god game

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god game

a computer roleplaying game in which the player controls the destiny of one or more avatars within a large virtual environment
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Another deftly crafted novel by a master of the genre, "The God Game" is the fifth title in author Jeffrey Round's outstanding Dan Sharp Mystery series.
Gollancz, a SF & Fantasy publisher in the UK, announced on Tuesday that it has acquired UK and Commonwealth (ex Canada) rights to Danny Tobey's science-fiction thriller about a VR game, titled The God Game.
"He wanted me to love the game, to enjoy the game like he does, so he wanted me to watch that match (it was the infamous Hand of God game).
"In one you design for a defined time spent sitting, while in the other you design to keep the person coming back to see what happens next." GODUS puts a mobile Internet spin on a "God game" genre pioneered by Molyneux decades ago.
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU TO RESHAPE EARTH REMEMBER the god game? The genre where you'd take the role of an omniscient, omnipresent force and lead a primitive people civilised greatness?
remember the God game? The genre where you'd take the role of an omnipresent force and lead a primitive people to civilised greatness?
In a divine-looking god game, that combines elements of the 16-bit classics Populous and Lemmings, would-be deities must protect a primitive tribe from Biblical disasters.
The reverence that fans feel upon entering their sport's "green cathedrals" has been well documented, as has been the nineteenth-century promotion of baseball's "muscular Christianity." In "Is Baseball the God Game?" Mills offers a salient discussion of organized baseball's use of evangelical Christianity since the early 1970s.
PETER Molyneux (creative director, MGS Europe): Molyneux co-founded Bullfrog Productions in 1987 and created Populous, the first in the popular "god game" genre.
In the central book within the book, "The God Game," Boyer gives us some sense of his method in the form of a playful instruction manual about creation itself: "[W]e are using words in a manner similar to their original meaning, while simultaneously giving a new twist for our purposes.
The archetypal 'God game' Populous first made its way onto the Amiga, Atari ST and PC and had a huge response - if just for its potential.
Empire's interesting take on the god game genre lets you do just that.