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1. A small natural indentation in the flesh on a part of the human body, especially in the cheek or on the chin.
2. A slight depression or indentation in a surface.
v. dim·pled, dim·pling, dim·ples
To form dimples by smiling.
To produce dimples in.

[Middle English dimpel.]

dim′ply adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


adj facevoll(er) Grübchen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Aladdin, I can't bear it;--it's--it's not one of my dimply days!" and she ran in at the seminary gate, and disappeared with a farewell wave of her hand.
As Kathy, whose mother's side of the family goes way back with the Irish mob, Plainfield native McCarthy brings a dimply, maternal concern that just happens to be packing heat.
It's big news as a nonsurgical facelift, but Dr Tatiana, the first to launch it in the UK, says it's also effective on any area that needs to be smoothed and tightened, from bingo wings and slack tummies to dimply bums.
It's big news as a non-surgical facelift butDr Tatiana, the first to offer it in the UK, says it's also effective on any area that needs to be smoothed and tightened, from bingo wings and slack tummies to dimply bums.
She is one adorable, dimply, beautiful girl!" the post began.
In the study carried out on behalf of Cellfina, 74% of women said cellulite impacted their outfit choices on holiday and 48% revealed they would think twice about going away with extended family because they wouldn't want to reveal their dimply skin.
In the study carried out on behalf of Cellfina, 74% of women said cellulite impacted on their outfit choices on holiday and 48% revealed they would think twice about going away with extended family because they wouldn't want to reveal their dimply skin.
(iv) a [less than or equal to] c and b [less than or equal to] dimply a [??] b [less than or equal to] c [??] d for a, b, c, d [member of] [0, 1].
And the next time someone wants to use a picture of Minaj scowling in a news report, I'll have a few shots of her dimply smile right on my iPhone that I can provide them myself.
Those are the dimply bits that go on the side and come in four contrasting colours - black, grey, dune and chocolate.
But pay a little dedicated attention to your dimply bits and you can improve the appearance of cellulite before you reunite with your bikini.
(If, however, they become a vitriolic career-damaging campaign, that's another story and one which deserves the full force of the law or an electric cattle prod up the bahookie, whichever is to hand.) Most mainstream publications have a go at celebs either overtly or covertly, whether it's a centre spread of stretch marks and dimply legs or the more subtle approach of damning with faint praise.