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(Instruments) a Russian musical instrument resembling a harp
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References in periodicals archive ?
For example, [phrase omitted] (Gusli), [phrase omitted] (School guslis), [phrase omitted] (School choir), Earn (Bayan), and [phrase omitted] (Singer).
Azzara) keyboard * Band in a Box * spoons, rhythm sticks, * Dancing Dots claves to play rhythms * "Standard of Excellence * Sectionals (music) Enhanced Comprehensive * Emotional project with Book" (B, Pearson) music and color * Garage Band App * Incorporate locomotion or body percussion * Use of Russian Gusli, hand drums, hand bells, Orff instruments, melody harp, keyboard stations * Use of variety of media (art) such as Maquette, craft sticks, Styrofoam, Plasticine, etc.