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1. Exhibiting accord in feeling or action.
2. Having component elements pleasingly or appropriately combined: a harmonious blend of architectural styles.
3. Characterized by harmony of sound.

har·mo′ni·ous·ly adv.
har·mo′ni·ous·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.harmoniously - in a harmonious manner; "the problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British"
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[hɑːˈməʊnɪəslɪ] ADV
1. (= musically) → armoniosamente
2. (= amicably) [live, work] → en armonía; (= tastefully) [blend] → armoniosamente
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[hɑːrˈməʊniəsli] adv
(= peacefully) [live together, work together] → en harmonie
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(ˈhaːməni) plural ˈharmonies noun
1. (of musical sounds, colours etc) (the state of forming) a pleasing combination. The singers sang in harmony.
2. the agreement of people's feelings, opinions etc. Few married couples live in perfect harmony.
harˈmonic (-ˈmo-) adjective
of, or concerned with, especially musical harmony.
harˈmonious (-ˈməu-) adjective
1. pleasant-sounding. a harmonious melody.
2. pleasant to the eye. a harmonious colour scheme.
3. without disagreement or bad feeling. a harmonious relationship.
harˈmoniously adverb
harˈmoniousness noun
ˈharmonize, ˈharmonise verb
1. to sing or play musical instruments in harmony.
2. to add different parts to (a melody) to form harmonies.
3. to (cause to) be in harmony or agreement. The colours in this room harmonize nicely.
harmoniˈzation, harmoniˈsation noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Young File and Mill worked harmoniously with me, but Screw and I (as I had foreboded) quarreled.
She was clad in flowing, fluffy robes of soft material that reminded Dorothy of woven cobwebs, only it was colored in soft tintings of violet, rose, topaz, olive, azure, and white, mingled together most harmoniously in stripes which melted one into the other with soft blendings.
Or again: can he who is harmoniously constituted, who is not covetous or mean, or a boaster, or a coward-can he, I say, ever be unjust or hard in his dealings?
Was it not youth to feel as he felt now, when coming from the other side to the edge of the wood he saw in the glowing light of the slanting sunbeams the gracious figure of Varenka in her yellow gown with her basket, walking lightly by the trunk of an old birch tree, and when this impression of the sight of Varenka blended so harmoniously with the beauty of the view, of the yellow oatfield lying bathed in the slanting sunshine, and beyond it the distant ancient forest flecked with yellow and melting into the blue of the distance?
We had rather, for our part, have the cestus of Rachel Halliday, that kept heads from being turned, and made everything go on harmoniously. We think it is more suited to our modern days, decidedly.
They followed the road with a sensation that they were soaring along in a supporting medium, possessed of original and profound thoughts, themselves and surrounding nature forming an organism of which all the parts harmoniously and joyously interpenetrated each other.
The sound blended harmoniously with the quiet peace of the night.
With the unerring instinct of her noble heart, she touched the chords of my memory so softly and harmoniously, that not one jarred within me; I could listen to the sorrowful, distant music, and desire to shrink from nothing it awoke.
The limes were there, and the white thorns were there, and the chestnut-trees were there, and their leaves rustled harmoniously when I stopped to listen; but, the clink of Joe's hammer was not in the midsummer wind.
There was something melancholy in this brazen voice pouring out its lamentations in the middle of the night; but each of those strokes, which made up the expected hour, vibrated harmoniously to the heart of the young man.
He, therefore, although it appeared comparatively even harder, attacked the bed as bravely as he had done the fowl; and, as he had as good an inclination to sleep as he had had to eat, he took scarcely longer time to be snoring harmoniously than he had employed in picking the last bones of the bird.
The intercourse between the two leaders was therefore resumed, and the affairs of both parties went on harmoniously.