
Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia.
Related to freq: frequence


1. frequency.
2. frequent.
3. frequentative.
4. frequently.
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The results showed that within the four variables; motivation, WTC, SPCC and L2 anxiety; SPCC is found to be the first, WTC is the 2nd and motivation is the 3rd positively influencing variable that affect FREQ among post graduate students of English in Pakistan.
DR method No DR PCA LLE Isomap Landmark Isomap Amp + Freq + 1-v-r 96.4% 95.6% 98.3% 76.1% 80.7% VMD H-SVMs 94.8% 94.5% 97.4% 66.7% 76.7% Amp + Freq + 1-v-r 97.1% 95.6% 98.2% 76.1% 80.0% VMD + Omega H-SVMs 96.3% 94.5% 97.1% 66.6% 75.2% DR method Laplacian Eigenmaps LPP NPE Amp + Freq + 1-v-r 82.8% 40.8% 97.3% VMD H-SVMs 81.0% 35.5% 95.7% Amp + Freq + 1-v-r 82.7% 37.5% 97.4% VMD + Omega H-SVMs 81.4% 33.4% 95.5% TABLE 6: Classification results with different selected numbers of training samples.
[2]###Lower Energy (LE)###6###LE (Mean, Std, Slope, periodic amplitude, periodic freq, periodic entropy)
Gamers who have a PC with Bluetooth support can go completely wireless with the Mad Catz FREQ 9 wireless headset.
In preparing this list, journal editors were asked to provide basic information, here abbreviated as follows: EDIT: editor/associate editor; PUBL: publisher; DSCPT: concise description; LANG: principal language; YEAR: year publication began; CIRC: number of subscribers; FREQ: frequency of publication; SUBS: subscription cost; ADDR: postal address; TELE: telephone number; FAX: fax number; EMAIL: e-mail address; WEB: website URL.
Summary of responses on the methods and extent of SWM information and education campaign Methods of IEC Rural Mean Stdev Public information thru meetings 3.08 (S) 1.24 Additional Information Freq % General assembly on regular schedule 158 63.7 Special meeting with concerned residents 68 27.4 Meeting of village officials only 32 12.9 No appropriate effort for IEC 26 10.5 Focus group discussion 2.67 (S) 1.37 Additional Information Freq % Open forum in general assembly 17 6.9 Discussion with the purok Pres.
D = freq([A.sub.1]_[B.sub.1]) * freq ([A.sub.2]_[B.sub.2])-freq([A.sub.1]_[B.sub.2]) *freq{[A.sub.2]_[B.sub.1])
Flt Desg *** From *** Freq *** Dept *** Dept Time *** Arvl *** Arrv Time *** Aircraft ***
The channel can be received in Asia and Australia on Asia Sat 5: Freq. 3760H; in Africa on Intelsat 10 Freq.
There will also be performances from up-and-coming local singer Luke Fenlon and new teenage Liverpool band Freq. A screening of a film created to accompany the book will also take place.
Table 1: The frequency of insects on flowers from 13 surveyed farms Type of insect No of farms Position on the flower On On tip of petal stigma Freq. %freq Freq.