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adj. emp·ti·er, emp·ti·est
a. Having nothing inside or on the surface; holding or containing nothing: an empty bag; an empty lot.
b. Mathematics Having no elements or members; null: an empty set.
a. Having no occupants; not being used: an empty chair.
b. Not having an incumbent or occupant; unfilled: an empty post at the embassy.
c. Not put to purposeful use; idle: empty hours.
3. Lacking force or power: an empty threat.
4. Lacking purpose or substance; meaningless: an empty life.
5. Needing nourishment; hungry: "More fierce and more inexorable far / Than empty tigers or the roaring sea" (Shakespeare).
6. Devoid; destitute: empty of pity.
v. emp·tied, emp·ty·ing, emp·ties
1. To remove the contents of: emptied the dishwasher.
2. To transfer or pour off completely: empty the ashes into a pail.
3. To unburden; relieve: empty oneself of doubt.
1. To become empty: The theater emptied after the performance.
2. To discharge its contents: The river empties into a bay.
n. pl. emp·ties Informal
An empty container.

[Middle English, from Old English ǣmtig, vacant, unoccupied, from ǣmetta, leisure; see med- in Indo-European roots.]

emp′ti·ly adv.
emp′ti·ness n.
Synonyms: empty, vacant, blank, void, vacuous
These adjectives mean without contents that could or should be present. Empty is the broadest and can apply to what lacks contents (an empty box), occupants (an empty seat), or substance (an empty promise). Vacant has a similar range of application, including lacking an occupant (a vacant auditorium), an incumbent (a vacant position), or something useful or substantial (a vacant lot); it can also refer to what is without intelligence or expression (a vacant stare). Blank applies specifically to the absence of writing or images on a surface (a blank page; a blank screen) and can extend to a lack of awareness or understanding (a blank look). Void emphasizes the utter degree to which something is lacking, whether physical (a planet void of life) or intangible (a humdrum performance void of spirit or energy). Vacuous describes what is lacking in substance, interest, or intelligence (vacuous entertainment; a vacuous personality). See Also Synonyms at vain.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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there are so many great thoughts that do nothing more than the bellows: they inflate, and make emptier than ever.
It was dusk in the room, which, large and empty at all times, now appeared larger and emptier than usual.
The June death of Dawn Sturgess from nerve agent in a perfume bottle left streets even emptier.
Wang Yi, the college graduate, said fishermen returned from the sea with emptier and emptier nets before China imposed seasonal moratoriums on fishing operations in the late-1990s to protect fish stocks from further depletion.
It also directs worshippers to the emptier courts to avoid crowding.
Pockets emptier, inclined "That means pockets are getting emptier, so people are understandably less inclined to go out for something to eat - and when they do, they spend less.
That tent @Channel4 have bought is looking emptier and emptier ..."
"Going there will bring back a few memories, even if it'll be a wee bit emptier than usual.
"Scoring against Celtic is also something to look back on, but it will be emptier if in years to come I am telling my kids about it and they ask, 'Did you win the cup, dad?' and I have to tell them we didn't.
"The stadiums are emptier than in other countries and we see more violence in Italy than elsewhere.
e fact that quite a few people go on holiday over the Easter break, now is your opportunity to head to the gym when it is emptier and enjoy the smaller class sizes and quieter gym environment.
If it also has an emptier look they might wish to revisit this decision.