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n. Archaic
a. A chamber for storing clothes; a wardrobe.
b. The contents of a wardrobe.
2. A private chamber.
3. A latrine built into the exterior wall of a castle or other medieval building.

[Middle English, from Old French : garder, to keep; see guard + robe, robe; see robe.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Furniture) a wardrobe or the contents of a wardrobe
2. a bedroom or private room
3. a privy
[C14: from French, from garder to keep + robe dress, clothing; see wardrobe]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a wardrobe or its contents.
2. a private room, as a bedroom.
3. (in medieval buildings) a latrine or privy.
[1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French: literally, (it) keeps clothing]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
" Excavations have also revealed the remains of a parlour and a medieval latrine, or garderobe, as well as the impressive size and scale of the castle's walls.
A garderobe, or ancient latrine, was discovered in one of the walls and had been preserved - albeit in a non-functional state.
For a while after this time advertisements were less likely to credit costumiers and scene painters for individual productions, but at the beginning of most seasons from 1818 until 1824 Sestini was listed in newspaper promotions as the company's Superintendant of the Wardrobe, or Maitre de la garderobe. His work was extensive and clearly an attraction to subscribers; he certainly provided the dresses for the ballets Zephir in 1818 (Morning Chronicle, 24 Feb.
One is in a ceiling and another is inside an old toilet, known as a garderobe.
One such store is the Dubai-based Garderobe. Located in Jumeirah, the store has stocks of pre-owned branded fashion items like handbags, clothing and accessories at a fraction of the original price.
McDonald, who voiced Madame Garderobe in the new Disney film, told ( People that she was left speechless when she came face-to-face with the "Lemonade" hitmaker.
(23) hut (Fr: hutte), cabin (Fr: cabane 'temporary shelter'), chevet (Fr: chevet 'pillow'), counterfort (Fr: contrefort), toilet (Fr: toilette), sash (Fr: chassis), merlon (Fr: merlon), latrine (Fr: latrine), barbican (Fr: barbicane), redoubt (Fr: redoute), garderobe (Fr: garder 'keep' + robe 'robe'), emplacement (Fr: emplacement), caponier (Fr: caponniere), rampart (Fr: rempart), embrasure (Fr: embrasure), meurtriere (Fr: meurtriere 'murderess'), oubliette (Fr: oublier 'forget')
I discovered the wonderful word 'gongfermor' and learned the origins of the word 'garderobe'.
middle-aged garderobe who took our coats reminded me a bit of kindly
Another interesting discovery at the site was a 14th century toilet known as a garderobe which head archaeologist Coilin O Drisceoil described as "quite a rare discovery".
According to archaeologist Coilin O Drisceoil, who led the team, "The garderobe was the medieval equivalent of a luxury jacks" and the significance of the "quite rare discovery" was that "it provides an important insight into how a medieval abbot lived".