fifth grade

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fifth grade

(Education) (in the US)the fifth year of school, when children are ten or eleven years old
ˌfifth-ˈgrader n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This booklet is designed to inform you, parents, of DoDEA's expectations for students in the four major curriculum areas-reading/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies-at the fifth grade level.
Christmas Classic Hoops Camp: A basketball camp for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade will be held Dec.
In a statement on the occasion of His Majesty the Sultan's conferring Oman Civil Order of the fifth grade on Hajj contractors, he said ' This royal grant is only a very simple example of His Majesty the Sultan's interest in man whether working at the public or private sector or at charitable organizations.
In fifth grade, the additional class time with firefighters allows more involved lessons, such as how fire burns and fire extinguisher demonstrations.
The researchers looked at relations between sleep and emotional development when children were in third and fifth grades; they also compared how children's sleep when they were in third grade was related to their well-being when they were in fifth grade.
"The Life of..." series consists of eight 32-page books written on a fifth grade reading level with an interest level appropriate for grades 6-12 and showcasing life in selected ancient cultures.
The handhelds may follow the students into fifth grade, or the school may purchase another set so that both fourth and fifth graders can use them in their learning.
The problems were reviewed by the two participating fifth grade teachers and the two participating sixth grade teachers.
Akilah Hunter is spending her tenth summer looking forward to the return of her best friend Victoria Ojike from Nigeria, and to the start of fifth grade, but not to getting her first period, even though her mother has told her she's an "early bloomer." However, when Victoria and her family come back to Queens, something is wrong.
For phases I and II, participants included all 331 fifth grade students in a large, rural, Southeastern public school district.
I teach fifth grade in California and wanted to match the Web sites with the standards.