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Adv.1.glowingly - in an enthusiastically glowing manner; "in her letter she praised him glowingly"
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[ˈgləʊɪŋli] adv [speak, describe] → de façon élogieuse
to speak glowingly about sb/sth → parler de qn/qch en termes élogieuxglow-worm [ˈgləʊwɜːrm] nver m luisant
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adv (fig)begeistert; describein glühenden Farben; praiseüberschwänglich
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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I felt an irresistible curiosity to see those islands which the olden voyagers had so glowingly described.
Archer looked at her glowingly. "Dear and great angel!
It had been hard for him to remain with the Frenchman all these days for that very reason, and that he had unselfishly done so spoke more glowingly of his nobility of character than even did his rescuing the French officer from Mbonga's clutches.
The second of these religious poets, Richard Crashaw, [Footnote: The first vowel is pronounced as in the noun crash .] whose life (1612-1649) was not quite so short as Herbert's, combined an ascetic devotion with a glowingly sensuous esthetic nature that seems rather Spanish than English.
"What do they want for it?" She shook her head, and her loosened hair fell glowingly about her cheeks.
'A review of the partnership performance of the State was quite encouraging as various Project Leaders spoke glowingly about the excellent commitment of the Government of Kogi State.
He spoke glowingly of Saint John Paul II and retired Pope Benedict XVI for having tried to remind Europe of its Christian roots.
government pressure on Pyongyang even as President Donald Trump has spoken glowingly about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
He has been parttime since 2016 when he left McDiarmid Park and McInally has spoken glowingly of his ability to step back up to that level.
Pep Guardiola talked glowingly afterwards of the preparations his side had put in for a notoriously tricky ground, crediting his side for not conceding a corner or a shot on target against a team excellent from dead ball situations.
Yeryomenko spoke glowingly of the Kenyan international who he described as a quality feeder and calm midfielder.
KIERAN TRIPPIER spoke glowingly during the week about how former Manchester City coach Steve Eyre helped him during the early years of his career.