expanded metal

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expanded metal

(Metallurgy) an open mesh of metal produced by stamping out alternating slots in a metal sheet and stretching it into an open pattern. It is used for reinforcing brittle or friable materials and in fencing
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Headquartered in Wallingford, Connecticut, Dexmet is the leading provider of customized, highly-engineered expanded metal foils and polymers for mission-critical applications including lightning strike protection, power storage technology and structural technology.
The patented secret to this innovation is the expanded metal mesh material that the company first introduced to American homes in 1986.
The Expanded Metal Company, which develops and supplies a wide range of expanded metal mesh products, has recruited DAMIAN FERRIS-EAMER to support business development and client management in Northumberland, Cumbria, Yorkshire, County Durham, Lancashire and Derbyshire.
Miami, Florida-based private investment firm Empire has completed the acquisitions of expanded metal manufacturing companies Hartlepool, England-based Expanded Metal Company and Hanover, Germany-based Sorst Streckmetall, from US-based building products manufacturer Gibraltar Industries, Inc.
MetalSpand is a locally-owned and operated expanded metal manufacturer that serves customers across the South-Central US.
The patent-pending design of the filter includes a heavy-duty, galvanised expanded metal support grid combined with high-strength wet beverage board.
and Canada, with products that include carbon and alloy steel-in bars, beams, sheet and plate, steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finished steel, steel fasteners, metal building systems, light gauge steel framing, steel grating and expanded metal, and wire and wire mesh, has increased the regular quarterly cash dividend on the company's common stock.
Expamet is a market leader in plasterers' accessories, builders' metalwork, construction and expanded metal mesh.
Guards on the Triton include a manual hinged front with magnetic safety switch interlock, sheet metal wrap for easy removal for maintenance access and expanded metal windows.
An example of a material which had been made lighter is expanded metal. Expanded metal is produced by shearing and expanding sheet metal with the thickness between 0.4 and 6 mm.
THE EXPANDED METAL COMPANY (EMV) has been working closely for over two years with sports car manufacturer, Farbio Sports Cars in the development of a new production GTS car.

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