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Related to fixed-interest: Fixed Interest Rates


[ˈfɪkstˌɪntrɪst] ADJa interés fijo
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References in periodicals archive ?
The purchase rate of the fixed-interest bonds hit 64 percent as the subscription closed, KIPCO said, adding that the bond issue is nominal and the interest would be paid bi-annual.
ETYK described the deal with Bank of Cyprus as a "victory" for its members, who will now benefit from a 37-hour week, privileged fixed-interest borrowing rates, but a reduced contribution of the employer's share into the staff provident fund.
With no prepayment penalties, the Citizens Bank Education Refinance Loan provides borrowers with the potential of a single monthly private student loan payment refinancing a variable rate into a fixed-interest rate loan and potentially lowering the interest rate and/or lowering the borrower's monthly payment, said Coughlin.
The firm said that it had recently launched two new 'best-in-market' fixed-interest rate loans.
Customers are able to choose from three in-school repayment options for either the fixed-interest rate or variable-interest rate loans.
The group said it was withdrawing its savings certificates - both fixed-interest and index-linked - while also cutting the rates on its Direct Saver and Income Bonds by 0.25% to rein in new business.
Policyholders alternatively may choose a fixed-interest strategy or a combination of indexed and fixed.
If managers of the fund had got enough of my money into fixed-interest investments like gilts ahead of the storms, I reckoned I might still survive a disastrous year.
The federally guaranteed Student Loan Consolidation Program offered by Collegiate Funding Services (CFS) allows members to lock in a fixed interest rate and reduce their monthly loan payments by consolidating all current loans at a low fixed-interest rate.
It is not so much that he opened the way for a market in fixed-interest loans.
An adjustable-rate mortgage generally has a fixed-interest rate for a set number of years at the beginning, then the rate fluctuates.