Moreover, Melan-A can be expressed by macrophages, but its immunohistochemical staining is weak and
granulous, in contrast to the strong expression of melanocytic cells (40).
After cleansing the face with a creamy lotion remA[degrees] iniscent of the scent of lilies and using a highly
granulous scrub to exfoliate, the face is prepped with an enzyme mask for five minutes.
(ii) Seashore sign is a complex picture of parallel lines signifying the static thoracic wall and sandy "
granulous" pattern, which reflect the normal pulmonary parenchyma.
granulous material (2%), and/or one each of the following: thorns, splinters, rotting wood fungus, Styrofoam, glass, car oil, nails, and gel.
(11) "[T]he
granulous bodies present, which one day might shed some light on the biology of the malaria hematozoas discovered by him and today understood and recognized by all competent researchers" (my translation).
It came with three brittle ribs impacted in
granulous tissue, left a respirator, nosocomial pneumonia, green sponges on plastic sticks to moisten my lips.
Presence of Mycobacterium leprae in different structures of the skin in the 200 cases of this study Cases with the structure present Structure in sections Percentage Epidermis: 200 100 Basal cells 200 100 Melanocytes 200 100 Spinous cells 200 100
Granulous cells 200 100 Corneocytes 200 100 Hair follicles 102 51 Sebaceous glands 81 40,5 Pilli-erector muscles 101 50,5 Sweat glands 155 77,5 Nerves 43 21,5 Lymp vessels 23 11.5 Blood vessels 200 100 Cases with M.