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Related to graving: Slip dock, Graving dry dock
grave 1
a. An excavation for the interment of a corpse.
b. A place of burial.
2. Death or extinction: faced the grave with calm resignation.
grave 2
(grāv)adj. grav·er, grav·est
1. Requiring serious thought; momentous: a grave decision in a time of crisis.
2. Fraught with danger or harm: a grave wound.
3. Dignified and somber in conduct or character: a grave procession. See Synonyms at serious.
4. Somber or dark in hue.
5. (also gräv) Linguistics
a. Written with or modified by the mark ( ` ), as the è in Sèvres.
b. Of or referring to a phonetic feature that distinguishes sounds produced at the periphery of the vocal tract, as in labial and velar consonants and back vowels.
n. (also gräv)
See grave accent.
grave′ly adv.
grave′ness n.
grave 3
(grāv)tr.v. graved, grav·en (grā′vən) or graved, grav·ing, graves
1. To sculpt or carve; engrave.
2. To stamp or impress deeply; fix permanently.
grave 4
(grāv)tr.v. graved, grav·ing, graves
To clean and coat (the bottom of a wooden ship) with pitch.
[Middle English graven.]
gra·ve 5
(grä′vā)adv. & adj. Music
In a slow and solemn manner. Used chiefly as a direction.
[Italian, from Latin gravis, heavy; see grave2.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.