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1. The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between yellow and blue, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 490 to 570 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue is that of the emerald or somewhat less yellow than that of growing grass; one of the additive or light primaries; one of the psychological primary hues.
2. Something green in color.
3. greens Green growth or foliage, especially:
a. The branches and leaves of plants used for decoration.
b. The leaves of certain plants eaten as vegetables.
4. A grassy lawn or plot, especially:
a. A grassy area located usually at the center of a city or town and set aside for common use; a common.
b. Sports A putting green.
5. greens A green uniform: "a young ... sergeant in dress greens" (Nelson DeMille).
6. Slang Money.
7. Green A supporter of a social and political movement that espouses global environmental protection, bioregionalism, social responsibility, and nonviolence.
adj. green·er, green·est
1. Of the color green.
a. Abounding in or covered with green growth or foliage: the green woods.
b. Made with green or leafy vegetables: a green salad.
c. Characterized by mild or temperate weather: a green climate.
a. Not mature or ripe: green tomatoes.
b. Not grown up; young: still at a green age.
c. Vigorous or robust: keeping one's memory green.
d. Lacking training or experience. See Synonyms at young.
e. Lacking sophistication or worldly experience; naive.
f. Easily duped or deceived; gullible.
4. Not yet fully processed, especially:
a. Not dried or aged: green wood.
b. Not cured or tanned: green pelts.
a. Beneficial to the environment or less harmful to the environment than others: green technology; recyclable green products.
b. Favoring or supporting environmentalism: green legislators who strengthened pollution controls.
a. Having a sickly or unhealthy appearance.
b. Envious or jealous.
7. Being a trail, as for skiing, marked with a sign having a green circle, indicating the easiest level of difficulty.
v. greened, green·ing, greens
To become green: The rains came, and the grass greened.
Idiom: 1. To make green: Grass greened the hills.
2. To design or organize so as to be beneficial or less harmful to the environment, especially in reducing the amount of pollution created: efforts to green the economy.
green around/about the gills
Pale or sickly in appearance.
[Middle English grene, from Old English grēne; see ghrē- in Indo-European roots. N., sense 7 translation of German (die) Grünen, (the) Greens, from grün, green.]
green′ly adv.
green′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Colours) any of a group of colours, such as that of fresh grass, that lie between yellow and blue in the visible spectrum in the wavelength range 575–500 nanometres. Green is the complementary colour of magenta and with red and blue forms a set of primary colours.
2. (Dyeing) a dye or pigment of or producing these colours
3. something of the colour green
4. a small area of grassland, esp in the centre of a village
5. an area of ground used for a purpose: a putting green.
6. (Plants) (plural)
a. the edible leaves and stems of certain plants, eaten as a vegetable
b. freshly cut branches of ornamental trees, shrubs, etc, used as a decoration
7. (Environmental Science) (sometimes capital) a person, esp a politician, who supports environmentalist issues (see sense 13)
8. (Banking & Finance) slang money
9. (Plants) slang marijuana of low quality
10. (plural) slang sexual intercourse
11. (Colours) of the colour green
12. (Animals) greenish in colour or having parts or marks that are greenish: a green monkey.
13. (Environmental Science) (sometimes capital) concerned with or relating to conservation of the world's natural resources and improvement of the environment: green policies; the green consumer.
14. vigorous; not faded: a green old age.
15. envious or jealous
16. immature, unsophisticated, or gullible
17. characterized by foliage or green plants: a green wood; a green salad.
18. fresh, raw, or unripe: green bananas.
19. unhealthily pale in appearance: he was green after his boat trip.
20. (Economics) denoting a unit of account that is adjusted in accordance with fluctuations between the currencies of the EU nations and is used to make payments to agricultural producers within the EU: green pound.
21. (Ceramics) (of pottery) not fired
22. (Cookery) (of meat) not smoked or cured; unprocessed: green bacon.
23. (Metallurgy) metallurgy (of a product, such as a sand mould or cermet) compacted but not yet fired; ready for firing
24. (Forestry) (of timber) freshly felled; not dried or seasoned
25. (General Engineering) (of concrete) not having matured to design strength
to make or become green
[Old English grēne; related to Old High German gruoni; see grow]
ˈgreenish adj
ˈgreenly adv
ˈgreenness n
ˈgreeny adj
1. (Biography) Henry, real name Henry Vincent Yorke. 1905–73, British novelist: author of Living (1929), Loving (1945), and Back (1946)
2. (Biography) John Richard. 1837–83, British historian; author of A Short History of the English People (1874)
3. (Biography) T(homas) H(ill). 1836–82, British idealist philosopher. His chief work, Prolegomena to Ethics, was unfinished at his death
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(grin)adj. green•er, green•est. adj.
1. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves.
2. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields.
3. characterized by verdure: a green Christmas.
4. made of green leafy vegetables: a green salad.
5. not fully matured; unripe: green fruit.
6. unseasoned; not cured: green lumber.
7. immature in age or judgment; untrained; inexperienced: green recruits.
8. simple; unsophisticated; naive.
9. having a sickly or pale appearance: to turn green with fear.
a. advocating or promoting environmentalism: green consumers.
b. environmentally sound or beneficial: green computers.
11. full of life and vigor; youthful: a green old age.
12. fresh, recent, or new: a green wound.
13. (of wine) having a flavor that is raw, harsh, and acid, due esp. to a lack of maturity.
14. freshly slaughtered or still raw: green meat.
15. not fired, as bricks or pottery.
16. (of cement or mortar) freshly set and not completely hardened.
n. 17. a color intermediate in the spectrum between yellow and blue, an effect of light with a wavelength between 500 and 570 nm: found in nature as the color of most grasses and leaves while growing.
18. a secondary color formed by the mixture of blue and yellow pigments.
19. green coloring matter, as paint or dye.
20. green material or clothing: dressed in green.
21. greens,
a. the leaves and stems of certain plants, as spinach, kale, or lettuce, eaten as a vegetable.
b. fresh leaves or branches of trees, shrubs, etc., used for decoration.
22. grassy land; a plot of grassy ground.
23. a piece of grassy ground constituting a town or village common.
24. Also called putting green. the area of closely cropped grass surrounding each hole on a golf course.
25. bowling green.
26. a shooting range for archery.
27. Informal. green light (def. 1).
28. Slang. money; greenbacks (usu. prec. by the).
v.i., v.t. 29. to become or make green.
Idioms: green with envy, extremely jealous.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English grēne, c. Old Frisian grēne, Old Saxon grōni, Old High German gruoni, Old Norse grønn; akin to grow]
green′ly, adv.
green′ness, n.
1. John Richard, 1837–83, English historian.
2. Paul Eliot, 1894–1981, U.S. playwright.
3. William, 1873–1952, U.S. labor leader.
4. a river flowing S from W Wyoming to join the Colorado River in SE Utah. 730 mi. (1175 km) long.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Bright green like a parrot’s wing —Hugh Walpole
- (Eyes as) deeply green as an Amazonian jungle —Ed McBain
- Green and shiny as a frog come out of the swamp —R. Wright Campbell
- Green as a canker —V. S. Pritchett
- Green … as a well-watered palm —Mark Helprin
- Green as jealousy —Vita Sackville-West
- (Fields as) green as jellied mint —Malcolm Cowley
- (Eyes) green as leeks —William Shakespeare
- (The trees were) green as paper money —George Garrett
- Green as spring —Beryl Markham
- Green as St. Patrick’s Day icing —Marge Piercy
- (Eyes) green as wings of horseflies —Erica Jong
- Greener than envy and money —George Garrett
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: greened
Gerund: greening
Imperative |
green |
green |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Area around the hole closely mown for putting.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | green - green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass greenishness - the property of being somewhat green sea green - the property of a moderate green color resembling the waters of the sea sage green - the color of sage leaves bottle green - dark to moderate or greyish green chrome green - a brilliant green color emerald - the green color of an emerald olive green, olive-green - a color that is lighter and greener than olive pea green, yellow green, yellowish green, chartreuse, Paris green - a shade of green tinged with yellow blue green, bluish green, teal - a blue-green color or pigment; "they painted it a light shade of bluish green" jade green, jade - a light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green |
2. | green - a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park" amusement park, funfair, pleasure ground - a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement populated area, urban area - a geographical area constituting a city or town village green - a village park consisting of a plot of grassy land | |
3. | Green - United States labor leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952 and who led the struggle with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1873-1952) | |
4. | Green - an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party Green Party - an environmentalist political party conservationist, environmentalist - someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution | |
5. | Green - a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River Beehive State, Mormon State, Utah, UT - a state in the western United States; settled in 1847 by Mormons led by Brigham Young Equality State, WY, Wyoming - a state in the western United States; mountainous in the west and north with the Great Plains in the east | |
6. | green - an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course; "the ball rolled across the green and into the bunker" golf course, links course - course consisting of a large landscaped area for playing golf | |
7. | green - any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables veg, vegetable, veggie - edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant chop-suey greens - succulent and aromatic young dark green leaves used in Chinese and Vietnamese and Japanese cooking sprout - a newly grown bud (especially from a germinating seed) beet green - young leaves of the beetroot salad green, salad greens - greens suitable for eating uncooked as in salads dandelion green - edible leaves of the common dandelion collected from the wild; used in salads and in making wine wild spinach - leafy greens collected from the wild and used as a substitute for spinach turnip greens - tender leaves of young white turnips common sorrel, sorrel - large sour-tasting arrowhead-shaped leaves used in salads and sauces French sorrel - greens having small tart oval to pointed leaves; preferred to common sorrel for salads spinach - dark green leaves; eaten cooked or raw in salads | |
8. | green - street names for ketamine Ketalar, ketamine, ketamine hydrochloride - a general anesthetic and tranquilizer (not a barbiturate) that is administered intravenously or intramuscularly; used mainly by veterinarians or for minor surgery with geriatric or pediatric patients; taken in large doses it causes hallucinations similar to those associated with the use of PCP | |
Verb | 1. | green - turn or become green; "The trees are greening" |
Adj. | 1. | green - of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass; "a green tree"; "green fields"; "green paint" chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue |
2. | green - concerned with or supporting or in conformity with the political principles of the Green Party | |
3. | green - not fully developed or mature; not ripe; "unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood" | |
4. | green - looking pale and unhealthy; "you're looking green"; "green around the gills" | |
5. | green - naive and easily deceived or tricked; "at that early age she had been gullible and in love" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. verdant, leafy, grassy The city has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant.
2. ecological, conservationist, environment-friendly, ecologically sound, eco-friendly, ozone-friendly, non-polluting trying to persuade governments to adopt greener policies
4. inexperienced, new, innocent, raw, naive, ignorant, immature, gullible, callow, untrained, unsophisticated, credulous, ingenuous, unpolished, wet behind the ears (informal) He was a young lad, very green and immature.
6. nauseous, ill, sick, pale, unhealthy, wan, under the weather By the end of the race the runners would be green with sickness.
7. (with capital) environmentalist, conservationist, tree-hugger (informal, derogatory) The Greens see themselves as a radical alternative to the two major parties.
Related words
adjective verdant
adjective verdant
Shades of green
almond green, apple green, aqua, aquamarine, avocado, celadon, chartreuse, citron, cyan, eau de nil, emerald green, jade, lime green, Lincoln green, Nile green, olive, pea green, pine green, pistachio, sea green, teal, turquoiseCollins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
noun1. A tract of cultivated land belonging to and used by a community:
2. Lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أَخْضَرأخْضَراللون الأخْضَرحَسود، غَيور جدادهان أخْضَر
grøngrønhedgrønne farvegrønninguerfaren
kokematonvihreävihreä väriraakatuore
zöldgolfpálya lyuk körüli részesápadt zöldes
grænngrænn liturgrænn, reynslulaus, barnalegurgrasflöt, grænt svæîióòroskaîur
zaļšzaļš aiz skaudībaszaļumsbālsmaurs
groengroenegroene jongende Groenen
ngây thơthiếu kinh nghiệmxanh lá cây
[griːn]A. ADJ (greener (compar) (greenest (superl)))
1. (in colour) → verde
dark green → verde oscuro adj inv
light green → verde claro adj inv
she was wearing a light green blouse → llevaba una blusa verde claro
blue green → verde azulado adj inv
it's a very green city → es una ciudad con muchas zonas verdes
to turn or go green [tree] → verdear
she went green at the thought (= nauseous) → se puso blanca sólo de pensarlo
to be green with envy → morirse de envidia
to make sb green with envy → ponerle a algn los dientes largos
she's got green fingers (Brit) she's got a green thumb (US) → se le dan muy bien las plantas
the green shoots of recovery → los primeros indicios de la recuperación
see also gill 1
dark green → verde oscuro adj inv
light green → verde claro adj inv
she was wearing a light green blouse → llevaba una blusa verde claro
blue green → verde azulado adj inv
it's a very green city → es una ciudad con muchas zonas verdes
to turn or go green [tree] → verdear
she went green at the thought (= nauseous) → se puso blanca sólo de pensarlo
to be green with envy → morirse de envidia
to make sb green with envy → ponerle a algn los dientes largos
she's got green fingers (Brit) she's got a green thumb (US) → se le dan muy bien las plantas
the green shoots of recovery → los primeros indicios de la recuperación
see also gill 1
2. (= unripe) [banana, tomato, wood] → verde
3. (fig) (= inexperienced) → novato; (= naive) → inocente
I'm not as green as I look! → ¡no soy tan inocente como parezco!
he's as green as grass → es más inocente que un niño
I'm not as green as I look! → ¡no soy tan inocente como parezco!
he's as green as grass → es más inocente que un niño
4. (= ecological) [movement, vote, person] → verde, ecologista; [issues, policy, product] → ecologista
the green pound → la libra verde
the green pound → la libra verde
C. ADV (Pol) to vote green → votar por el partido ecologista, votar a los verdes
to think green → pensar en el medio ambiente
to think green → pensar en el medio ambiente
D. CPD green algae N → algas fpl verdes
green bacon N → tocino m sin ahumar, beicon m sin ahumar (Sp), panceta f (S. Cone)
green bean N → judía f verde, ejote m (Mex), poroto m verde (Andes, S. Cone), chaucha f (Arg)
green belt N (Brit) → zona f verde
Green Beret N (Brit, US) (= person) → boina mf verde
green card N (in EC) (Aut) → carta f verde; (in US) permiso de residencia y trabajo en los EE.UU.
the Green Cross Code N (Brit) → código m de seguridad vial
green goddess N (Brit) coche de bomberos del ejército
green light N → luz f verde
to give sb/sth the green light → dar luz verde a algn/algo
green onion N (US) → cebolleta f, cebollino m
green paper N (Brit) (Pol) → libro m verde
the Green Party N (Pol) → el partido ecologista, los verdes
green peas NPL → guisantes mpl
green pepper N (= vegetable) → pimiento m verde, pimentón m verde (LAm)
green room N (Theat) → camerino m
green salad N → ensalada f (de lechuga, pepino, pimiento verde, etc)
green vegetables NPL → verduras fpl de hoja verde
green bacon N → tocino m sin ahumar, beicon m sin ahumar (Sp), panceta f (S. Cone)
green bean N → judía f verde, ejote m (Mex), poroto m verde (Andes, S. Cone), chaucha f (Arg)
green belt N (Brit) → zona f verde
Green Beret N (Brit, US) (= person) → boina mf verde
green card N (in EC) (Aut) → carta f verde; (in US) permiso de residencia y trabajo en los EE.UU.
the Green Cross Code N (Brit) → código m de seguridad vial
green goddess N (Brit) coche de bomberos del ejército
green light N → luz f verde
to give sb/sth the green light → dar luz verde a algn/algo
green onion N (US) → cebolleta f, cebollino m
green paper N (Brit) (Pol) → libro m verde
the Green Party N (Pol) → el partido ecologista, los verdes
green peas NPL → guisantes mpl
green pepper N (= vegetable) → pimiento m verde, pimentón m verde (LAm)
green room N (Theat) → camerino m
green salad N → ensalada f (de lechuga, pepino, pimiento verde, etc)
green vegetables NPL → verduras fpl de hoja verde
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈgriːn] (POLITICS) adj [candidate] → des Verts
the Greens → les Verts mpl
the Greens → les Verts mpl
[ˈgriːn] adj → vert(e)
a green car → une voiture verte
to be green with envy → être vert(e) de jalousie
a green car → une voiture verte
to be green with envy → être vert(e) de jalousie
(= inexperienced) → (bien) jeune, inexpérimenté(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj (+er)
→ grün; green space → Grünfläche f; to go green (person) → grün im Gesicht werden; to be/turn green with envy → blass or grün or gelb vor Neid sein/werden; to make somebody green with envy → jdn vor Neid erblassen lassen; the green shoots of recovery → die ersten Anzeichen für einen Aufschwung; green salad → grüner Salat
(Pol) movement, party, issues → grün; person, company → grün, umweltbewusst; policy, measures, product, technology → grün, umweltfreundlich; he stressed his green credentials → er betonte, was er alles schon für die Umwelt getan habe; green eggs → grüne Eier pl
(= unripe) fruit, tomatoes → grün
(= colour) → Grün nt
(= area of grass) → Grünfläche f; (Golf) → Grün nt; (village) green → Dorfwiese f, → Dorfanger m (dated) ? also bowling green
greens pl (= vegetables) → Grüngemüse nt
(Pol) the Greens → die Grünen pl
adv (Pol) vote, think → grün
:green algae
pl (Bot) → Grünalgen pl
n (US inf) → Lappen m (sl), → Geldschein m
green belt
n → Grüngürtel m
Green Berets
pl (US Mil) → Kommandotruppe f → der US-Streitkräfte
green card
(US: = residence permit) → Aufenthaltsgenehmigung f
(Brit Insur) → grüne Versicherungskarte
green cloth
n (esp US) (for gambling) → Spieltisch m; (for billiards) → Billardtisch m
Green Cross Code
n (Brit) Regeln für Kinder zur Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr
adj (lit) → grünäugig; (fig) → scheel(äugig), missgünstig; the green monster (fig) → der blasse Neid
adj land etc → unerschlossen; green site → Bauplatz m → im Grünen; many universities are on green sites → viele Universitäten befinden sich im Grünen
n → Grünfink m
green fingers
n → Blattlaus f
n → Reneklode f, → Reineclaude f
green goddess
n (Brit inf) meist vom Militär eingesetztes Feuerwehrauto
n (inf, inexperienced) → Greenhorn nt; (gullible) → Einfaltspinsel m
n → Gewächshaus nt, → Treibhaus nt
greenhouse effect
n → Treibhauseffekt m
greenhouse gas
n → Treibhausgas nt
:green light
green lung
n (fig) → grüne Lunge, Grünfläche f
green man
green monkey disease
n (Med) → Marburg-Krankheit f
Green Mountain State
n the green der US-Bundesstaat Vermont
:green onion
n (US) → Frühlingszwiebel f
Green Paper
n (Brit Pol) → Vorlage f → für eine Parlamentsdebatte
Green Party
n the green → die Grünen pl
green pea
n → (grüne) Erbse f
n → Greenpeace nt
green pepper
n → (grüne) Paprikaschote
green revolution
n (Econ, Agr) the green → die grüne Revolution
n (Theat) → ˜ Garderobe f
greenstick fracture
n → Grünholzbruch m
(for cattle) → Grünfutter nt
green table
n → Sitzungstisch m
green thumb
n (US) = green fingers
green vegetables
pl → Grüngemüse nt
n (Pol inf) → grüne PR, Greenwash m or nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[griːn]1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl))) (colour) (Pol) → verde; (unripe) → acerbo/a, verde; (inexperienced) → alle prime armi, inesperto/a; (gullible) → ingenuo/a
to have green fingers (Am) to have a green thumb (fig) → avere il pollice verde
to turn green (fig) (with nausea) → sbiancare (with envy) → diventare verde
I'm not as green as I look! (fig) (fam) → non sono mica nato ieri!
green salad → insalata verde
to have green fingers (Am) to have a green thumb (fig) → avere il pollice verde
to turn green (fig) (with nausea) → sbiancare (with envy) → diventare verde
I'm not as green as I look! (fig) (fam) → non sono mica nato ieri!
green salad → insalata verde
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(griːn) adjective1. of the colour of growing grass or the leaves of most plants. a green hat.
2. not ripe. green bananas.
3. without experience. Only someone as green as you would believe a story like that.
4. looking as if one is about to be sick; very pale. He was green with envy (= very jealous).
noun1. the colour of grass or the leaves of plants. the green of the trees in summer.
2. something (eg paint) green in colour. I've used up all my green.
3. an area of grass. a village green.
4. an area of grass on a golf course with a small hole in the centre.
5. concerned with the protection of the environment. green issues; a green political party.
ˈgreenish adjective close to green. a greenish dress.
greens noun plural green vegetables. Children are often told that they must eat their greens.
ˈgreenfly – plural ˈgreenfly – noun a type of small, green insect. The leaves of this rose tree have been eaten by greenfly.
ˈgreengage (-geidʒ) noun a greenish-yellow type of plum.
ˈgreengrocer noun a person who sells fruit and vegetables.
ˈgreenhouse noun a building usually of glass, in which plants are grown.
ˈgreenhouse effect noun (singular) the gradual heating of the atmosphere caused by air pollution which traps energy from the sun.
the green light permission to begin. We can't start until he gives us the green light.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ أَخْضَر, قَلِيلُ الـخِبْرَة nezkušený, zelený grøn grün, Grünfläche, unerfahren άπειρος, πράσινο, πράσινος ecologista, verde kokematon, vihreä, vihreä väri bleu, vert, verts neiskusan, zelen, Zeleni inesperto, verde 未熟な, 緑色, 緑色の 녹색, 녹색의, 미숙한 de Groenen, groen grønn, grønnfarge ekolog, zielony novato, partido verde, verde, Verdes зеленый, неопытный, партия зеленых grön, grönområde, oerfaren คนอ่อนหัด, พรรคหรือกลุ่มคนที่รักษาสิ่งแวดล้อม, สีเขียว acemi, yeşil thành viên thuộc phong trào bảo vệ môi trường, thiếu kinh nghiệm, xanh lá cây 无经验的, 绿色, 绿色的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. el color verde;
a. verde;
___ eyes → ojos ___s.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
adj verde; (fruit) verde, no maduroEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.