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(hăf, häf)half
(hæf, hɑf)n., pl. halves (havz, hävz),
adj., adv. n.
half ofHalf or half of an amount or object is one of the two equal parts that together make up the whole amount or object.
You use half or half of in front of a noun phrase beginning with a determiner. Half is more common.
Be Careful!
Don't say 'the half of'.
In front of measurement words like metre, kilogram, or hour, you always use half, not 'half of'.
Use half of in front of pronouns. Don't use 'half'.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'they' or 'we' after half of. Instead use them or us.
When you use half or half of in front of a singular noun or pronoun, you use a singular form of a verb after the noun or pronoun.
When you use half or half of in front of a plural noun or pronoun, you use a plural form of a verb after the noun or pronoun.
Half can be a pronoun.
You can also use half as a noun to talk about a particular part of something.
Noun | 1. | half - one of two equal parts of a divisible whole; "half a loaf"; "half an hour"; "a century and one half" common fraction, simple fraction - the quotient of two integers fifty percent - a half expressed as a percentage |
2. | half - one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval football, football game - any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal basketball, basketball game, hoops - a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop division, section, part - one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division" period of play, playing period, play - (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning" first half - the first of two halves of play last half, second half - the second of two halves of play | |
Adj. | 1. | half - consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity; "a half chicken"; "lasted a half hour" fractional - constituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety; "a fractional share of the vote"; "a partial dose" |
2. | half - partial; "gave me a half smile"; "he did only a half job" incomplete, uncomplete - not complete or total; not completed; "an incomplete account of his life"; "political consequences of incomplete military success"; "an incomplete forward pass" | |
3. | half - (of siblings) related through one parent only; "a half brother"; "half sister" whole - (of siblings) having the same parents; "whole brothers and sisters" | |
Adv. | 1. | half - partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes" |
"The half is better than the whole"
"Half a loaf is better than no bread"
[hɑːf] N (halves (pl))give me half → dame la mitad
half of my friends → la mitad de mis amigos
half man half beast → mitad hombre mitad animal
half a cup → media taza f
half a day → medio día m
a pound and a half, one and a half pounds → libra f y media
three and a half hours → tres horas y media
we have a problem and a half → tenemos un problema mayúsculo, vaya problemazo que tenemos
one's better half → su media naranja
by half better by half → con mucho el mejor
it has increased by half → ha aumentado en la mitad
he's too clever by half → se pasa de listo
he doesn't do things by halves → no hace las cosas a medias
half a dollar (= value) → medio dólar m
half a dozen → media docena f
to go halves (with sb) (on sth) → ir a medias (con algn) (en algo)
half an hour → media hora f
to cut/break sth in half → cortar/partir algo por la mitad
half a moment!
half a second! → ¡un momento!
one's other half → su media naranja
they don't know the half of it → no saben de la misa la media
she's asleep half the time (iro) → se pasa la mitad del tiempo dormida AVERAGE, HALF
a half-point cut in interest rates → una reducción de medio punto en los tipos de interés
I have a half share in the flat → la mitad del piso es mío or de mi propiedad
see also halfback, half-brother, half-sister
I was half afraid that → medio temía que ...
half as half as much → la mitad
half as big → la mitad de grande
they paid half as much again → pagaron la mitad más
their garden is half as big again → su jardín es la mitad más grande (que éste)
there were only half as many people as before → había solamente la mitad de los que había antes
it wasn't half as bad as I had thought [interview, trip to the dentist] → no lo pasé ni con mucho or ni de lejos tan mal como había imaginado
half asleep → medio dormido
half done → a medio hacer
he half got up → se levantó a medias
half laughing, half crying → medio riendo, medio llorando
I only half read it → lo leí sólo a medias
I was only half serious when I said that → aquello sólo lo dije medio en broma
see also half-baked
[ˈhɑːf] [halves] [ˈhɑːvz] (pl)half of it → la moitié
half of, half → la moitié de
half of the cake; half the cake → la moitié du gâteau
She ate half the orange.; She ate half of the orange → Elle a mangé la moitié de l'orange.
the two halves of the brain
BUT les deux hémisphères du cerveau.
half the amount of → la moitié de
to cut sth in half → couper qch en deux
the first half [play, performance] → la première partie
the first half of the year → le premier semestre de l'année
the second half [play, performance] → la deuxième partie
the second half of the year → le deuxième semestre de l'année
half the time (= most of the time)
He was drunk half the time → Il était ivre la moitié du temps.
to go halves with sb → se mettre de moitié avec qn
to go halves with sb on sth → partager le coût de qch avec qn
Let's go halves → On partage.
to do things by halves
She never does things by halves → Elle ne fait jamais les choses à moitié.
too ... by half
He's too clever by half! → Il est un peu trop malin!
two and a half thousand pounds → deux mille cinq cents livres
half a pound → une demi-livre → 250 g
half a kilo → un demi-kilo
a week and a half → une semaine et demie
half as much as → la moitié de
see also other
the first half → la première mi-temps
the second half → la seconde mi-temps, la deuxième mi-temps
A half to York, please → Un demi-tarif pour York, s'il vous plaît., Un billet demi-tarif pour York, s'il vous plaît.
half empty → à moitié vide
half closed [eyes] → mi-clos(e); [door] → à moitié fermé(e)
He was half asleep → Il était à moitié endormi.
to be half German → être à moitié allemand
half English, half Irish → moitié anglais moitié irlandais
a creature half man, half beast → une créature mi-homme mi-animal
You don't half sound confident → Tu as l'air vachement sûr de toi.
The food's not half bad here, you know → La nourriture est vachement bonne ici.
not half! (when agreeing with sth) → et comment!half a dozen half-a-dozen n → une demi-douzaine
half a dozen eggs → une demi-douzaine d'œufshalf and half half-and-half
I'll be back in half an hour → Je serai de retour dans une demi-heure.
half an hour later → une demi-heure plus tard
for half an hour → pendant une demi-heurehalf-back [ˈhɑːfbæk] n → demi mhalf-baked [ˌhɑːfˈbeɪkt] adj [plan, idea] → qui ne tient pas debout; [attempt] → maladroit(e)half board (British) n → demi-pension fhalf-board [ˌhɑːfˈbɔːrd] modif (British) [accommodation, holiday] → en demi-pensionhalf-breed [ˈhɑːfbriːd] n = half-castehalf-brother [ˈhɑːfbrʌðər] n → demi-frère mhalf-caste [ˈhɑːfkɑːst] n → métis(se) m/fhalf day half-day [ˌhɑːfˈdeɪ] n → demi-journée fhalf-day [ˌhɑːfˈdeɪ] modif [tour, excursion, workshop] → d'une demi-journéehalf dead half-dead adj → à moitié mort(e)half-dozen [ˌhɑːfˈdʌzən] n → demi-douzaine f
a half-dozen times → une demi-douzaine de fois
a half-dozen people → une demi-douzaine de personneshalf fare n → demi-tarif mhalf-fare [ˌhɑːfˈfɛər] modif [ticket] → demi-tarifhalf-grown [ˌhɑːfˈgrəʊn] adj → à mi-croissancehalf-hearted [ˌhɑːfˈhɑːrtɪd] adj [person, welcome] → peu enthousiaste; [manner] → tiède; [attempt] → timidehalf-heartedly [ˌhɑːfˈhɑːrtɪdli] adv → sans enthousiasme; [try] → sans convictionhalf-hour half hour [ˌhɑːfˈaʊər]
a half-hour TV programme → un programme d'une demi-heurehalf-life half life [ˈhɑːflaɪf] n [radioactive substance] → demi-vie fhalf-mast [ˌhɑːfˈmɑːst] n
at half-mast [flag] → en berne, à mi-mât
to fly at half-mast [flag] → être en bernehalf measure half-measure n → demi-mesure fhalf moon half-moon n → demi-lune fhalf note half-note n (US) → blanche fhalf pay half-pay n
to be on half pay → toucher un demi-salaire
[hɑːf]half (of it) → la metà
half (of), half the amount of → la metà di
one half of the apple → la or una metà della mela
half an orange → mezza arancia
half a dozen → mezza dozzina
half a pound → mezza libbra
two and a half → due e mezzo
half an hour → mezz'ora
3 and a half hours → tre ore e mezza
half of my friends → (la) metà dei miei amici
to cut in half/into halves → tagliare a metà/in due
his (or her) better half (fam, hum) → la sua (dolce) metà
she doesn't do things by halves → non fa mai le cose a metà
to go halves (with sb) → fare a metà (con qn)
bigger by half → una volta e mezzo più grande
he's too clever by half (fam) → è troppo furbo per i miei gusti
left/right half → mediano sinistro/destro
half a glass, a half glass → (un) mezzo bicchiere
half measures → mezze misure fpl
half empty/closed → mezzo/a vuoto/a/chiuso/a, semivuoto/a/semichiuso/a
half asleep → mezzo/a addormentato/a
she's half French, half Italian → è mezza francese, mezza italiana
half as big (as) → la metà (di)
half as big again → una volta e mezzo più grande
I was half afraid that ... → avevo un po' paura che... + sub
not half! (fam) → altroché!, eccome!
it isn't half hot! (fam) → scotta!
(haːf) – plural halves (haːvz) – nounhalf
→ نِصْف, نِصْفِيّ, نِصْفِيًّا napůl, poloviční, polovina halv, halvdel, halvt halb, Hälfte κατά το ήμισυ, μισό, μισός medio, mitad puoli, puolikas, puoliksi à moitié, demi, moitié napola, polovica, polovičan metà, mezzo, quasi 半分, 半分だけ, 半分の 반, 반쯤, 절반 half, helft halv, halvpart, halvt na pół, połowa, połówkowy meio, metade наполовину, половина, половинный hälft, halv, halvt ครึ่ง, ครึ่งหนึ่ง yarı yarıya, yarım một nửa, tới một nửa 一半, 一半的, 半数half
- How much is the modified American plan? (US)
How much is half board? (UK) - It's two-thirty (US)
It's half past two (UK) - It's almost two-thirty (US)
It's almost half past two (UK) - I'd like to make a reservation for seven-thirty for two people (US)
I'd like to make a reservation for half past seven for two people (UK)