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1. Extremely or extraordinarily small. See Synonyms at small.
2. Grammar Of or being a suffix that indicates smallness or, by semantic extension, qualities such as youth, familiarity, affection, or contempt, as -let in booklet, -kin in lambkin, or -et in nymphet.
1. Grammar A diminutive suffix, word, or name.
2. A very small person or thing.

[Middle English diminutif, from Old French, from Latin dīminūtīvus, from dīminūtus, past participle of dīminuere; see diminish.]

di·min′u·tive·ly adv.
di·min′u·tive·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.diminutiveness - the property of being very small in sizediminutiveness - the property of being very small in size; "hence the minuteness of detail in the painting"
littleness, smallness - the property of having a relatively small size
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Considering my diminutiveness, the size of the pail in my lap, and my drinking out of it my breath held and my face buried to the ears in foam, it was rather difficult to estimate how much I drank.
First, the input was provided by the semantics of diminutiveness in !Xun and Ik.
The technique does not require any diminutiveness presumptions or linearization to solve the ordinary and partial differential equations and this produces the strategy extremely effective among alternate strategies.
The masters, too, he regarded as his friends, for they had patiently taught him what he eagerly wanted to learn: Dee-Gee, of the suntanned face and beetled brows; Doldrums, the geography master; Pappy, the benign, doe-eyed philosopher; Edmunds, the poetical, whimsical Welsh master who commanded his scholars to lay their heads on the desks to listen to the grass growing; Dai Tot, tall as the tallest beanstalk; Bowen Bach, whose diminutiveness belied his capacity for knowledge; Monsieur, the French master, whose voice was like the wind among the reeds, and whose eyes ever twinkled with laughter; and Shon, the quiet, dignified literary scholar.
"Please, he's a toy poodle, the smallest kind," I said, alluding to their common diminutiveness. "My three- year-old, my daughter, she thinks he's just a puppy."
Father Christmas emphasizes the goblins' diminutiveness by commenting that "Goblins are to us very much what rats are to you" (52).