genus Peziza

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Noun1.genus Peziza - type genus of the Pezizaceae: a variety of cup fungusgenus Peziza - type genus of the Pezizaceae: a variety of cup fungus
fungus genus - includes lichen genera
family Pezizaceae, Pezizaceae - large family comprising many typical cup fungi
Peziza domicilina - a discomycetous fungus of the genus Peziza; the fragile fruiting body is a ghostly white but stains yellow when broken; favors strongly alkaline habitats
blood cup, fairy cup, Peziza coccinea - a scarlet European fungus with cup-shaped ascocarp
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References in periodicals archive ?
The genus Peziza (Pezizales) has first time been reported as ectomycorrhizal with C.
Genus Peziza has 104 species worldwide and is represented by eight species in Pakistan (Ahmad at al., 1997).