hair tonic

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: tonic - a toiletry for the hairhair tonic - a toiletry for the hair    
pomade, pomatum - hairdressing consisting of a perfumed oil or ointment
toilet articles, toiletry - artifacts used in making your toilet (washing and taking care of your body)
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He made and sold hair tonic, soap, perfume, and hair tonic.
Tonic: You must be familiar with the term 'tonic.' It comes in packages like hair tonic, health tonic, liver tonic, etc.
16.###Asteraceae###Carthamus oxycantha M.B.###Ghazanka###Herb###WF###S,FL###Antipyretic, hair tonic, measles, laxative,and fever.
The super hair tonic also prevents premature hair loss.
With all these, you pay a lot of attention to beauty routines which often come with a purchase of vitamin supplements, beauty creams for facial care, hair tonic, and nail cream.
On his days off from the barbershop, he traded the scent of hair tonic and aftershave for wood and motor oil.
The smells of shaving cream, hair tonic and shoe polish still linger.
In Brazil, cashew nut oil was used to treat leprosy, while in India the cashew was used restoratively, as an appetizer, hair tonic, and aphrodisiac.
There are nine different types of IV drips, which clients can choose from; Wellness Protcol, Mood Support, Athlete Sport, Booster Shot Glutathione, Energizer, Age Defiance, Detox Fat Burning, Immuno Booster and Hair Tonic.
Currently, minoxidil, a synthetic hair tonic and a vasodilator, is available in the market in various concentrations and is used for hair growth promoting effects.
BUYERS CAUCASIAN AMERICAN Beauty Care 87.9 86.6 93.0 Cosmetics 64.1 63.7 62.8 Hand & Body Lotion 50.9 47.1 68.9 Hair Spray & Hair Styling Product 45.6 44.7 47.6 Hair Care Accessories 43.2 41.6 50.5 Hair Coloring 25.7 26.3 17.4 Fragrances 20.5 19.1 26.9 Ethnic Beauty Care 12.2 4.5 58.4 Hair Growth Product 1.2 1.2 1.5 Hair Tonic 0.3 0.4 Home Permanent Product 0.3 0.3 All Outlets Read as: The percentage of U.S.