At a North American amusement park, an advanced attacker targeted an IoT device - a physical locker designed to store personal belongings - in an attempt to
exfiltrate such data.
Moreover, they follow trends and implement functionality to
exfiltrate data from applications that are currently popular.
In the first exploit, hackers can '
exfiltrate' emails in plaintext by exploiting a weakness inherent in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is used in web design and in formatting emails.
Meanwhile, a tense Saul (Mandy Patinkin) finally gets the green light for his mission to
exfiltrate Simone Martin from Russia.
Japanese enterprises and government agencies are being swarmed with hacker attempts to invade their networks and endpoints to
exfiltrate privileged and personal information.
Throughout 2015 multiple threat actors used sophisticated TTPs in order to infiltrate organisations and
exfiltrate valuable data.
A patrol from every participating team is tasked to infiltrate in terrorist infested area, carry out a task and
"A lot of the foreign fighters, we expect will stay because they're not going to be able to
exfiltrate as easily as some of the local fighters or the local leadership," Volesky said.
* 63 percent of risky user activity in the cloud indicates attempts to
exfiltrate data.
But we know that he led six helicopters in, exposed to withering fire, to
exfiltrate the embattled force.
Are you sure they didn't
exfiltrate a clean copy of the data before they encrypted it?
So he needs to elevate access and then establish control so he can slowly move that data to a waypoint and then, ultimately,
exfiltrate that data outside of your environment, or, in the case of the highly publicized recent Sony Pictures hack, destroy that data.