discounted cash flow

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Related to discounted cash flow: Net present value

discounted cash flow

(Accounting & Book-keeping) accounting a technique for appraising an investment that takes into account the different values of future returns according to when they will be received. Abbreviation: DCF
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Discounted Cash Flow Valuations is the amount a vessel would be expected to earn as a working vehicle, where value is expressed as the sum of the discounted projected annual earnings over the remaining life of the ship plus the discounted residual (scrap) value.
Here we address the following main question: Is the level of earnings management by listed Brazilian companies subject to CPC 29 greater for those that use the discounted cash flow method to value biological assets in relation to other methods?
Speaking as a land-use and zoning attorney, I would advise appraisers who use discounted cash flow analysis on proposed projects without al!
For all three periods the two largest discounted cash flows are the beginning and ending value of the index.
"In case both spouses are actively involved in the business, multiple methods such as market multiples, transaction multiples and discounted cash flow methods can be used to value the company," says Divya Baweja, senior director, Deloitte India, a consultancy firm that also offers business valuation services.
When applying the method of discounted cash flows to high-tech companies, it is sometimes difficult to produce an assessment because of recurring losses early in the cycle and the definition of the terminal value.
The discounted cash flow method will facilitate investments by resident venture capital funds which generally invest at a premium taking into account the estimated cash flow of the companies in which they invest.
"We valued Holcim share at $16.6 using a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method based on a five-year forecast and a discount rate of 15 percent.
The target price has been increased after adjustments to assumptions in discounted cash flow valuation.