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1. One of the five digits of the hand, especially one other than the thumb.
2. The part of a glove designed to cover a finger.
3. Something, such as an oblong peninsula, that resembles one of the digits of the hand.
4. The length or width of a finger.
5. A degree of participation; a share: "seems almost sure to have a finger or two in crafting the final blueprint" (George B. Merry).
6. An obscene gesture of defiance or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. Often used with the.
v. fin·gered, fin·ger·ing, fin·gers
1. To touch with the fingers; handle. See Synonyms at touch.
2. Music
a. To mark (a score) with indications of which fingers are to play the notes.
b. To play (an instrument) by using the fingers in a particular order or way.
3. Informal
a. To identify as responsible for wrongdoing or a crime, especially to the police: fingered the sales clerk as the thief.
b. To identify or designate as being responsible: "An international team of scientists fingered [the fungus] as the culprit in die-offs of 19 amphibian species" (Science News).
4. Vulgar Slang To insert one or more fingers into the anus or vagina of (a person) as a means of sexual stimulation.
1. To handle something with the fingers.
2. Music To use the fingers in playing an instrument.
have/keep (one's) fingers crossed
To hope for a successful or advantageous outcome.
lay (one's)/a finger on
To locate; find: We haven't been able to lay a finger on those photos.
put (one's) finger on
To remember; recall: I know his name; I just can't put my finger on it.
twist/wrap around (one's) little finger
To dominate utterly and effortlessly.

[Middle English, from Old English; see penkwe in Indo-European roots.]

fin′ger·er n.
fin′ger·less adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Anatomy)
a. any of the digits of the hand, often excluding the thumb. Technical name: digitus manus
b. (as modifier): a finger bowl.
c. (in combination): a fingernail. digital
2. (Clothing & Fashion) the part of a glove made to cover a finger
3. something that resembles a finger in shape or function: a finger of land.
4. (Units) Also called: digit the length or width of a finger used as a unit of measurement
5. (Brewing) a quantity of liquid in a glass, etc, as deep as a finger is wide; tot
6. (Mechanical Engineering) a projecting machine part, esp one serving as an indicator, guide, or guard
7. burn one's fingers to suffer from having meddled or been rash
8. get one's finger out pull one's finger out informal Brit to begin or speed up activity, esp after initial delay or slackness
9. have a finger in the pie have one's finger in the pie
a. to have an interest in or take part in some activity
b. to meddle or interfere
10. lay a finger on (usually negative) to harm
11. lay one's finger on put one's finger on to indicate, identify, or locate accurately
12. let slip through one's fingers to allow to escape; miss narrowly
13. not lift a finger not raise a finger (foll by an infinitive) not to make any effort (to do something)
14. point the finger at to accuse or blame
15. put the finger on informal
a. to inform on or identify, esp for the police
b. to choose (the victim or location of an intended crime)
16. twist around one's little finger wrap around one's little finger to have easy and complete control or influence over
17. (tr) to touch or manipulate with the fingers; handle
18. (tr) informal chiefly US to identify as a criminal or suspect
19. (intr) to extend like a finger
20. (Music, other) to use one's fingers in playing (an instrument, such as a piano or clarinet)
21. (Music, other) to indicate on (a composition or part) the fingering required by a pianist, harpsichordist, etc
22. (Music, other) (tr; usually passive) to arrange the keys of (a clarinet, flute, etc) for playing in a certain way
[Old English; related to Old Norse fingr, Gothic figgrs, Old High German fingar; see five, fist]
ˈfingerer n
ˈfingerless adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈfɪŋ gər)

1. any of the jointed terminal members of the hand, esp. one other than the thumb.
2. a part of a glove made to receive a finger.
4. the length of a finger: approximately 4½ in. (11 cm).
5. Slang. an informer or spy.
6. something like a finger in form or use, as a projection or pointer.
7. any of various projecting parts of machines.
8. to touch with the fingers; toy or meddle with; handle.
a. to play on (an instrument) with the fingers.
b. to perform or mark (a passage of music) with a certain fingering.
10. Slang.
a. to inform against or identify (a criminal) to the authorities.
b. to designate as a victim, as of murder or other crime.
11. to touch or handle something with the fingers.
1. give someone the finger, Slang. to express contempt or indignation by extending the middle finger upward in an obscene gesture.
2. keep one's fingers crossed, to wish for good luck or success, esp. in a specific endeavor.
3. twist or wrap around one's (little) finger, to exert complete control over.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English]
fin′ger•er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: fingered
Gerund: fingering

I finger
you finger
he/she/it fingers
we finger
you finger
they finger
I fingered
you fingered
he/she/it fingered
we fingered
you fingered
they fingered
Present Continuous
I am fingering
you are fingering
he/she/it is fingering
we are fingering
you are fingering
they are fingering
Present Perfect
I have fingered
you have fingered
he/she/it has fingered
we have fingered
you have fingered
they have fingered
Past Continuous
I was fingering
you were fingering
he/she/it was fingering
we were fingering
you were fingering
they were fingering
Past Perfect
I had fingered
you had fingered
he/she/it had fingered
we had fingered
you had fingered
they had fingered
I will finger
you will finger
he/she/it will finger
we will finger
you will finger
they will finger
Future Perfect
I will have fingered
you will have fingered
he/she/it will have fingered
we will have fingered
you will have fingered
they will have fingered
Future Continuous
I will be fingering
you will be fingering
he/she/it will be fingering
we will be fingering
you will be fingering
they will be fingering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been fingering
you have been fingering
he/she/it has been fingering
we have been fingering
you have been fingering
they have been fingering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been fingering
you will have been fingering
he/she/it will have been fingering
we will have been fingering
you will have been fingering
they will have been fingering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been fingering
you had been fingering
he/she/it had been fingering
we had been fingering
you had been fingering
they had been fingering
I would finger
you would finger
he/she/it would finger
we would finger
you would finger
they would finger
Past Conditional
I would have fingered
you would have fingered
he/she/it would have fingered
we would have fingered
you would have fingered
they would have fingered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.finger - any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb)finger - any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb); "her fingers were long and thin"
pad - the fleshy cushion-like underside of an animal's foot or of a human's finger
hand, manus, mitt, paw - the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
dactyl, digit - a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding body part in other vertebrates
extremity - that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso
fingertip - the end (tip) of a finger
pollex, thumb - the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb
forefinger, index finger, index - the finger next to the thumb
annualry, ring finger - the third finger (especially of the left hand)
middle finger - the second finger; between the index finger and the ring finger
little finger, pinkie, pinky - the finger farthest from the thumb
fingernail - the nail at the end of a finger
knuckle, knuckle joint, metacarpophalangeal joint - a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
2.finger - the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure
linear measure, linear unit - a unit of measurement of length
3.finger - one of the parts of a glove that provides covering for a finger or thumb
covering - an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)
glove - handwear: covers the hand and wrist
Verb1.finger - feel or handle with the fingers; "finger the binding of the book"
touch - make physical contact with, come in contact with; "Touch the stone for good luck"; "She never touched her husband"
2.finger - examine by touch; "Feel this soft cloth!"; "The customer fingered the sweater"
feel - grope or feel in search of something; "He felt for his wallet"
3.finger - search for on the computer; "I fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons"
look for, search, seek - try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
4.finger - indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
point, indicate, designate, show - indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


2. strip, piece, band, sliver, bit a thin finger of land
1. touch, feel, handle, play with, manipulate, paw (informal), maul, toy with, fiddle with (informal), meddle with, play about with He fingered the few coins in his pocket.
2. inform on, shop (slang, chiefly Brit.), grass (Brit. slang), rat (informal), betray, notify, peach (slang), tip off, squeal (slang), leak to, incriminate, tell on (informal), blow the whistle on (informal), snitch (slang), blab, nark (Brit., Austral., & N.Z. slang), inculpate They fingered him to the police.
put your finger on something identify, place, remember, discover, indicate, recall, find out, locate, pin down, bring to mind, hit upon, hit the nail on the head She couldn't quite put her finger on the reason.
Related words
adjective digital
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To bring the hands or fingers, for example, into contact with so as to give or receive a physical sensation:
2. Slang. To establish the identification of:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إِصْبَعإصْبَعإصْبَع الكَفكُل ما يَشْبِه الإصبَعيَلمس بالإصْبَع
fingerfingerere vedføle påstrimmel
ujjkeskeny szeletmegtapogat
fingursnerta, òreifa á
būti sugrubusiomis rankomiskišti nosįkištispiršto atspaudaspiršto galiukas
aiztiktaptaustītiegarens gabalsiegarens grauzdētas maizes gabaliņšpiedurties ar pirkstiem
prstdržati pesti
parmakparmak atmakparmakla dokunmak/ellemekeldiven parmağıişaret etmek
ngón taychọcđâm


A. N
1. (Anat) → dedo m
I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times you've taken me outcon los dedos de la mano se pueden contar las veces que me has sacado
to cross one's fingers, keep one's fingers crossed I'll keep my fingers crossed for youcruzo los dedos (por ti), ojalá tengas suerte
fingers crossed! (for someone) → ¡(que tengas) suerte!, ¡buena suerte!; (for yourself) → ¡deséame suerte!
index finger(dedo m) índice m
they never laid a finger on herno le pusieron la mano encima
he didn't lift a finger to help usno movió un dedo para ayudarnos
she never lifts a finger around the housenunca mueve un dedo para ayudar en la casa
little finger(dedo m) meñique m
middle finger(dedo m) corazón m or medio m
ring finger(dedo m) anular m
to snap one's fingerschasquear los dedos
she only has to snap her fingers and he comes runningno tiene más que chasquear los dedos y él viene corriendo
to burn one's fingers; get one's fingers burntpillarse los dedos
to get or pull one's finger outespabilarse
to have a finger in every pieestar metido en todo
to point the finger at sbacusar a algn, señalar a algn
evidence points the finger of suspicion at his wifelas pruebas señalan a su mujer como sospechosa
to put one's finger on sth there's something wrong, but I can't put my finger on ithay algo que está mal, pero no sé exactamente qué
there was nothing you could put your finger onno había nada concreto
to slip through one's fingersescapársele de las manos
to be all fingers and thumbsser un/una manazas, ser muy desmañado/a
he's got her twisted round his little fingerhace con ella lo que quiere
to put two fingers up at sb; give sb the two fingershacer un corte de mangas a algn
to work one's fingers to the bonedejarse la piel trabajando
see also pulse, twist B1
2. [of glove] → dedo m
3. (= shape) → franja f
a finger of smokeuna franja de humo
a finger of land projecting into the seauna lengua de tierra adentrándose en el mar
4. (= measure) [of drink] → dedo m
1. (= touch) → toquetear
2. (Brit) (= betray, inform on) → delatar
3. (Mus) [+ piano] → teclear; [+ guitar] → rasguear; [+ music score] → marcar la digitación de
C. CPD finger bowl Nlavafrutas m inv
finger buffet Nbuffet m de canapés
finger food N (for babies) comida que los bebés pueden agarrar y comer con las manos (US) → canapés mpl
finger paint Npintura f para pintar con los dedos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


n [person] → doigt m
my little finger → mon petit doigt
to have a ring on one's finger → porter une bague
to lay a finger on sb (= harm)
I've never laid a finger on either of the kids → Je n'ai jamais levé la main sur aucun des enfants.
to never lift a finger
He never lifts a finger → Il ne lève jamais le petit doigt.
No one lifted a finger to help them → Personne n'a levé le petit doigt pour les aider.
to keep one's fingers crossed, to cross one's fingers (fig)croiser les doigts
to point the finger at sb, to point an accusing finger at sb (= accuse) → montrer qn du doigt
to point the finger of suspicion at sb (= accuse) → faire peser des soupçons sur qn
to point the finger of blame at sb (= accuse) → faire porter le blâme à qn
to put one's finger on sth (fig) (= identify) → mettre le doigt sur qch
to get one's fingers burned, to burn one's fingers (fig) [entrepreneur, investor] → se brûler les doigts
to have a finger in every pie → toucher à tout
to get one's finger out, to pull one's finger out (British)se remuer
to slip through sb's fingers (= elude) [person] → glisser entre les doigts de qn; [opportunity] → filer entre les doigts de qn
vtpalper, toucherfinger bowl nrince-doigts m invfinger food namuse-gueules mpl
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Finger m; she can twist him round her little fingersie kann ihn um den (kleinen) Finger wickeln; to have a finger in every pieüberall die Finger drin or im Spiel haben (inf), → überall mitmischen (inf); I forbid you to lay a finger on himich verbiete Ihnen, ihm auch nur ein Härchen zu krümmen; I didn’t lay a finger on herich habe sie nicht angerührt; he wouldn’t lift a finger to help meer würde keinen Finger rühren, um mir zu helfen; he didn’t lift a finger (around the house)er hat (im Haus) keinen Finger krumm gemacht (inf); to point one’s finger at somebodymit dem Finger auf jdn zeigen; to point the finger or an accusing finger at somebody (fig)mit Fingern auf jdn zeigen; to point the finger of suspicion/blame at somebodyjdn verdächtigen/beschuldigen; I can’t put my finger on it, but …ich kann es nicht genau ausmachen, aber …; you’ve put your finger on it thereda haben Sie den kritischen Punkt berührt; to put the finger on somebody (inf)jdn verpfeifen (inf); to get or pull one’s finger out (Brit inf) → Nägel mit Köpfen machen (inf); pull your finger out! (Brit inf) → es wird Zeit, dass du Nägel mit Köpfen machst! (inf); to give somebody the finger (esp US inf) → jdm den Stinkefinger zeigen (inf) ? cross
(of whisky etc) → Fingerbreit m
(= touch)anfassen; (= toy, meddle with)befingern, herumfingern an (+dat)
(inf: = inform on) → verpfeifen
(Mus, = mark for fingering) → mit einem Fingersatz versehen; to finger the keys/stringsin die Tasten/Saiten greifen


finger alphabet
nGriffbrett nt
finger bowl
nFingerschale f
finger buffet
nBuffet ntmit Appetithappen
vt to finger one’s hairsich (dat)die Haare mit den Fingern trocknen
finger exercise
nFingerübung f
finger food
nAppetithappen pl
finger hole
n (in flute etc) → Griffloch nt


nFingernagel m
finger paint
nFingerfarbe f
vtmit Fingerfarben malen
nFingerabdruck m; to take somebody’s fingersjdm Fingerabdrücke abnehmen
vt to finger somebody/somethingjdm/von etw Fingerabdrücke nehmen
fingerprint expert
nSachverständige(r) mffür Fingerabdrücke
nFingerling m
nFingerspitze f; to have something at one’s fingers (fig: = know very well) → etw aus dem Effeff kennen (inf); (= have at one’s immediate disposal)etw im kleinen Finger (inf)or parat haben; everything you need is at your fingersalles, was Sie brauchen, steht Ihnen zur Verfügung; to one’s fingers (fig)durch und durch
fingertip control
n (of steering wheel etc)mühelose Steuerung; to have fingersich mühelos bedienen lassen
fingertip search
nDurchkämmungsaktion f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. ndito
his fingers are all thumbs, he is all fingers and thumbs → è molto maldestro
keep your fingers crossed → fai gli scongiuri
they never laid a finger on her → non l'hanno mai nemmeno toccata
he didn't lift a finger to help → non ha mosso un dito per aiutare
I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong → non riesco a vedere cosa c'è di sbagliato
to twist sb round one's little finger → fare quello che si vuole di qn
to have a finger in every pie → avere le mani in pasta dappertutto
to pull one's finger out (fig, fam) → darsi una mossa
2. vttoccare, tastare; (keyboard) → far scorrere le dita su
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈfiŋgə) noun
1. one of the five end parts of the hand, sometimes excluding the thumb. She pointed a finger at the thief.
2. the part of a glove into which a finger is put.
3. anything made, shaped, cut etc like a finger. a finger of toast.
to touch or feel with the fingers. She fingered the material.
ˈfingernail noun
the nail at the tip of the finger.
ˈfingerprint noun
the mark made by the tip of the finger, often used by the police etc as a means of identification. The thief wiped his fingerprints off the safe.
ˈfingertip noun
the very end of a finger. He cut his fingertip by accident while preparing the salad.
be all fingers and thumbs / my etc fingers are all thumbs
to be very awkward or clumsy in handling or holding things. He was so excited that his fingers were all thumbs and he dropped the cup.
have (something) at one's fingertips
to know all the details of (a subject) thoroughly. He has the history of the firm at his fingertips.
have a finger in the pie / in every pie
to be involved in everything that happens. She likes to have a finger in every pie in the village.
put one's finger on
to point out or describe exactly; to identify. She put her finger on the cause of our financial trouble.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


إِصْبَع prst finger Finger δάχτυλο dedo sormi doigt prst dito 手の指 손가락 vinger finger palec dedo палец finger นิ้วมือ parmak ngón tay 手指
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. dedo de la mano;
___ agnosiaagnosia del ___;
___ nose testprueba de la nariz y el ___;
___ -shapeddigitiforme;
first ___dedo índice;
little ___dedo meñique;
mallet ___dedo en martillo.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n dedo (de la mano); — pad pulpejo del dedo; index — dedo índice; little — dedo meñique (de la mano); middle — dedo medio, dedo corazón (esp. Esp); ring — dedo anular
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
He cleared the airways with a finger sweep and then gently patted between the boy's shoulder blades to stimulate breathing, according to ( SFGate.
I told him to take his time." When she realised he was choking she carried out a finger sweep of his mouth but some bread remained lodged.
Abder-Rahman, "Infants choking following blind finger sweep," Jornal de Pediatria, vol.