equal to
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Adj. | 1. | equal to - having the requisite qualities for; "equal to the task"; "the work isn't up to the standard I require" |
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كُفء، قادِر على
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işin altından kalkacak güçte
(ˈiːkwəl) adjective the same in size, amount, value etc. four equal slices; coins of equal value; Are these pieces equal in size? Women want equal wages with men.
noun one of the same age, rank, ability etc. I am not his equal at running.
verb – past tense, past participle ˈequalled , (American) ˈequaled – to be the same in amount, value, size etc. I cannot hope to equal him; She equalled his score of twenty points; Five and five equals ten.
equality (iˈkwoləti) noun the state of being equal. Women want equality of opportunity with men.
ˈequalize, ˈequalise verb to make or become equal. Our team were winning by one goal – but the other side soon equalized.
ˈequally adverbAll are equally good; He divided his chocolate equally between us.
equal to fit or able for. I didn't feel equal to telling him the truth.
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