Pygidium short, with two dorsolateral cirri and a
fimbriate anal plate.
Character Saissetia miranda Saissetia oleae Ventral tubular ducts One type with slender One type with slender filament filament Dorsal setae Conical and conspicuous Spiniform Tibio-tarsal sclerose Present Usually present (*) Marginal setae Long and
fimbriate in -- the apex Number of marginal setae between anterior stigmatic clefts Between 40 and 60 Two Between 14 and 24 sizes Number of marginal setae between anterior and posterior stigmatic clefts.
Rhizomes long creeping, covered with membranous ovate-apiculate scales; rhizome scales comose in distinct grades on dorsal surface, bicolorous with a dark central streak of sclerotic cells and pale margins, which are denticulate to erose; blade lanceolate to oblanceolate, basally pinnatisect and lobed to pinnatifid distally, with proximal lobe free; laminar scales scattered on abaxial surface and glabrescent on adaxial surface, with round to ovate scales with apiculate or caudate apices, center obscure brown, margins pale brown,
fimbriate to ciliate; midribs and secondary veins not visible; sori oblong, with orbicular, peltate scales similar to those in the lamina; spores bilateral, abortive, prominently verrucate.
(2013) found that the increase of C[O.sub.2] concentration reduced the incubation period of Ceratocystis
fimbriateFimbriate to afimbirate switch can be mediated by FimE gene product at twice magnitude frequency than FimB gene product, providing an efficient mechanism of rapidly ending fimbriae synthesis in reply to suitable environmental stimuli.14
A Comparison of the adhesion, coaggregation and cell-surface hydrophobicity properties of fibrillar and
fimbriate strains of Streptococcus salivarias.
Sexual dimorphism: Genital papilla in male not
fimbriate, long and slender, slightly bilobed at tip, its maximum length extending to base of about anal-fin spine or first soft anal-fin ray; female papilla short, bulbous, with several finger-like projections at edge of opening, extending almost to anal spine.
Cephalic lappets are present, the free margin ranging from finely digitate to microscopically
fimbriate. The cephalic tentacles are well developed and micropapillate.
Dentalina fro -- -- -- 0.07 -- -- -- bis here ns is Epistominella -- -- -- 0.07 -- -- -- exigua Fissurina 0.05 -- -- -- -- -- -- bradyii Fissitrina 0.58 0.78 1.39 0.68 1.40 0.71 1.48
fimbriate * Total Relative % in all Box core 4 counts subsamples % counted in subsample Calcareous species Astacolus 5 0.07 reniformis Astrononion 1 0.01 gallowayi Bolivina 4 0.06 subspinescens Buccella 2 0.03 frigida Cibicides 0.00 rugosus Cibicides sp.
Opposite decussate leaves; glauco-pruinose, specially in the adaxial face, varying in size and shape; ovate blade (or ovate-lanceolate, ovate-elliptic, ovate-oblong, ellipticoblong, (4-) 5.5-9 (-12) cm long and (2.5-) 3.5-5 (-7) cm wide, coriaceous; Acute or obtuse apex (sometimes acuminate); cordate base; margin entire,
fimbriate; venation mix craspedodromous, inconspicuous at the adaxial face.