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(Cookery) cookery a thick soup usually made with bacon, cabbage, and other vegetables, originally from Bearn in SW France
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Accommodation: rooms at La Garbure in Chateaneuf-du-Pape PS60pn high season; Le Logis du Chateau in Vaison-la-Romaine PS100pn; La Bastide du Bois Breant in Maubec PS139pn
The winning menu, voted for by Time Out readers and a panel of experts including Chef Uwe Micheel of the Emirates Culinary Guild, included dishes such as truffled beef pastrami with crispy quail egg, confit leg and foie gras garbure and gingerbread, plum jelly with mince pie beignet.
For more details and to book log on to RECIPE: SALMON GARBURE (SERVES FOUR) Garbure is a thick French soup or stew with cabbage and other vegetables; a meal in itself.
Here we had a typically Pyreneean meal including soupe de garbure -a delicious pork and vegetable stew.
For the main course, I opted for Barbary duck, garbure and prune and lime jus (pounds 25).
Butter poached turkey breast, cabbage, confit leg and foie gras garbure, honey glazed parsnips, bread sauce, cranberry puree
Garbure, Potee, Bouillabaisse are all complete meals.