable season with a flourish by bagging a Scottish Cup Final slot.
Marilou Heriot knows that her business doesn't operate on an island.
NBK Capital has completed a mezzanine investment in Eikon International Holding FZ LLC, the operator of Heriot Watt University in Dubai.